Saying that, Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand to support Miss Lungobier's shoulder, looked into her eyes with affectionate eyes and said:

"As long as you can sleep soundly, I'll be satisfied, the rest is not important!"

When Miss Lungobier heard the words, she was stunned for a moment, her body swayed, she looked at Ye Yueshen with an incredible expression, swallowed and said:

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that I am a sleeping god in your heart?"

Countless crows flew over Yeyueshen's head, and then wailed for a lifetime before falling to the ground. Yeyueshen's face froze, he didn't know what to say, couldn't this little girl see his deep affection? ?Do you have to say it yourself in the least rhythmic words?

"Haha, I'm kidding you!"

Miss Lungobier smiled, stretched out her hands to hug Ye Luna's waist, put her head gently on Ye Luna's chest, and said with a happy smile on the corner of her mouth:

"Actually, you are very good, and I will always remember your kindness to me. Don't worry, I will always be by your side. Thank you. For the first time in so many years, I can sleep safely and steadily!"

Miss Lungobier's voice was like blue silk woven into a colorful cloud, lingering in Ye Moon God's ears. The soft voice seemed to be like a wisp of blue smoke in the sky, slow and long, melting in Ye Moon God's voice. This is not a tender heart, but inadvertently, Ye Yueshen's hands were also placed on Miss Lungobier's back, and the hands holding her were slowly exerting force, as if to merge the two people into one!

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Yueshen said:

"It's getting late, let's have a meal to meet the princess, they must not know that the two of us are here!"

Miss Lungobier nodded, blinked her eyes and said:

"Okay, here we go!"

With that said, Miss Lungobier packed up a few things, and walked downstairs with Ye Luna. After she left the pure white building, Miss Lungobier looked back and saw that the place she had just lived had changed. It became an empty space with no one, as if nothing ever existed!

"How is this going?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Ye Luna curiously, such a magic, even she, who has mastered earth magic, can't do it.

"You'll find out when you study the magic book I gave you!"

Ye Yueshen lightly smiled and opened the carriage door, letting Miss Lungobi enter in, and then lightly whipping her whip, she brought Miss Lungobi to Miyagi, and the two entered Her Lady Queen's room smoothly. In the room at that time, Queen Enrietta and her friend Louise were nervously looking at the plan left by Luna.

Ye Yueshen walked in and saw what the two people were carrying with the plan book like elementary school students, and asked curiously:

"Lord Queen, Louise, what are you two doing?"

"Ah! It's the principal!"

Louise looked up and saw that it was the Moon God, and quickly said hello, and then explained with the plan:

"My princess and I are reciting people's names. Today, we will meet many commanders of the army. If we can't even remember their names, wouldn't it be too embarrassing."

"It's not necessary!"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly, pointed to Miss Lungobier behind him and said:

"When the time comes to announce the plan, Miss Lungobier will read his name. After those legions agree, you can nod your head and say his name!"

Chapter 1 A Meal at Huxin Pavilion (5/[-])

"That's good, I'm still worried that I'll make a fool of myself in front of those generals!"

Queen Enrietta smiled, looked at Ye Yueshen with big eyes, and asked with concern:

"Have you eaten yet? I sent someone to look for you at Duke Bariello's house early in the morning, and found that you didn't go there to eat dinner last night."

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he smiled, put his hand on Miss Lungobier's shoulder, and said happily:

"I went to dinner with this beauty last night, and then it was too late, so I used earth magic to live in a house earlier in an open space!"

"Master Principal..."

Without waiting for Queen Enrietta to speak, Louise stared straight at the hand on Miss Lungobier's shoulder in Luna's room and said:

"This is the palace, it's not good for you to treat your secretary like this!"


The shy-faced Miss Lungobi hurriedly reached out and took the hand of Ye Luna on her shoulder and said:

"Miss Barryall is right!"

Ye Luna saw Miss Lungobier's shy look, and then looked at the trace of unwillingness in Louise's eyes, shook his head secretly, and then said:

"Both of you are right, I was the one who neglected me, please don't blame Her Lady Queen!"

"Let's not be an example!"

Queen Anrietta didn't want to waste much time on this matter, nodded slightly, and then took the night moon god's plan and said:

"Louise and I will watch here for a while to get acquainted. If anyone has any questions later, I will try my best to answer them, so as to be more convincing to those people."

Ye Yueshen heard the words, and he thought so. He was not the king of these generals. He had basically never seen them before. If he forced an order, the effect would definitely not be as good as what the princess said, even though Ye Yueshen didn't care about those generals. Do the generals follow orders or not!

"What about us?"

Miss Lungobier stood up and asked:

"My Lady Queen, where are the two of us going?"

"Of course you have to eat first!"

Queen Anrietta smiled and pointed to Louise beside her and said:

"Louise said from the beginning that you must be hungry when you came, so let me prepare a rich lunch for you early!"

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