She turned her head slightly, shouted and sat down, Ye Shenyue directly started to take shortcuts... 10 minutes of bicycle shortcuts...

With Aria who swallowed Momomanju, Yagami jumped down from the top of the tunnel on a bicycle.

The shortcut he was talking about was the tunnel that the car had to go through.

And the best way is to go down from the top of the tunnel and land on the top of the bus that was loaded with bombs.

As for the peach manju in Aria's mouth, it was bought by the two when they met Matsumotoya while taking a shortcut.Yagami just thinks the taste is normal, but Aria just likes it, with an expression of enjoyment. Does it mean that the taste of girls is so much worse than that of boys?

But it's really a shame that the two of them can go to buy breakfast so leisurely. Now the windows of the bus are all broken, and there are injured people.

This is the situation in which the base friend Takeshi Muto is a little bit angry and shoots the car that is following them with automatic fire and is counterattacked.


Falling from the top of the tunnel instantly, Yagami called out to Aria, and he stopped the car instantly.

"it is good!"

Aria backflipped from the car's levers, and at the top of her jump was just in time for the car, which was followed by the shooting of the bus, to exit the tunnel.

"Bang bang bang!"

Raising the two guns, Aria shot five in a row, leaving the car in the tunnel forever, and an explosion sounded.

If a bomb is placed on a bicycle, then a two-wheeler will be sent, and if a bomb is placed on a bus, a car will be used?

Ye Shenyue wanted to laugh a little, this was Riko's hobby.

If he guessed correctly, Riko must be looking at this place with an ultra-telescope somewhere.

Only now, there is one more thing.

"There are only bombs left... let's find them!"

The shooting car was easily dealt with but Aria was not complacent, but prepared to look for the bomb.

"No need... I have asked someone to find it... Now, I should have found it... Aria... Get down!"

Yagami raised her head, looked at the helicopter in the sky, then threw the bicycle and grabbed Aria.



Aria was still a little puzzled, but at this time, she saw a bullet, which was a high-intensity silver bullet.

The high-speed bullet flew from the air, but it was not her that hit, but this bus, the lower part of the bus!

The bullet hit the bomb that had been strapped under the bus long ago, and the bomb flew out and exploded in the water.

The splashes were reduced to Yagami and Aria.

"That person is..."

Aria looked up at the girl on the helicopter in the distance.

He was expressionless, with yellow eyes and beautiful short green hair.

This is an

Chapter 008 Compensation's Small Date

"This is the report of the previous incident. According to the joint cooperation between the Investigation Division and the Inspection Division, there is still no useful information about the Butei killer."

The incident ended on a high note. The students who were injured on the bus have been sent to a nearby hospital, and Reiji also flew away with the helicopter, so Yagami and Aria are the only ones left.

I took a look at Jiyou's injury casually, and waited for a while before Yashenyue got the report of the incident.

Although Yagami Yue and Aria were at the scene of the incident, Yagami Yue, who knew the result long ago, didn't want to waste her efforts, but watched the people from the Investigation Department investigate and collect evidence, and then handed over the final result. to Aria.

"Eh...that's true..."

Aria is a little lost. If the Butei killer can't be caught, then the mother's crime will be aggravated. In 621, such a terrible thing.

"Don't be disappointed. The Butei killer will still show up when it's time to show up... It's no use to feel sorry for yourself... Just catch him when he shows up."

Such a good boy.

Yagami touched Aria's head, this is the lovely daughter.

"Why not... how about we go play?"

Seeing Aria still feeling disappointed, Yagami suggested.

"Go play? Don't... I'm going to continue to look up some information about the Butei killer, maybe there is something useful."

Aria stood up all of a sudden, "It's time for my mother's court session soon, and you're still going to play at this time. You are really unscrupulous... Opening a hole... You must open a hole!"

Once the word "opening" was uttered, Aria always took out her pistols without any hesitation, and pointed at Yagami.

"A gun is a dangerous just doesn't work for me..."

Yagami took out her pistol, then disassembled the bullet at will, and held the five-particle bullet in the palm of her hand.


"And what about this? Don't you forget what people call me!"

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