Saying that, Queen Anrietta looked at Ye Luna and said with great interest:

"I hope you remember who prepared this meal for you!"

"that is really good!"

Ye Yueshen clapped his hands and said:

"Being remembered shows that I'm still very attractive, doesn't it? Louise?"

When Louise heard the words, her face flushed, and she shyly looked at Ye Yueshen and said:

"You've always been charming, really!"

"Haha, I'm really happy to hear the compliments from my students!"

Ye Luna smiled and looked at Louise, and said actively:

"Actually, there's not much to see in that plan. How about the four of us go to eat Chinese food together? I believe this meal must be very enjoyable!"

After hearing what Ye Luna said, Queen Enrietta not only hesitated, but said:

"After all, this is my first time commanding a large army, so I think it's better to memorize your plan here, what do you think?"

Queen Anrietta's words should have just fallen, and without waiting for Ye Luna to say anything, Louise next to the princess couldn't help but grabbed the plan from the queen's hand and said:

"What's so good about this thing, it's more important to accompany the Principal to dinner. You said it is not, anyway, it won't be in a while, Miss Lungobier can answer, can't let you say everything, can't you? Besides, How can these generals have so many problems, such a huge plan, they can understand where they want to take their troops!"

Having said that, Louise really pulled Queen Enrietta out of the small room, and greeted Yeyue Shinto:

"Master Principal, hurry up and follow!"

"Uh, no problem!"

Ye Yueshen agreed and followed Louise step by step. Ye Yueshen really didn't know where to eat this meal. Although he came to Miyagi many times, he was busy most of the time. Without touching the ground, he did not study the layout of this magnificent palace in detail.

Soon, Ye Luna followed Louise out of the palace, came to the back garden, and stopped at a lake center pavilion.

"Just eat here?"

Miss Lungobier stood in front of the Huxin Pavilion, looking at the quiet lake surface, and suddenly felt a gust of breeze blowing. The back garden of the royal family was different from ordinary places. The artificial silence made this place a certain place. Private place.

"Yes, this was approved by the princess herself, otherwise who would dare to hold a banquet in such a place!"

Louise said with some pride, her eyes were full of pride. To this day, the only one who can call Her Majesty Queen Enrietta face-to-face is this intimate one, even the Moon Goddess is a respectful address. The princess is the queen.

"Thank you so much for Her Lady Queen's generosity and Louise's care!"

Yeyueshen sat down and thanked him. After all, this banquet was nominally inviting Yeyueshen, so it would be strange if he didn't express it.

"I'll let them serve the food!"

Louise is very happy to see Ye Luna, and she is also happy. I don't know why, all she thinks about is Ye Luna. Last night Luna didn't return to her home, but Louise tossed and turned all night. She didn't fall asleep, and then came to the palace early in the morning, thinking that Ye Yueshen lived in the palace, but found out that she didn't. The loss in the little girl's heart could not be described in words.

Saying that, Louise disappeared from the corridor in three and two steps. Queen Enrietta, who saw this scene, couldn't help but covered her mouth and smiled:

"Louise is still as hot as she was when she was little!"

After Queen Anrietta finished speaking, Ye Luna nodded lightly in agreement.

"Yes, I can see that the two of you posted together every day when you were young!"

After Ye Luna finished speaking, Queen Anrietta nodded with a smile, and Miss Lungobier next to her asked in surprise:

"You and Louise have been together since they were young! Aren't you a princess? There should be a lot of people to accompany you, right?"

"That's what it sounds like!"

Queen Anrietta nodded, then shook her head and said:

"But the one who had the guts to play crazy with me at that time was my little friend. The other children of the same age as me were told by their parents to be respectful because I was a princess. As a result, I felt boring, only When we're with Louise, we don't care about each other's identities! Play with everything!"

As she spoke, the corner of Queen Enrietta's mouth curled into a smile, as if recalling the embarrassing incident she had played with Louise in the past.

Chapter [-] Identity

"I really envy you!"

Miss Lungobier stood behind Luna, and said to Queen Anrietta with envy:

"To have such a good friend who talks about everything!"

Ye Luna listened, turned his head, looked up at Miss Lungobier, and said:

"You still have me! We can also talk about what I don't talk about!"

"is it?"

Queen Anrietta looked at Luna in surprise, and then at Miss Lungobier, blinking her eyes and saying:

"I feel that after returning from the Magic Academy, the relationship between the two has improved a lot!"

Ye Yueshen turned his head to look at Queen Anrietta, and said disapprovingly:

"No, our relationship has always been so close!"

As he spoke, he also touched Miss Lungobier behind him and said:

"Is it, Miss Lungobier? My dear secretary?"

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