Pinch it and it will get bigger.

How should you say so!

What does it mean if you touch it, it won't grow?

This is a curse, an absolute curse!

Aria took out the pistol again, and had already replenished the bullets in the room just now, so even if she continued to shoot at Yagami, she still had enough bullets.

"Drip drip..."

At this moment, Ye Shenyue's cell phone rang.

"Could it be a lover!"

Aria stopped being cute, and watched Yagami Yue slandering inwardly, but the "secret" voice was so loud that Yagami Yue could still hear it even if she covered her ears!

"It's a man!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the caller ID, "Muteng Gangqi" is a basic friend in this world.

"Could it be... that kind of relationship!"

Aria's face became more obvious, and she was about to move away secretly, as if she was about to be bumped into by something unknotted.

"It's definitely not what you think!"

No need to guess what happened to the two men flashing in Aria's mind at this moment.

Don't tell me, he was disgusting himself.

"Um...what bomb? Got it...I'll give it a try...don't fight with the cars behind...they don't recognize people..."

Is it today?

Luckily, Ye Shenyue didn't catch the bus just now, she was really lucky.

After hanging up the phone, Yagami found that Aria's red eyes seemed to become even hotter.

"Could it be..."

Aria was also excited all of a sudden. If it was a Butei killer, then mother's crimes could be reduced to 500 years at once!

This is good news!

"Indeed...probably the Butei killer."

Yagami said solemnly, and at the same time went to the garage and pulled out the bicycle. The one from yesterday has been scrapped, but he still has a spare and a spare tire.

"Come up quickly... Now you may be able to stop that car by taking a shortcut!"

Yagami got on the bicycle and shouted at Aria.

"Come up? Where are you sitting?"

Aria took a look at Yagami's bicycle. It's a mountain bike, but it doesn't have a back seat.

"Of course I'm sitting in front and pulling...Isn't there a lever!"

Yagami patted the lever in front.

" can I...let me sit there!"

It's just that Aria's reaction was really excited, and her face was red.


Just letting her get on the car was pulled to the height of a scumbag?

"If...if you sit in the will have to be touched and touched by you!"

"What is it that is not scum who is touching? It is scum, scum!"

Xn Aria blushed and held the gun, ready to shoot without warning.

" think too much..."

Ye Shenyue himself hadn't thought of this, he just wanted to cut corners.Could it be that Aria has become so sensitive?Even things he hadn't thought of yet had been anticipated in advance.

"No... there's no time, it'll be really late if you don't catch up! I'll go first..."

Seeing that Aria was ready to shoot, Yagami had already stepped on the footsteps and was ready to set off.

"Wait a moment!"

Gritting her teeth slightly, Aria actually did a front flip and then flipped into the pole in front of Yagami, with a perfect posture, 10 points.

It's just this falling posture... Yashenyue felt that her blood was boiling, and it seemed that the HSS was about to move again.

Aria's front flip was true, but she revealed the roots of her two tender white thighs, as well as her lovely pure white panties.

"Don't touch it!"

Aria said while grabbing Yagami's arm for support.

"Well...of course not to touch..."

Because it has been messed up.

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