When the attendant beside him finished walking, King Goliath turned around and saw that Ye Luna was looking at him in deep thought. He couldn't help but smile and asked:

"What? What made the ambassador ponder at this time?"

"Of course it's your heroic king!"

Night Moon God said casually:

"I knew when I saw you that Goliath must be a prosperous country. Under the command of a wise and powerful king like you, this country will soon be able to become the master of the continent!"

When King Goliath heard this, his eyebrows almost curled, and he opened his mouth and said with a big smile:

"I've heard a lot of compliments, but this is the first time I've heard an exaggerated compliment like yours!"

After finishing speaking, King Goliath really got down from his position, walked to Ye Luna, and patted Ye Luna's shoulder with his big fat hand and said:

"You not only proved you on the battlefield! You are also a good player in the diplomatic field!"

After finishing speaking, King Golia pulled Ye Luna to the front of one wall and gently twisted the lampstand on the wall. Then, a door appeared in front of him, and he walked with Ye Luna. go in!

"Tell me, does your Lady Queen really want to do this?"

King Goliath, who entered the house, quickly changed to a serious face, which was quite different from the image of the wine bag and rice bag just now.

This scene made Ye Yueshen secretly surprised. It turns out that this seemingly stupid guy is actually an acting school!But as a real acting master, Ye Yueshen did not show much surprise, but said calmly:

"It's true! Our Lady Queen has decided to counterattack against Albion, who betrayed the covenant, and Garnesia, who passed by. In order to condense the front, we will have a decisive battle in Slickronius!"

After listening to King Goliath, he walked into the darkness, not knowing what was moving, a large square hole appeared in front of Ye Moon God, Ye Moon God took two steps back, and suddenly a huge hole appeared in the black hole. Sand table, this sand table is the whole picture of the continent!

"This person is still very scheming!"

Ye Yueshen thought in his heart:

"Such a detailed sand table needs to send a lot of people to investigate on the spot!"

"How is it? My sandbox?"

King Goliath looked at Ye Luna with a smug smile and said:

"This is a sand table that I took three years to complete. Every place on it is made in a ratio of [-]:[-] to reality!"

Ye Yueshen listened, nodded, and praised:

"Sure enough, you are a big man with a big heart. Your Majesty the King will definitely be able to realize your ambition!"

"That's natural!"

King Goliath agreed with a smile, then walked to Ye Luna's side, stretched out a long pole and pointed at one of them, saying:

"Look, this is where you came from, how is it? Isn't it tiny?"

Hearing what King Goliath said, Ye Yueshen smiled slightly without saying anything.

"Aha! I forgot!"

Goliath Kingdom hit the festival:

"You've never seen all this from a high enough place, so of course you're not familiar!"

"You idiot, can I not see it? It's just that you are too imprecise!"

Ye Yueshen thought a little unhappily in his heart, but he still kept a polite smile on his face.

"Have my identity been verified by yours? If so, please let me take your last reply back?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the exquisite sand table and said lightly.

When King Goliath heard it, he felt embarrassed for a while. Did this guy discover all his little actions just now?

"Uh, it hasn't been verified yet, otherwise, they will come to report!"

King Goliath replied awkwardly.

"They can't find it!"

Night Moon God's gaze shifted from the sand table to King Goliath's face. The oily sweat on the king's face seemed to cover his body with a layer of skin, shining under the light of the light.

"Why? Is your identity secret?"

King Golia looked at Ye Luna curiously. This messenger is not just a messenger. It must be an important person. Otherwise, it is impossible for my guards not to know that this person is approaching their capital!

"Of course!"

Ye Luna smiled and looked at King Goliath, and took out another exquisite wooden sign from his pocket!

"Commander of the first army of the Barriere Legion, the most elite army in the legendary Torristin?"

King Goliath took the wooden plaque and read the words on it, with even more doubts in his eyes.

"Have you always suspected that I am the principal of that Magic Xu Academy?"

Ye Luna looked at King Goliath naturally and said:

"Because it is said that the headmaster of the Magic Academy and his secretary were involved in that battle?"


King Goliath saw that Ye Luna was so calm, and there was no need to hide his thoughts, and said directly:

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