"I'm furious!"

Realizing that the fruits of her hard labor had been so easily resolved, Miss Lungobier's face was a little overwhelmed, she took a step forward, put her hands in front of the loess on the ground and started to call frantically!

"Fortunately, it is not in the village, otherwise, I am afraid that the foundations of the residents' homes will be summoned by you!"

Yeyueshen spoke quietly, and at this time, the soil on the ground rushed towards the sailboat fleet under the call of Miss Lungobier, as if it were a bond!


Ye Yueshen looked at the loess on the ground like sharp conical swords, and when the tails of the sailboats were tied tightly and pulled down, he couldn't help but marvel:

"This time, these sailboats can be pulled down!"

"As long as it is lowered to a certain height, the wind from the sailboat will cease to exist!"

Miss Lungobier looked at the disobedient sailboats fiercely, and immediately followed, the sailboats of the entire sailboat fleet were forcibly pulled into sharp corners!


Walder's voice appeared again, and this time, Ye Luna watched as Walder charged towards Miss Lungobier!


Ye Moon God roared, pushed towards Wald's place, and pushed Wald back in the air!

"My Soil Cable!"

Lungobier shouted, Ye Luna looked up, only to see that Wald, who was repelled, actually tied all the soil to himself with his body, and then rammed into Miss Lungobier's other soil cables, and finally A large pile of soil was formed, and it fell violently to the ground!

"Why don't you run away?"

Ye Luna looked at the stunned Miss Lungobier and said softly.

"This world is a homosexual repulsion. I never thought that this guy would use his body as a bond to tie those cables together. I'm so careless, I'm really careless!"

Chapter 1 The battle is over (7/[-])

ps: Thanks to the angel of death for the reminder, it will explode today!

"Little girl! In addition to using these lumps, do you have any other abilities? Can you come up with a level that can really stop our army?"

Wald, who flew back to the deck from the ground, looked at Miss Lungobier proudly and said!

"How did this guy fly so high?"

Ye Luna looked at the triumphant Walder curiously. In this world, if you want to stay in the air all the time, you must have flying objects!

"I don't know! This is the first time I've seen a person who can walk through the air without any tools!"

Miss Lungobier said, shaking her head.

"Then I'm going to find out!"

Ye Yueshen said with a smile, placing his hands in front of him, obviously intending to take over from Miss Lungobier and attack these damn sailboat fleets!

"Little girl! Are you dumb? You don't agree to fight!"

On the deck, Walder's incomprehensible shouting made Ye Luna's fighting spirit even more intense!

"Come down if you have the ability, I won't take off your skin!"

Miss Lungobier pointed fiercely at Wald, who was flaming on the sailboat, like that, she just wanted to tear him to pieces!

"I won't come down! Your colossus won't be useful this time, right? Ah!"

Wald child, the sky is the provocation of Miss Lungobier, and after hearing this, the god of the night moon silently backed away, and then said to Miss Lungobier:


After speaking, before Miss Lungobier could react, Ye Luna had already sent Miss Lungobier and his colossus into the air!


Miss Lungobier laughed and thanked Ye Luna, but Wald who was on the boat over there was dumbfounded. If the Colossus came to the wind to wear it, the sailboat would fall directly with his weight!

"Quick! Quickly transfer the prince to the boat!"

As Wald commanded, he said to the soldiers beside him:

"Attack me immediately, attack the Colossus, and be sure to stop him before it comes up! Or we're all done!"

At Wald's urging, the soldiers gathered up their courage and launched various weapons against the Colossus, hoping to stop Miss Lungobier's Colossus outside the sailboat!

"It's useless!"

Miss Lungobier chuckled and looked at the various weapons that were projected. Although they were very strong, they were all absorbed by the Colossus Soldiers into their plump bodies!

"If you don't stay at home, you have to come here!"

Miss Lungobier hated the iron and looked at the soldiers, and then asked the Colossus to throw these compatriots on other ships, and then shouted to the night moon god below:

"You can let the colossus go down!"


Ye Yueshen smiled and agreed, and then removed all the magic on the colossus, followed by the flagship of the huge sailboat fleet, which was directly smashed into the soil by Miss Lungobier's colossus!

"Wald! Come out!"

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