"It seems that this lord also lives in this palace?"

"What do you mean by that!"

The man turned his face away, looked at Ye Yueshen with sinister eyes, and muttered:

"Of course I live outside the palace, but I only live close to the king, unlike you, a Torristian, who is a bastard who has traveled all the way to provoke our relationship with Garnesia, intending to reap the benefits, isn't it? ?"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he burst into laughter, and the laughter quickly filled the entire restaurant, causing King Goliath and the others to look at Ye Yueshen inexplicably.

"Why is the ambassador laughing?"

King Golia couldn't help interrupting Ye Luna. The laughter was so loud that this greedy king couldn't even eat with peace of mind!

"Of course I'm laughing at the fact that there are such idiots around the king!"

Ye Yueshen glared at the man very rudely, and then saluted King Goliath respectfully and said:

"Just now, the lord said that I was here to sow discord, waiting to reap the benefits, but you didn't even give me a chance to tell me what news we brought to the king, so you hurriedly pressed me to provoke me. The accusation of alienation, you really care about Garnesia!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, the man was stunned for a moment, but King Goliath, who was on top, had already cast a suspicious look at him.When the man saw it, he hurriedly hugged King Goliath's calf, which was about the same thickness as his thigh, and said:

"No, the villain really has nothing to do with Garnesia, I just don't want to see you being deceived!"

Ye Yueshen heard the words and said lightly:

"It turns out that in your eyes, King Goliath is a person who is easily deceived, or he is deceived by people who have never seen it! That is to say, in your heart, King Goliath is a faint-hearted monarch. hello?"

"You bullshit!"

The man trembled all over, pointed at Ye Yueshen's nose and cursed:

"You are clearly provoking the relationship between our monarchs and ministers! You sinister fellow, say, what the hell are you doing here!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he was not angry, but took out the envelope that had been prepared long ago from his pocket and handed it to King Goliath and said:

"I didn't want to interrupt you when I saw you eating just now. Now that you have stopped eating, I dare to show you the handwritten letter from our princess!"

When King Goliath heard this, he could not help raising his eyebrows. The envoy's actions represented the king's attitude. The respect of the Moon God made him very happy. Although he had a general relationship with Torristine, he saw the envoy's attitude. With this move, King Goliath also got a little closer to Torristin in his heart.

"I'll take it apart for you!"

When the man saw the smile on the corner of King Goliath's mouth, he immediately realized that Ye Luna had won the king's favor. An envelope from God.

"Your Excellency has a very good relationship with King Goliath!"

Ye Yueshen couldn't help saying beside him.

"How do you say this?"

King Goliath stopped opening the envelope and looked at Ye Luna curiously. This guy's voice line is very good, and it sounds pleasant.

"Adults can hold a knife by your side, can this relationship be harmonious?"

Ye Luna looked up at King Goliath, with a smile in his eyes, but a more playful tone.

As soon as Ye Yueshen's voice fell, the minister had already threw himself down in front of King Goliath, grabbing the tunnel with his head:

"The minister's sin deserves ten thousand death! The minister's sin deserves ten thousand death, and the minister is not aware of it for a while, and this paper cutting knife was only brought today. It is really urgent to forget it!"

King Goliath saw that the minister was crying and didn't want to say anything, he waved his hand to the attendant behind him and said:

"Order all the guards who are on duty today to hit them all [-] times, so that they can improve their memory!"

"As ordered!"

The attendant respectfully agreed, and hurriedly left the restaurant. Following that, King Goliath turned his gaze to the minister beside him, and said with a hint of majesty in his tone:

"It's getting late, it's time for you to go back to sleep. I heard that you are not in good health recently, so you should rest at home for a month or two!"


The man lowered his head dejectedly and agreed, stood up and looked at Ye Yueshen, as if he could swallow Ye Yueshen alive without any soy sauce.

"Let's talk about Her Lady Queen's letter!"

After the man left, Ye Luna stepped forward and said respectfully to King Goliath.

Chapter 3, Legion Commander (5/[-])

"This is not the place to receive you!"

King Goliath put down the letter, stood up, and said to Moon God:

"You are indeed the most honorable guest I have received in recent years. Please come with me!"

Saying that, King Goliath said to the attendant behind him:

"Put down the food here and let the chef cook a sumptuous dinner for the ambassador. It's quite a journey from Torristin to here!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he quickly and respectfully said to King Goliath:

"Don't be so troublesome, the villain has to go back as soon as possible and tell Her Lady Queen your answer!"

When King Goliath heard it and thought about it, he said to the attendant behind him who had not yet gone out to give orders:

"Then let the cooks continue to sleep, prepare dry food for the ambassador, and then you can all go out!"

When he said the last sentence, King Goliath's voice was obviously a lot lower, giving people a feeling of not being angry but arrogant, Ye Yueshen listened, thinking that this person who is often infected with power will become a What does this look like?

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