Laughing and standing on the shoulders of the Colossus, Miss Lungobier flew into the air again with the help of Luna.

"People are so smart, how can they agree to you! Let's attack quickly!"

Ye Luna smiled and said to Miss Lungobier:

"Leave two sailboats for them to carry the soldiers back, and the rest will be left here forever and used as timber for the villagers to rebuild their homes!"


Finding that Walder and Prince Albion were indeed missing, Miss Lungobier also gave up her decision to be here.Just like what Yeyueshen said, he started to crush these poor sailboats, because the body of the colossus soldiers was too heavy, so in desperation, the soldiers on the sailboats had to stop before the colossus soldiers arrived. Automatically move to another ship, and then watch your battleship just disappear in front of your eyes and become part of the earth!

"Okay! Go back and tell your leader that we, Torristin, will not give up and wait for the wrath of our Lady Queen!"

After Ye Yueshen stood on the bow of the boat and spoke to the crowd, he brought Miss Lungobier back to the ground, and of course, before leaving, he sent them a ride with a gust of wind!

"Is the battle over?"

Miss Lungobier returned to the ground, looked at Ye Luna who was full of confidence, and said softly.

"No! It's only just begun!"

Night Moon God shook his head and said:

"This time the enemy is more hidden and more cunning!"

"Yeah, with a ring that can control other people's minds, I'm afraid our war with Albion will continue!"

Miss Lungobier said sadly, although she has not returned to her hometown for a long time, but thinking that those who died on the battlefield may be her compatriots, Miss Lungobier still feels bad!

"Yeah! We're going to the capital to talk about the war!"

Ye Luna nodded, and then went with Miss Lungobier to the mountains where the villagers of Siska were hiding!

Looking at so many pitiful eyes, Ye Yueshen thought for a while, and then said:

"Women and children who are willing to follow me to temporarily live in the Magic Academy can follow me, and men will build their homes here!"

"What about the old people?"

Siska came out timidly and asked:

"Several old gentlemen lost their relatives in the bombing just now!"

"The old people also bring it!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, then added:

"But the elderly have to live alone, not with women and children!"


An old man said tremblingly.

"You are inconvenient to move. The students of the Magic Academy may have some dangerous experiments. At that time, your life will still be threatened!"

Ye Yueshen responded lightly, then ignored the old man's objection and decided directly.

"Why don't those old people live in the Magic Academy?"

Miss Lungobier came to the side of Luna and said after packing up.

"I don't like people who rely on old people to sell old people!"

Ye Luna looked at Miss Lungobier and said firmly:

"The school is not a shelter, and the partners are very caring and true, but in my experience, as long as these elderly people feel comfortable living in a comfortable place, they will not leave. When the homes here are rebuilt, should we force those elderly people to Are you coming back? In order to avoid the embarrassment at that time, I think it is better to let them live in a temporary place!"

After finishing speaking, Yeyueshen brought the villagers who needed to go to the magic academy to the magic academy. After arranging the women and children who were willing to come, Yeyueshen handed over the affairs of the magic academy to Mr. Colbert and Sith. Cared for by the mother and daughter, she took Miss Lungobier with her and returned to the capital again!

Chapter 2 Misunderstanding? (7/[-])

"You are finally here, my dear Principal!"

Standing in front of Ye Luna's carriage, Louise said excitedly, the little girl jumped up excitedly when Ye Luna just appeared on the horizon.

"It's you! Louise, come up!"

Ye Luna stood on the carriage, waved to Louise and said:

"I didn't expect you to be waiting for me in front of the capital city gate. It seems that Princess Princess already knows the news!"

"En, I sent the news at midnight yesterday. The princess has not slept all night. She has been meeting with the foreign minister and the military staff. I will wait for you to pass!"

Louise blinked at Ye Luna, her eyes full of anticipation and a little nervousness.

"Do not worry!"

Ye Luna pulled Louise onto the carriage, smiled and said:

"I have already joined forces with Miss Lungobier to destroy the enemy's vanguard. Now the villagers have raised their vigilance, and I believe the loss should not be big!"

"Miss Lungobier?"

Louise covered her mouth in surprise, as if she had heard some terrifying news!

"Yes, at that time we worked together to repel the enemy. Is there any problem?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Louise suspiciously, not understanding how this usually carefree little girl could make such an expression!

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