"If I'm here, there will be!"

Ye Yueshen said confidently:

"I can guarantee that our fleet of sailboats will enter the port of Smoknius without losing a sailboat!"

"Okay! Then I have no opinion!"

Queen Anrietta nodded, turned her eyes to Miss Lungobier lying on the sofa, and said:

"I'll let you do the specific arrangements for the mobilization of the army!"

Chapter 5 Exogenous Branches (7/[-])

"Okay! I won't let you down!"

Miss Lungobier was busy sitting up from the sofa just now. The emotional excitement just now was only temporary. Miss Lungobier quickly adjusted her state!

"En, then trouble the two of you!"

Queen Anrietta nodded, then turned to look at Louise and said:

"Louise, let the Principal and Miss Lungobier continue to arrange the details here, and we won't bother!"

"Uh? Okay!"

Louise was stunned when she heard the words, and looked at Ye Yueshen with some reluctance. The little girl obviously didn't want to be separated from Yeyue Kamikaze. At the same time, she also wanted to see Ye Yueshen and Miss Lungobier together!

"It's getting late, the two of you are working here, and I'll have someone bring you meals!"

Queen Enrietta smiled at Ye Luna, and then went out to let the waiter take her food away, and then took Louise out of the small room. Soon, the lively room turned into Ye Yue. The world of God and Miss Lungobi!

"What are you looking at me doing? Hurry up to work! We can't live up to Her Lady Queen's trust!"

Miss Lungobier stared at Ye Luna with wide eyes. After Louise left the room just now, Ye Luna stared blankly at her, and a tense mood quickly dissipated in Miss Lungobier's body. Come on!

"I want to add one to my plan!"

Ye Luna was still staring blankly at Miss Lungobier.

"you say!"

While thinking about whether she was offended by Ye Luna, Miss Lungobier nodded, avoiding Ye Luna's gaze, and said bluntly:

"I just listen to it!"

"Are we going to give a small gift to King Golia next to Garnesia?"

Ye Yueshen showed eight delicate teeth and smiled very happily!

"Then what are you going to do?"

Miss Lungobier was stunned when she heard the words, and quickly remembered a certain genius from the Magic Academy!

"Of course, King Goliath got busy. As long as the bad guys get busy, they won't have the time to hurt others!"

Night Moon God said quietly.

"You mean, do you think King Rangoria thinks that he might take chestnuts from the fire in this war?"

Miss Lungobier lightly opened her lips and looked at Ye Luna with a hint of playfulness in her eyes, King Goliath, you didn't expect that a guy you didn't know before was plotting against you right now!

"En! So I plan to push all the six legions to the front line to be responsible for the battle with Albion's army, and the remaining eight legions will all be hoarded on the border of Garnesia, so that all the Garnesian troops will go to the front line. Western transfer, then, did King Golia in the east of Garnesia see a large piece of fat handed to his mouth without any protection?"

While unfolding the map, Ye Luna pointed to the junction between Garnesia and Goliath, his eyes gleaming, as if he had seen the battle between the kings of Garnesia and Goliath!

"But this Goliath king has never won a battle since he took over the throne! He has been defeated three times by the king of Garnesia, does he still have the courage to attack Garnesia?"

Miss Lungobier looked at the map and murmured, Miss Lungobier knows the history of this world like the back of the hand!

"rest assured!"

Ye Yueshen said while drawing the marching route on the map:

"The more often people fail, the more eager they are to win. Since this rubbish dim sum has already lost to the King of Garnesia three times, this guy will definitely seize this opportunity!"

Saying that, Ye Luna threw down the pencil in his hand, stood up straight and looked at Miss Lungobier and said:

"Of course, if at this time, someone who hates Garnesia to the bottom of his heart will report the news to King Goliath, I believe it will definitely get better results!"

"You're hitting the princess again... um, Her Lady Queen's idea!"

Miss Lungobier wiped the black line on the top of her head and looked at Ye Luna helplessly. I have to say that Ye Luna seems to be very concerned about the people around the princess. At the beginning, Wald has proved to be a traitor, while another pro The captain of the army, Anies, has been loyally guarding the princess!

"No way, no one has ever had a relationship with the King of Garnesia. If you and I go, as long as King Golia hears that he is from the Magic Academy, he will definitely not believe us!"

Yeyueshen opened his arms and shook his head helplessly at Miss Lungobier. Yeyueshen couldn't control people's thoughts. The reason why people become the controllers of space other than God is because people have free thoughts!

"But will the princess agree?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Yeyueshen suspiciously. Although Yeyueshen's reasons were reasonable, what she told the princess was more like an unforeseen circumstance...

"It's okay, I'll just go and talk! I just don't know who this Anies is?"

Ye Yueshen shook his head curiously. Although he was the captain of Princess Princess' personal soldiers, Ye Yueshen had only met her a few times, and he had not even greeted her a few times!

"Very upright and unsmiling!"

Miss Lungobier opened her mouth and gave Ye Luna an eight-word evaluation!

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