The pre-trial also nodded with Miss Lungobier, then got up and got into the carriage. After saying goodbye to Siska, he ran to the border river to the north, and the picnic really started.

And along the way, what Ye Luna said, Miss Lungobier kept silent, and responded with a "Hurry up!"

After arriving at Jiehe, Miss Lungobier quickly started various jobs, chopping vegetables and grilling, making Yeyueshen dazzled. When Yeyueshen reacted, Miss Lungobier had already prepared a meal and put it on the table. in front of the night moon god.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and eat!"

Miss Lungobier put the food in front of Ye Luna and said lightly.

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen also felt that Miss Lungobier was going to say something to herself, so he hurriedly finished the meal in front of him. Seeing the expectant look in Miss Lungobier's eyes, he didn't forget to say, "It's delicious!"

"If it's delicious, eat more, and when you're full, I'll have a good talk with you!"

Miss Lungobier smiled at Ye Luna, then Ye Luna hurriedly finished the rest of the meal, and then heard Miss Lungobier say:

"You know why I like to cook?"

"do not know……"

"Because I cook, I can see and touch what I feel inside!"

"and then?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier curiously, and in her eyes, Ye Yueshen saw some kind of emotion.

"But I can't see or touch your emotions, I can only feel them!"

Miss Lungobier stood up, looked at Ye Luna, and said while holding back her tears.

Chapter [-] Labor is the most glorious

"Uh, is it?"

Ye Luna was startled by Miss Lungobier's reaction, stood up and said with some doubts:

"What did I do to make you feel that my feelings for you are invisible and intangible?"

"You have the nerve to say..."

Miss Lungobier pouted and said:

"From Tabatha to Louise to Siska now, I really don't know what you want!"

"Uh, it seems that you are very distressed..."

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with a stupefied expression, and said:

"If you think I'm being a fan, then I really have nothing to say. I just think that the world is already dark, so people yearn for the light, and the biggest problem now is that I am only on you. Having discovered the hope of this world, I yearn for light, even if it is a god, only light can make people feel comfortable and at ease, and when the world is full of evil and shameless people, it will make people uneasy! That's it!"

"Uh, is it..."

Lungobier looked at Ye Luna speechlessly, not knowing what to say for a while.

"That's it, I am a philanthropist myself!"

Ye Luna smiled and said to Miss Lungobier:

"I'm willing to be with you guys. If I bring suspicion, resentment and anxiety, I'm afraid I can only say sorry to you!"

"All right……"

Hearing what Ye Luna said, Miss Lungobier could only nod silently.

"Let's go for a walk, I always feel that the bank of the river is the best place for a walk!"

Ye Luna stood up, stretched out his arms friendly to Miss Lungobier, and his face was full of smiles.


Miss Lungobier took Yeyueshen's arm and tidied things up casually. The two of them walked on the bank of the Jiehe River, looking at the sparkling lake, and chatted without a word. Of course, in the end Yeyue God still brought the topic to his adventures in Albion.

Without Siska by her side, Miss Lungobier still listened very seriously, at least making Ye Yueshen feel that her words were taken seriously. In most cases, Miss Lungobier refuted Yeyueshen's words in the past. Yes, but this time, Miss Lungobier seemed to have taken off her hard shell, and listened carefully to Ye Luna telling her own adventure story. more and more smiles!

"I didn't expect you to listen to my story so seriously!"

Night Moon God said with a smile.At this time, the two of them had circled the Jiehe River and returned to the picnic place.

"That's because it's just the two of us. If I don't listen to you, who should I listen to?"

Miss Lungobier responded indifferently, and took out the packaged things to prepare for the next picnic.


Being speechless by Miss Lungobier's words, Ye Luna could only helplessly watch Miss Lungobier's busy figure on the lawn next to her.

"All right!"

Miss Lungobier brought a plate of dishes and said with a lovely smile to Ye Luna:

"I just said that casually, how can I keep you silent for so long?"

"Well, I'm actually looking at how you cook, and I'm going to go back and make a plate for Louise to try!"

Ye Yueshen said without showing weakness.Immediately, Miss Lungobier's hand trembled, and she almost overturned the table!

"Have you learned?"

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