Looking at Ye Luna with gnashing teeth, Miss Lungobier squeezed these words out of her teeth.


Yeyueshen said in a low voice, at this time he was completely frightened by Miss Lungobier's reaction, while Miss Lungobier's body was pressing against Yeyueshen's body, and his eyes were only ten different from Yeyueshen's eyes. cm distance!

"It's fine if you don't, if you learn it, I can let you cook!"

Miss Lungobier said softly, but the tone of voice made Ye Luna listen to it as if it was fortunate that you could speak, otherwise you would be dead.

"What if it doesn't work?"

Ye Yueshen said with a smile, the steel drill in Miss Lungobier's hand shone in the sunlight, making Ye Yueshen tremble when he saw it.

"Chop your hands!"

Miss Lungobier said lightly...

After a small-scale fright test, Ye Luna sat in his seat honestly, waiting for Miss Lungobier's meal to arrive, no longer talking nonsense...

And Miss Lungobier continued to prepare the meal with quick movements, and then the two of them finished the meal in silence. After that, Ye Luna personally led Miss Lungobier into the river and grabbed the river under the sun. Although he did not plan to catch the small fish and shrimp, but after one afternoon, Ye Yueshen found that the small fish and shrimp he had caught were not enough to take away!

"What a talent!"

Miss Lungobi threw the small fish into the river and said to Ye Luna:

"Originally, this boundary river is not big, but you actually caught all the fish and shrimp in it, really!"

"I was not careful too!"

Ye Yueshen said innocently:

"Who made the joy of harvesting so tempting~ I couldn't help it, so I caught a lot!"

Ye Yueshen said, pointed to a large pile of crabs next to him and said:

"Miss, you caught all the crabs from grandfather to grandson in this river, and throw some back in it..."


Miss Lungobier firmly refused:

"Crabs will soften the sand and shrink the riverbed, I do it for the river!"

"It seems that as long as it is drilled into the mud, it has this function..."

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with a black line, but he couldn't help but put his hand on the crab pile and tapped it lightly, and then a spectacular scene happened!

The crabs waiting to die in the crab cage suddenly overturned the crab cage and rushed into the river like the wind!


Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna angrily, pointed her finger at Ye Luna's nose and said:

"you are vicious!"

After speaking, before Ye Yueshen could react, he threw the fish cage next to Ye Yueshen into the river, and there was nothing left!

"Fish are innocent!"

Yeyueshen watched the fruits of his labor being thrown back like this, and came down with tears in his eyes, and then was dragged to the carriage by Miss Lungobier, and returned to Siska with the only remaining cage of crabs. at home.

Chapter [-] Encouragement

"It's delicious!"

After Yeyueshen finished eating the whole plate of spicy crabs, he covered his stomach with satisfaction. Although Yeyueshen didn't need to eat, he was very happy to be able to eat such a delicacy in the world!

"of course!"

Miss Lungobier replied:

"Don't look who made it! Without me! Can you eat such good crabs?"

"I'm talking about cooking skills, not someone who caught these things out of the river!"

Ye Luna added softly in Miss Lungobier's ear.

"Uh, what happened to the two of you? After coming back from the river, you look obviously a little excited!"

Siska said with a smile while eating his own crab, looking at Ye Luna.

"well enough!"

Night Moon God nodded and said:

"It's just that the fruits of my labor were lost by someone! I feel bad!"

Ye Yueshen said faintly, still thinking about the fish he caught.

"Humph! I'm just for the ecology of this river! If you're like you, there must be no fish in this river!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna with disdain, as if she had done something to be proud of!


Ye Yueshen said dissatisfiedly:

"Then you don't have to throw all the fish I caught, why don't you leave two!"

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