How can I say it... I feel like I belong to myself. Could it be that this police station... has been bought off?ぅ It's very possible. ︴~The application for a meeting was approved at once, and then there is the current meeting.Kanzaki Kanae was not taken to the other side of the glass, but went directly to their side, met directly, and was able to touch.

Which, must be full of transactions.

Money trading.

The current Kanzaki Kanae is free no matter how you look at it.

"Mom... Now the real Butei killer is already in sight. As long as she catches her, the crime of mother can be reduced! From 621 to 500 years."

Aria said excitedly, sniffing her mother's breath obsessively.

Although this eyebrow is the bicycle that Yagami was planted with a bomb.

"This is really good news, but, Aria, you need to walk slowly in the road of life and don't run too fast, or you will fall. There is still a long time before the court date. You can go to the court with your father. Working together... Mom believes in you."

Kanzaki Kanae said while rubbing Aria's head.At the same time, he moved his gaze to Ye Shenyue's body.

"Aria goes out first, mom has something to discuss with your dad."

Touching Aria's head again, Mommy-sama instructed, and finally led the topic to Father Yashinyuki.

"This...I know."

Aria is still very nice.He nodded, opened the door and went out.What makes people concerned is that the two female police officers have also gone out.

Definitely a deal buy.

"That... Kanae... um..."

Ye Shenyue recalled the name of Aria's mother, and chose a more friendly name, but he just said aloud Kanzaki Kanae directly rushed over, put his arms around Yagami's neck, and the whole person embraced .

Is this to show intimacy?

Ye Shenyue is definitely not Liu Xiahui.He wrapped his arms around the shoulders of "wife" and kissed directly on the very familiar lips.

If he has no memory, as long as he has close contact with the other party, he can retrieve part of the memory.

This point has been explained to him in detail and demonstrated by Ariel in the zombie world.

Sure enough, when he kissed Kanzaki Kanae's lips, some memories suddenly popped up in his head.

That was the memory of his conspiracy with Kanesaki Kanae.

About the crimes of Iyu and now Kanzaki Kanae.

The crimes are all fake, and they are all added to Kanzaki Kane by the members of Yiyu.Kanzaki Kanae was wronged, but he was an insider and participant.

These are all agreed upon to hone Aria.

But Ye Shenyue understood that this was just an excuse.Because he is not strong enough and has no power to change the main line of the plot, he can only let the main line continue.

Let Aria continue to grow, and all her mother's crimes will be eliminated.

As for Yiyu, it was created by Yagami, Kanai and Aria's great-grandfather, Charlotte Holmes.

Now Kanai is the main person in charge, and there are many trivial things, which is why there are complaints that morning.

And grandfather Charlotte is constantly researching and doesn't care much, so the burden on Kanai is even heavier.

All in all, all of this is a huge scam, and it's just to deceive one person, that is Aria.

Really hardworking.

"How...isn't my mother very beautiful...for the sake of a beautiful let's hurry up to find the Butei killer and rescue my mother!"

Coming out of the police station, Aria looked energetic, confident and determined.

But in the final analysis, it's because... I was touched by my favorite mother.

What a foolish kid.

Yagami Yue expressed her doubts again, who did this child of Aria inherit from?

"Then now... let's go, towards Momomanju in the nearby Matsumotoya. Let's go!"

Aria raised one hand, and her emotions were unprecedentedly high.

It's just that the starting point is...

"Hey...Aria...why are you going to Matsumotoya's Momomanju? Isn't it to find the Butei killer?"

This logic, Ye Shenyue said that she couldn't understand it.

"Are you an idiot? Why is my mother so blind to a stupid man like you... Mom said that you can't run too fast, maybe you will fall down, anyway, there is still a long time before the court session, slow It’s okay to look for it slowly. Now that the Butei killers have all appeared, don’t be afraid of him running away!”

Posing her flexible ponytails, Aria continued, "Of course I'm hungry now... Let's eat peach buns first... How can I catch the Butei killer if I can't even fill my stomach!"

"'re so rude!"

At the end, Aria concluded.

There was no tone of doubt.

"I see! Peach Mantou!"

After only taking two steps, Aria rushed over immediately, leaving only the messy Yagami Moon in the wind.

this kid...

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