"That's right..."

Seeing Ye Luna like that, Miss Lungobi really didn't want to talk to him, but nodded to Queen Enrietta and said:

"It's getting late, I'll go see if Miss Louise is ready!"

"Let the servant go!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the stone table in front of him, picked up a chopstick and fiddled with it and said:

"You're not familiar with this place, so don't run around!"

When Yeyueshen was talking, it was not as frivolous as before, but there was a bit of solemnity in it. Miss Lungobier stopped her steps and thought about it. If the Queen's residence is like her own home, it is indeed inappropriate, and it is so natural that it will make people feel that she often comes here!

Thinking about this, Miss Lungobier hurriedly turned around, raised her eyes, nodded to Ye Luna and said:

"Listen to the principal's orders!"

Ye Yueshen listened, smiled slightly, pointed at Miss Lungobier with chopsticks, looked up at Her Lady Queen and said:

"Don't you think my secretary is very obedient?"

Queen Enrietta was confused by what Ye Luna said, but she nodded subconsciously and said:

"Yes, your secretary is really good, we have had a very good cooperation."

Miss Lungobier, who was standing where she was, listened and hurriedly saluted:

"That's all Her Lady Queen's trust in me. I am grateful. I am very happy to be in a peaceful country like Torristin."

Ye Yueshen listened to the words of the two, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and said:

"Is Her Lady Queen willing to continue to cooperate with Miss Lungobier? Is Miss Lungobier willing to continue to serve Her Lady Queen?"

When Miss Lungobier heard this, she said in a daze:

"I'm still the minister of Torristin's branch, am I serving the Queen? I don't know what the Principal means?"

Queen Enrietta, who was in front of Ye Luna, was stunned for a moment, and followed Miss Lungobier's words and said:

"I have always trusted Miss Lungobier so much, why wouldn't I want to continue working with her?"

After listening to what the two of them said, Ye Yueshen stood up from his seat and said:

"That's good, since both of you have the will to cooperate, then you have to show sincerity!"

"Master Principal, I don't know what you are suddenly talking about!"

Miss Lungobier hurriedly said that she felt that the current Ye Luna's tone was like the final arbiter. Such a tone did not matter to herself, but to Queen Anrietta, it was a bit too much. !

As if she hadn't heard Miss Lungobier's words, Ye Luna solemnly looked at Queen Enrietta in front of her and said:

"Will you put your full confidence in my secretary, Miss Lungobier?"

Queen Enrietta gave Ye Yueshen a strange look, nodded, and said solemnly:

"Don't worry, I will definitely trust Miss Lungobier, and I will never doubt her loyalty!"

"That's good!"

Ye Yueshen nodded silently, then turned around, looked at Miss Lungobier with the same solemn expression, looked into her eyes seriously and said:

"Will you give your life to Queen Enrietta of Torristin?"

"Uh...you are this?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Luna in surprise, such language would only be uttered when swearing allegiance!

"Would you like to say it!"

Ye Yueshen said seriously, he did not answer Miss Lungobier's question. In his opinion, these questions were superfluous. Now, he must find a definite identity for his beloved woman, otherwise, Lun Miss Gobiel will not be able to survive in Torristine because of this status. After all, the two countries will soon become enemy countries like a feud!What kind of image an Albion would have in the eyes of the Torristians, Luna couldn't imagine it!

Miss Lungobier fell into silence. It's not that she couldn't see into the thoughts of the Moon God, but once she said the word "will", she would immediately face the betrayal of her former motherland, even though that motherland was also right. I don't have any kindness, but the blood is there!

At this time, Queen Anrietta also saw Ye Luna's purpose. Thinking of Miss Lungobier's identity, in fact, everyone knew what Ye Luna wanted to do. After Miss Lungobier hesitated, Her Lady Queen finally couldn't bear it. Live said:

"Actually, Miss Lungobier continues to be a nobleman of Albion, I have no objection!"

Ye Yueshen listened, was silent for a while, looked at the sky, and said slowly:

"People say it's terrifying! Her Lady Queen, Miss Lungobier, when a person's identity becomes a question, the eyes of doubt will accompany him for the rest of his life. It is impossible for a person to exist outside of society. This kind of pain will continue day by day. To deepen, and when the society is in turmoil, such people will be abandoned by the crowd for the first time, and if you want to change this fate, I think you'd better make the only choice!"

Moon God's words woke up Miss Lungobier like a wake-up call. When the two countries were at peace, when the title of Albi was a nobleman and he was a minister in Torristin, there was no problem, but now, or After a while, when the generals surrounded Her Lady Queen and asked who was one of the participants in the plan, this kind of crisis appeared!

Thinking of this, Miss Lungobier no longer hesitated, nodding fiercely to Ye Yueshen and said:

"I am willing! I am willing to protect Queen Anrietta for the rest of my life, and I am willing to be a part of Torristin!"

Chapter [-] The food is here

"it is good!"

Yeyueshen looked at Miss Lungobier with satisfaction, as long as the identity problem can be solved, Yeyueshen would not have to worry about someone bullying Miss Lungobier when he was away!

"Since you are willing, then I can rest assured!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen turned around and was about to sit down, but saw that Queen Anrietta had walked in front of him, bowed slightly, and said:

"Master Principal, let me go over there!"

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