Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier in amazement and said:

"Didn't you say from the beginning that this action was decided by Prince Albion himself?"

"That's what I guessed based on past experience!"

Miss Lungobier said unhappily:

"But now look at the few people standing beside the prince, none of them are good people, it's not hard to imagine what's going on!"

"All right!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and said:

"I'll drive the plane a little closer! Let you see clearly!"

"So this thing is called a plane!"

As soon as the Yeyue Mythical voice fell, Miss Lungobier looked at him excitedly and said:

"I said, what legendary dragon needs to be driven by someone, so this thing is a machine!"

"Uh, you're so smart..."

Ye Yueshen didn't expect that he slipped the tongue for a while, and Miss Lungobier actually guessed what this thing she was driving was!

"Of course! Otherwise, just like Siska, you will be fooled by you for a while, how can you be your secretary!"

Miss Lungobier said confidently.

"Then take a good look at the people around Prince Albion! In this case, if we have more information, we may be able to reduce the intensity of the war!"


I agree with Ye Luna's idea very much. When Miss Lungobier was approaching the flagship, she looked at the people on the deck carefully. Of course, this time the prince ruthlessly ordered his men to attack Ye Luna, although it was nothing. Effect.

"There is an old guy next to the prince, who doesn't look like a good person, have you seen it?"

Miss Lungobier observed for a while, and said:

"Apart from this guy, I also found that the eyes of other people and the prince are quite empty. I don't know if they are stimulated or what is going on!"

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen looked back in surprise, and sure enough, he saw that the prince's eyes were dull, just like the appearance of a brokenhearted person by the river, which was worrying.

"Do you know that old guy?"

Miss Lungobier pointed to an old fellow beside the prince and said!

"Let me see!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then drove the plane back and flew over the deck of the flagship, and then looked down, his eyes suddenly widened!

"Who is this old guy, I don't know, but I can clearly see that the ring on this person's hand is very unusual?"


When Miss Lungobier heard the words, she saw a rare purple gemstone ring on the old man's finger!

"that is?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna in surprise and seemed to think of something!

"That's right! It's the lost ring of the water elf!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, and while pulling the plane up and leaving the fleet, he said:

"If nothing else, the prince must be controlled by that guy!"


Miss Lungobier silently uttered a name.

"I think I've heard this name before!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier in amazement. At this time, he had already flown the plane to the sky in the cave and was ready to land!

"The guy who bribed Wald!"

Miss Lungobier said lightly:

"Albion's richest man is also a sinful and ambitious man!"

"Why didn't I see him when I went to Albion before?"

Ye Yueshen asked in surprise.

"How can the richest people be in a place where war is raging?"

Miss Lungobier responded indifferently.

Chapter [-] Frustration

"Alright then! If that's the case, then I'll push back these lunatics first!"

Ye Yueshen said, put the plane back in the cave, walked out of the cave, took out the magic wand, pointed at the sky, and suddenly a large cloud of dark clouds floated in the sky, covering the sky!

"You want to wipe them out?"

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