Although I don't know where Yeyueshen's magic came from, but seeing the dark clouds in the sky, Miss Lungobier knew that Yeyueshen was planning to use thunder and lightning to destroy the entire fleet!

"That's not true!"

Night Moon God shook his head and said:

"I will only let the thunder and lightning break their masts and make them unable to move. As for the annihilation of the entire army, it is all your compatriots. I can't get rid of that hand!"

"Okay! Let me attack!"

Miss Lungobier nodded and said:

"You are too heavy, if there is water on the mast of the ship, I am afraid the whole ship will not be guaranteed!"


Ye Luna nodded, and then Miss Lungobier stepped forward and meditated on the magic, the soil on the ground suddenly loosened, and then gathered together to form a huge clod colossus, roaring and charging To the airspace where the sailboat is located!

"Haha! With that thing rolling on the ground, you still want to attack us! How arrogant!"

The howl of the old man Kesta made Ye Luna very clear from a distance, while Miss Lungbill jumped directly on the shoulders of the colossus and threw a large piece of earth and rocks at the sailboat in the air!

"I feel that this method is more able to knock down the sailboat..."

Ye Luna felt speechless when she saw Miss Lungobier's attack method.

"you think too much!"

Miss Lungobi turned back and shouted at Ye Luna, and the earth and rocks in the air were like a piece of mud, sticking to the bottom of the sailboat!

"What's this for?"

Seeing that the earth and stones thrown over did not penetrate the cabin of the sailboat as expected, Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier curiously.

"You'll know then!"

Miss Lungobier said lightly to Ye Luna, who had come to her side:

"Using softness to overcome rigidity is also an attack method!"

"When I saw you attacking before, I never saw you so gentle!"

Ye Yueshen joked beside him!


As soon as the myth of Yeyue fell, countless sharp swords fell from the sky and attacked the colossus soldiers of Yeyueshen and Miss Lungobier!

"It's nasty!"

Ye Yueshen howled loudly, and with a wave of his hand, he slapped these sharp swords back!


Miss Lungobier was temporarily relieved when she saw that all the swords that Ye Yueshen had shot back were taken into her hands, otherwise, those swords would be enough to slash all the wooden cabins into pieces!

"Don't take too much time with your attacks, otherwise, the villagers' villages really don't exist!"

Moon God said softly beside Miss Lungobier.

"But this matter should be yours!"

Miss Lungobier said to Ye Luna with a displeased expression:

"You almost summoned lightning just now, so you can summon a strong wind to blow these sailboats back! Not to mention blowing back, at least it can slow down their attack speed!"

"What's so random?"

Ye Yueshen sneered, pointed to the mast of the sailboat and said:

"I have observed the masts of those sailboats up close. They can rotate. If it is against the wind, they can rotate up, and then turn the power into the fan at the stern of the sailboat to propel it. It is not so random!"

"It's easy to do!"

Miss Lungobier said with a smile:

"Look at me!"

Saying that, Miss Lungobier flew up pieces of loess from the ground and hit the fans at the tail of the sailboats accurately, making those fans unable to move!


Yeyueshen saw that the fans could no longer rotate, so he summoned a gust of wind directly to the sky. After that, the sailboat was in a measurable headwind state. Even if all the sails were lowered, it was forced from the wind. The sky above Siska's village has retreated!

"You are too easy!"

A shout came, and Ye Luna and Miss Lungobier took a closer look, and it was actually Wald who jumped off the sailboat with his great sword, and then cleaned up all the mud wrapped around the stern fan before turning around!

"This guy's skills have improved a lot!"

Ye Yueshen secretly praised, and then let the wind stop.


Miss Lungobier shouted, and then continued to use her gentle tactics to stick the heavy dirt to the bottom of the boat, hoping to pull the sailboat out of the air after enough loess had gathered!

"You think too much!"

With a big laugh, Walder rushed back and cleaned up all the dirt that Miss Lungobier had managed to stick to the bottom of the sailboat!

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