Princess Anrietta looked curiously at Ye Luna, and there was a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Well, the Principal took me and Miss Lungobier there. The old guy was very unwelcome to us, but after the Principal said a few words in his ear, the old guy took the Principal with him. When I got to his room, and when the principal came out, I had this list in my hand!"

Louise also stood up and said to the princess casually.

"Then why did you go to the Duke of Sri Clarence? How is he?"

Princess Anrietta smiled at Louise and motioned her to sit down. Her eyes were fixed on Ye Yueshen's eyes again. Ye Yueshen's lofty and self-conscious look has become accustomed to seeing Her Lady Queen with a respectful look these days. In the eyes, there is still a bit of eye-catching.

"I'm here because of Miss Lungobier being wronged. As for my body, I'm an old man in his seventies anyway. How good can it be?"

Ye Yueshen nodded respectfully to Her Lady Queen, and didn't say a single word.

"En, do I have to take the time to see that old grandfather, who is also very close to me by blood!"

Princess Anrietta looked at the food in front of her, put down her spoon, stood up, walked to Ye Luna, and said softly:

"Otherwise, everyone will have a lot of discussions!"

"The princess has this heart, and it will definitely make people feel the excellent quality of the queen!"

Miss Lungobi, who was beside Ye Luna, said respectfully.

"Did the principal go to the duke's mansion just for you? Minister of the branch?"

Queen Anrietta's gaze turned to Miss Lungobier, and the majesty in her eyes deepened...

"It is indeed the case!"

Miss Lungobier saluted Her Lady Queen and said:

"When the Principal and I arrived in the capital in the early morning, we happened to meet Miss Barryair, and we learned from Miss Barry that someone slandered the minister at the cabinet meeting, so we hurried to see you, when the Principal saw you You are already very sleepy, and you don’t want this little thing to disturb you, so I went to the old duke to ask what’s going on!”

"You mean that the old guy is still in control of the government?"

Queen Anrietta's expression turned fierce and she said in a bad tone.

"That's it!"

Ye Yueshen said:

"But it shouldn't be now!"

"How can you see it?"

Queen Anrietta looked at Ye Yueshen curiously after hearing the words, and seemed to want to know why Ye Yueshen was so sure.

Seeing the Queen's expression, Ye Yueshen sighed in his heart the magic of power, and then smiled lightly.said:

"Because I have caught his handle!"

"Oh, really"

As soon as she heard that Ye Luna had the handle of Duke Sri Clarence, Queen Anrietta raised her eyebrows with excitement and said nervously:

"Where? Let me see!"

"Forget it!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head, turned around and pointed to the list on the table and said:

"Look at the list above, I think those people are the biggest threat to you now!"

"Uh? Is it?"

Although she was very curious, of course it was impossible for Queen Enrietta to ask Ye Luna personally, so she pressed her curiosity and walked to the table in three steps, holding the parchment in her hand, earnestly it looks.

"I don't know all of these people either!"

After watching for a while, Princess Anrietta put down the parchment, and the somewhat helpless Ye Luna said:

"If the job title isn't very important, I'm really not impressed!"

"So they are the real danger!"

Ye Yueshen snapped his fingers in the air, then nodded to Miss Lungobier beside him, motioning her to hand over the things she had prepared a long time ago.

Chapter 2 Self-Innocence (7/[-])

"this is?"

Looking at the densely packed paper full of words, Queen Enrietta looked at Ye Luna in surprise, as if she didn't even have the idea to see it with her own eyes!

"Let Miss Lungobier read it! I believe that after reading this list, you will know the energy of these people!"

Ye Luna nodded to Queen Enrietta, then returned to her seat and sat down. Miss Lungobier by her side had already taken out another copy of the same piece of paper and read it.

"I didn't expect that the Hunik family would be so huge!"

Queen Enrietta frowned and said that although she was very unfamiliar with the people on the list, after hearing about their positions, Queen Enrietta gradually realized the seriousness of the problem.

"More than that!"

Ye Yueshen stood up and said:

"Four of the five privy envoys in the Privy Council are sons-in-law of the Hunik family, so we are not only facing these generals who hold military power, but also your own people!"

"Yes, Princess, don't underestimate these people. Although Duke Hunik is gone, it doesn't mean that these people will be honest. After all, they are so powerful!"

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