Yagami decides to deceive Aria to the end.

Ps: Thanks to qsxeszll, ★leaf, sdodudu888 for the flowers and comments.

Chapter 007 A Bullet

"Not good...I'm going to be late again!"

Sleeping under the bunk bed, Ye Shenyue hurriedly got up, put on her clothes quickly, and hurried to the bathroom to start a quick wash.

He is just a lazy person, he won't get up if he doesn't sleep until dawn.Because according to the convention, there are lovely girls to wake him up every day when it is about to dawn.

But today...it doesn't seem like...

It's not to say that there are no girls in the family, there is really a girl of the gender, and there is a petite girl.

Kanzaki H. Aria.

Yagami finally cleaned up, and then saw Aria sitting alone at the dining table with a cup of coffee in front of her.

"What kind of coffee is this...not pure at all...but...still drinkable."

Resting her face with one hand, Aria complained.

Then, seeing Ye Shenyue, Ye Shenyue came out of the bathroom and immediately stood up, "Hurry up... hurry up!"

"Come on? You know you're going to be late, don't you..."

Yagami put on a purple coat, put away the pistol or something, and glanced at Aria.

This guy actually makes his own coffee, it's just...

What about breakfast?

Ye Shenyue looked at the table, then looked at the kitchen.

The gas stove does not look passively used.

Aria didn't make breakfast but made a cup of coffee, and the boiling water was boiled last night by Yagami.

Snow White has gone to a dorm!

And then his home... no hot food!

"Hey... Aria, you're a girl too. You should learn how to cook. Most lovely daughters are preparing a hot breakfast at this time. Look..."

Ye Shenyue tapped the table hard, "Where's my breakfast? There's nothing!"

There was literally nothing on his table, not even coffee!

"You said this wrong... As a father, you should prepare breakfast and wait for your daughter..."

Aria responded unceremoniously, "It must be impossible to do anything, such a father is the real disqualification!"


Does this get to the point of failure as a father?Aria is too much... I'm not afraid of him at all!

"Who said I can't do anything! If I can't do anything...how could you be born?"

Ye Shenyue also gave it up, but the words she said were not very gentle.

"Do...do...you pervert...scumbag, what are you bringing up in front of your daughter!"

I don't know how Aria thought of it or if she completely understood the meaning of "do" in Yagami's words, and now Aria is completely blushing.

It's hard to tell if it's more angry or more embarrassed.

"Open the hole... Open the hole, you unclean guy... must open the hole and open the hole!"

Aria immediately took out two guns from her thighs, then aimed at Yagami, and continued to start the "hole opening" morning class that she played every day.

"Bang bang bang..."

The single-person dormitory is full of chickens and dogs.

But when Yagami and Aria finally walked out of the house, they found that the only bus at 7:58 every day just left.

Still a step too late!

"It's all you...the furniture has to be bought again..."

The chaotic Yagami Yueyue inside has not been cleaned yet. Fortunately, this room is strong enough, and only the furniture is destroyed, not the walls like the school.

"It's obviously your impure father... everything is your fault..."

Aria blushed slightly, but she still raised her face arrogantly, destroying something... She didn't admit it.

"It's not so much... why don't you go and buy peach buns for me! I want buns, I'm still hungry because of your incompetence..."

Aria rubbed her belly, looking like she was starving.

"No matter how you touch it, it won't grow..."

Yagami ignored Aria's order and said while looking at the gesture of touching her stomach.

"What can't be long after touching it?...Understood...you guy...where did you think you went!"

The pressure also looked down at herself, her body was small, but her movements were very large. When she touched her hand, she touched her lower abdomen, but from Ye Shenyue's point of view, the place she touched was not her lower abdomen... but... chest!

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