"A policy of weakening military power? What kind of policy? How come I've never heard of it?"

Louise looked at Ye Luna in surprise, her eyes glowing with confusion. Although Louise had heard of these words, when they were combined, Louise felt unfamiliar!

"That's natural!"

Queen Enrietta, who was sitting at the top, stood up, looked at Louise, and said lightly:

"This word is banned in Torristin. Except for a very small number of people, the rest of the people will not know this word. Of course, I have never told the principal, as for where the principal heard it from. Yes, I guess I heard it from Prince Albion!"

"Actually not..."

Yeyueshen whispered in his heart, as an omniscient god, when Yeyueshen arrived at Prince Albion's palace, he observed the small words on the ceiling of Prince Albion's room, which were obviously the soul of the prince. Dream stuff!

Thinking about this, Ye Luna didn't want to procrastinate on these details, smiled and said to Queen Enrietta:

"It's true, Her Lady Queen Mingjian!"

"Then what does this policy mean?"

Louise continued to blink her big eyes and looked at the people in the room. At this time, she realized that she might be the least knowledgeable person in the room!

"In short, and almost literally, it is a resolution promoted by Prince Albion and his father, requiring nobles who hold military power and nobles with huge fiefs to hand over their military power or weaken it to a manageable level !That's it!"

Miss Lungobier's voice reached Louise's ears. After the little girl heard it, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Miss Lungobier. asked:

"But how did you know so clearly?"

"This one……"

Miss Lungobier frowned when she heard the words, and a solemn expression appeared on her relaxed face again, as if there was something unspeakable.

"If nothing else, Miss Lungobier's father, during the implementation of this policy, had an opinion on Prince Albion's father and was killed?"

Queen Enrietta said softly, her tone as soft as possible, I'm afraid no one wants to bring up such painful memories!


Miss Lungobier shook her head resolutely, and after thinking for a while she mustered up her courage and said:

"Actually my father supports this policy!"


Louise was so surprised that she almost jumped up, and she couldn't understand why those who opposed the policy rebelled while those who supported the policy were executed!

"Because of your father's support, were you framed by those nobles?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Miss Lungobier, and speculated softly, looking at Miss Lungobier with a little more pity, it is really not easy for such a strong partner to be able to endure the pain of his father's death!


Miss Lungobier's voice was a lot colder, like a cold night in winter. Although she couldn't tell it, the gloomy feeling permeated the air in all directions, and Louise couldn't help tightening her clothes?

"That is!"

Ye Yueshen's eyes widened, if his speculations were all wrong, then Prince Albion's father did too much!

"Is it done to appease the nobles who may rebel?"

Queen Enrietta said softly, although it was speculation, everyone in the room knew that this might be the final answer!

"That's right..."

A sound like the chirping of a mosquito emanated from Miss Lungobier's lips, followed by a burst of sob from Miss Lungobier.

"Don't be sad, your father will bless you in heaven!"

Ye Yueshen walked over, stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around Miss Lungobier's neck, and whispered in her ear.


Hearing Yeyueshen's words, Miss Lungobi couldn't help raising her head to look at Yeyueshen, this person who once made her feel shameless and indecent, is now her strongest support.

"Let's talk about the battle plan!"

Queen Enrietta stood up from her position, her eyes were firm and no one could be shaken, she already understood the danger of dragging on, although she was only sixteen years old, the princess decided that long pain is worse than short pain!


Ye Yueshen heard the words, his eyes swept across Queen Enrietta's face, and nodded secretly in his heart. If he can make such a determination, I believe that the princess will definitely be a qualified ruler in the future!Compassion is the quality that cannot exist in politicians, and expecting the other party to compromise is itself a manifestation of compassion!

Ye Luna put Miss Lungobier on the sofa to rest, gently covered her with a blanket, then stood up, walked to the wall of the room, touched the wall with his hand, a complete set of support. The topographic map of Ristine appears on the wall!

"This is our three-day air corridor from Torristine to Albion!"

Ye Yueshen stretched out his finger and pointed to the mountainous terrain in the northwest, which is the area bordering Albion. Because there are few people, there are hardly any garrisoned troops. Of course, the strange wind direction is not suitable for sailboats, but all of this is above. After one attack, it has become meaningless. Since the other party can go directly to Diernesia, the defense of the mountains and strange winds does not exist!

"Our strategy is to defend the east and attack the west!"

As Ye Yueshen said, a border with other countries appeared on the entire wall. Ye Yueshen pointed to the place in Smoknus City and said:

"Since we can no longer count on the mountains to block us, we will simply march directly to Smoknius and take the initiative to fight the enemy, and the east of Smoknius is the ambitious Garnesia, so we have to defend Attack the Albion army in the west from the east!"

"But how did we get to Smokenius?"

Princess Anrietta looked at the topographic map presented by Luna and said:

"Although Albion's army has been able to pass through the mountains, our army doesn't seem to have this skill yet!"

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