"And the cabinet!"

Night Moon God pointed to the name at the end of the list and said:

"Especially the Privy Council, although it is just a staff department, in fact, the order of the Privy Council is basically a military order, but among the five privy envoys, four are actually married to the Hunik family, so I saw this list. , I just realized that the Duke Hunik I met back then was not a member of the royal family, but he might inherit the throne!"

"It seems that you have already planned how to deal with them!"

Miss Lungobier was sitting on the carriage, looking at Ye Luna with a hint of determination in her eyes!

"That's natural!"

Night Moon God smiled and said:

"Since it has such a strong military strength, I believe that the Hunik family has an inescapable responsibility for resisting the attack of Albion's army!"

"And you are also the highest military and political officer of our country, you can mobilize these people reasonably!"

Miss Lungobier analyzed in a low voice.

"Big sister, your mind is really sharp!"

Louise glanced at Miss Lungobier in amazement. If she had any control over her one day, how she would be killed, maybe she didn't even know!

"It's okay! Now everyone go back to rest!"

Ye Yueshen put away the parchment, reached out and knocked on the glass in front of the carriage, and asked the driver to park the carriage in front of the mansion of the Barrie Lu family.

"My father also cleaned you and Miss Lungobier's room, so I knew you would be back!"

Louise gave Ye Luna a sweet smile while getting out of the car. She was able to let her headmaster live in her own home. Louise couldn't be happier!

"Let's go then!"

Ye Luna nodded with a smile, grabbed Louise's little hand, and the two walked into the Barrielu's mansion together.

"Where is Miss Lungobier going?"

Louise walked for a long distance, only to realize that Ye Luna's secretary was gone!

"Of course to refute rumors!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly and continued to walk forward with Louise. Now that Miss Lungobier appears in front of everyone, the effect that Ye Yueshen wants will not be able to be achieved!

"The Privy Council, the Sixth Legion, it seems that Duke Hunik's family is indeed a great family!"

Ye Yueshen held the parchment scroll and thought to himself.

Chapter 1 The Majestic Queen (7/[-])

The sky was gloomy and the sun was setting in the west, and the shadow of the double moon had already appeared in the sky. Although it was not very obvious, the double moon with blue light hung in the sky was still so beautiful. It is a pity that Ye Luna and his party were not in the mood to appreciate it. After spending a day checking the list on the parchment, Ye Luna's heart became heavier.

"It seems that conventional means can no longer be used to deal with these people!"

This is what Ye Luna said to Miss Lungobier before he came to the palace.

"Master Principal came so early!"

Queen Anrietta received Yeyueshen and her party in the familiar small living room of Yeyueshen. Although it has been transformed into a small living room, there are a lot of dishes on the table in front of the princess, and it seems that she has not used chopsticks. .

"It's not early, it's coincidence!"

Louise got her little head out from behind the Night Moon God, pointed to the food on the table and said:

"Every time the principal comes, I can catch up with the princess' meal. Is it a good time to eat?"

Ye Yueshen couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, reached out and stroked Louise's little head, and said with a smile:

"That's not true. It's a pity that our princess has been in a hurry after becoming a queen, and even the time for dinner is not fixed!"

When Queen Enrietta heard the words, the smile on her face stagnated slightly. Although she knew that Ye Yueshen was very careful, she could guess her mood these few days by the time she had eaten, but she was an ordinary person.After thinking about this, the smile on the princess' face disappeared, replaced by deep admiration for Ye Yueshen, saying:

"The governor guessed right. After he ascended the throne, he was busy learning a lot of etiquette for being a king, and there were still a lot of things to do, so he always delayed the time for dinner!"

Saying that, the princess waved her hand slightly to the attendant behind her, and the attendant behind her nodded wisely and left the room. Since she became the queen, the princess' majesty has become heavier day by day, and the palace attendants have also become more cautious. Of course, Also a lot smarter.

"Sit down first!"

Queen Enrietta saw that the servant was gone, nodded to Ye Yueshen, then moved her chopsticks and started to gobble in front of Ye Yueshen.

"Why haven't you spoken?"

Filled seven or eight points, Queen Enrietta looked up at Ye Luna and said curiously:

"Is my food attractive?"


Ye Yueshen nodded lightly, then stood up, took out the parchment scroll on his body, and placed it on the table in front of the princess.

"this is?"

The princess looked at Yeyueshen curiously, not understanding why Yeyueshen didn't answer her questions. These days, whenever she had any questions, the people on the other side hurriedly stood up straight and answered honestly, rarely like Yeyueshen. So easily and casually handed a piece of paper to yourself.

"This is a list the Duke wrote to me this morning when I was visiting the Duke of Sri Clarence!"

Ye Yueshen took a step back and said respectfully.

"Today you went to visit the Duke of Sri Clarence?"

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