"The earth wall can't be regenerated, so we still can't protect the village!"

"Then look at me!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, took out his magic wand and prepared to attack the sailboat!


Miss Lungobier gave a loud cry, and pointed to the fleet of sailboats:

"Look! The sailboat fleet is changing formations!"


Ye Yueshen looked at the place where Miss Lungobier was pointing, and sure enough, he saw that the diamond-shaped station of the sailboat fleet had turned into a one-line station, as if a copper wall and an iron wall, advancing parallel to the village!

"It seems that no one is attacking them!"

Ye Yueshen nodded silently, took out his magic wand, filled it with power, ready to find the flagship to attack!

"The flagship is out!"

Miss Lungobier shouted, Ye Luna really saw a sailboat with a few people standing on the bow slowly flying from the team to the front!

"Isn't that Prince Albion?"

Miss Lungobier exclaimed,

Chapter [-] New Discoveries

"Is it really him?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the flagship helplessly, only to see Prince Albion's figure on the deck!

"Go! Go up and meet him!"

Ye Yueshen shouted, then reached out and pointed a magic wand at the plane in the cave, and then extracted some gasoline from the ground and put it in the middle of the repaired wing mailbox, and then followed the two people to get on the plane and rushed. Go up, or rush directly to the place where Prince Albion is!


As soon as the plane driven by Yeyueshen appeared, he heard Prince Albion's roar, and the crew on the sailboat lined up tightly in front of the deck of the sailboat, facing Yeyueshen with all kinds of attacks. There are many bows and arrows!


Ye Yueshen sneered, he didn't even bother to send out the defensive shield, but drove the plane into a dive, rushed to the bottom of the sailboat fleet, and then pulled it up at a right angle, and came to the sky above the flagship!

"It's Prince Albion!"

Ye Luna stuck out his head from the cockpit and roared at Prince Albion below!


The answer to Ye Luna was not a friendly greeting, but a roar with anger. Ye Luna heard the roar and could only helplessly pull up the plane, and then said to Miss Lungobier:

"Looking from the back, is there a coquettish woman beside the prince? I suspect that the prince was bewitched by her!"


After listening to Ye Yueshen's words, Miss Lungobi turned her head to look carefully at the flagship below, but at the end, she could only helplessly say to Ye Yueshen:

"It seems that there are no women in the fleet!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen turned his head in surprise and went to see the deck of the flagship in person, but he didn't see any woman!


When Ye Luna was strange, Miss Lungobier's scream caught his attention. Looking down, he saw Prince Albion standing beside him, who was being forced by Miss Lungobier in the palace. Back Walder!

"Why is he here?"

Ye Yueshen looked curiously, only to see Walder standing behind Maruko, and at first glance it was a close minister!

"I don't know! But this time, it must have a lot to do with this guy!"

Miss Lungobier looked at Wald on the sailboat and said viciously:

"Needless to say! This group of people must be the ones who like to provoke wars and conflicts the most. Only then will this guy be happy!"

"What bird organization did you join in the past!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier and sighed faintly!

"Speak less!"

Miss Lungobier responded unhappily:

"Look, the dragon we are sitting on is going to fly into outer space! I don't know how to turn down!"

"Uh! All right!"

Just turning his head and looking down, Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier with some embarrassment, then turned the plane and rushed towards the fleet of sailboats below!

"It seems that the situation this time is very strange! The people around the prince make me think that the prince may be bewitched!"

Miss Lungobier looked at the people standing beside Prince Albion and said helplessly.

"Really? You still think so!"

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