Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier curiously. To Ye Yueshen, the sailboats around were really no different. What was the purpose of the colorful flags on them? Who knows?

"Of course not!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna helplessly and said:

"Not to mention that these sailboats should not be destroyed at all. Even if they should, you destroyed these sailboats. What about those innocent soldiers?"

"What about the villagers of Torristin?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier speechlessly and said:

"Does their homes deserve to be destroyed like this?"

"Uh! I didn't say leave them alone!"

Miss Lungobier nodded sadly, then said:

"In that case, let's attack!"

"Do you want to have such a big deviation in your attitude?"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier speechlessly, the pilot plane hovered over the sailboat, and the sailboat fleet below seemed to be invisible to Ye Luna, and continued to slowly attack the village of Siska!

"Then what do you say? War is a matter of sacrifice, what can I say? Is it possible to let the damn people appear on the battlefield?"

Miss Lungobier's eyes were a little red and she said:

"Who wants to see people killing each other, now that the war is here, we'll either watch the homes of those innocent villagers of Torristin destroyed, or attack these sailboats and cost the soldiers of Albion their lives !"

"Totally helpless!"

Ye Luna shook his head, did not respond to Miss Lungobier, but drove the plane to a place parallel to the sailboat, and said to Miss Lungobier:

"Look! Look for it now, find the prince's sailboat, and I'm going to visit this unreliable prince in person!"


She also knew the principle of catching the thief first and the king. After listening to Yeyueshen's words, Miss Lungobi opened her eyes wide and began to search for the many sailboats in front of her!

"Should be in the middle!"

Miss Lungobier observed for a while and said:

"The movement of the entire fleet is centered on the center point. Although it cannot be judged that the prince must be on the middle ship, the commander must be there!"


Ye Yueshen nodded, then drove the plane to the center, and then found the central sailboat commanding the fleet at once!


As soon as Yeyueshen arrived directly above the central sailboat, he suddenly heard a roar, and then saw all the soldiers standing on the deck in the sailboat fleet shooting all kinds of magic beams at Yeyueshen? There are even bows and arrows!

"It turns out that people didn't see us!"

Miss Lungobier sat beside the Moon God and said helplessly!

"What are you afraid of!"

Ye Yueshen, you flew over the plane with an elevation angle facing directly above, and at the same time swept the magic beam below, and then a transparent light shield appeared under the plane, blocking the incoming beam!

"Here! It's a bow and arrow on the wing of an airplane!"

Miss Lungobier reached out and took a bow and arrow in her hand and handed it to Ye Luna.


Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier speechlessly for a while and said:

"Why did you pull it out?"

"How do you say this?"

Miss Lungobier looked at the arrow feather in her hand and looked at Ye Luna with a strange expression.

"There's fuel in the wing, and now you've pulled it off, is our fuel leaking?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier speechlessly, and then rushed to the back of the sailboat fleet without looking back. After firing a few shots at the sails of the sailboat, he drove the plane and left the sky. Fly back to the ground!

"Then what to do now?"

He Yeyueshen hid the plane in the cave. Miss Lungobier looked at Yeyueshen helplessly. Of course, the bow and arrow in her hand disappeared from nowhere!

"What else can I do?"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier helplessly and said:

"It's already like this, let's see the situation of the sailboat fleet here!"

Having said that, Ye Luna took Miss Lungobier to the outside of the cave, only to see that the village attacked by the sailboat fleet was already covered with yellow sand, and his eyes were about to close!

"It seems that your earth wall tactics have succeeded a lot!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobi with some admiration. Because the village was protected by an earthen wall, the sailboat did not come to hunt down the unarmed villagers, but frantically attacked the village that had not been razed to the ground!

"But it won't last long!"

Miss Lungobier said helplessly:

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