When Ye Luna heard this, she quickly gave in, and then watched Queen Anrietta walk in front of Miss Lungobier.

"Miss Lungobier, I will make you Duchess Lungobier of the Torristian Kingdom now! Would you like to?"

Miss Lungobier hurriedly agreed:

"I do, of course I do!"

As she said that, a few tears flashed in Miss Lungobier's eyes. She did not expect that Queen Anrietta would value her so much. In a word, she would make herself a duchess. Such an honor, in this world, But it doesn't always exist!

"Please get down on one knee!"

Queen Anrietta looked at Miss Lungobier seriously, then took out her saber from her waist, placed it on Miss Lungobier's left shoulder, and said solemnly:

"Now, in my name, Queen Annetta I of the Torristian Kingdom, I canonize you as a duke!"

Saying that, the sword in Queen Enrietta's hand moved from Miss Lungobier's left shoulder to her right shoulder, and then tapped it twice, then placed the saber horizontally, holding the blade in her left hand, facing Lungobier. Miss Bill said:

"This is my saber. I give it to you now, Duchess Lungobier. I hope you can assist the Principal and resolve this battle as soon as possible!"

Ye Yueshen was surprised when he heard this:

"My Lady Queen, this is the sword you used to ascend to the throne, is it appropriate?"

Queen Anrietta said in a deep voice:

"There's nothing inappropriate, Miss Lungobier will definitely be a role model for our generation! I believe she is worthy of this saber!"

Miss Lungobier raised her head, looked at Queen Enrietta gratefully, stretched out her hands to catch the saber that Her Lady Queen handed in front of her, and then slowly stood up from the ground. Her eyes showed a hint of determination, and the word "loyalty" was slowly imprinted in her mind!

"Your Majesty, don't worry! I, Desix von Lungobier, will not disappoint you!"

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Ye Yueshen and said:

"Master Principal, thank you for taking care of me! You have already planned for me the problems that I didn't even think of!"

Ye Yueshen smiled lightly when he heard the words, waved his hand generously and said:

"That's natural, who am I, or I'll be the principal and you'll be the secretary?"

Countless crows circled and fell on Miss Lungobier's head. No one would have imagined that Ye Luna would be so conceited. For a while, Miss Lungobier and Queen Anrietta were standing on the ground not knowing what to do. What to say!

At this moment, a petite figure appeared from the end of the long corridor in the distance. Behind her, there were countless waiters in the appearance of adult men. Detective Yeyue looked up and knew that it was Louise who came back with the food. , and said to Queen Anrietta:

"Please, Madam Queen, Louise has returned, let's get ready to eat! To be honest, I'm a little hungry!"

After listening to Ye Luna, Queen Enrietta glanced at Louise, nodded and said:

"Then please!"

After speaking, he returned to his seat and sat down, and Ye Luna also naturally sat on the right hand of Queen Enrietta, only Miss Lungobier took a few steps forward and stood in the night. Behind the Moon God!

Ye Yueshen saw it, turned his head with a smile, and said:

"Miss Lungobier, you are already a Duchess. You really don't need to stand behind me anymore, sit opposite Her Lady Queen."

Listening to Ye Yueshen's words, Queen Enrietta also smiled and nodded. Seeing that both of them said so, Miss Lungobier was also welcome and sat directly at Ye Yueshen's right hand, Her Lady Queen. opposite.

Soon, the flamboyant Louise brought a whole line to the front of Ye Luna. Seeing that the three of them had already sat down, Louise hurriedly sat in the last seat, and then waved her hand, He shouted at the person who brought it:

"Look at what you should be blamed for keeping the Queen and the Principal waiting for so long!"

After Louise said this, the few sweaty waiters who were running with dishes quickly knelt down on one knee and said:

"Slave sin deserves ten thousand death!"

After he finished speaking, he placed the food in his hand on the table in front of Yeyueshen. After that, Louise flicked her hand, and the waiters ran away in a hurry!

"Why is it taking so long?"

Queen Anrietta asked curiously while chewing slowly.

"Oh, stop talking!"

Louise explained with an unhappy expression:

"I said that in this Huxin Pavilion, these people wouldn't believe that they were killed. They insisted that this place can't eat. You can't invite others, Lady Queen, but I said it was Lady Princess. These people don't even know it's you. I'll explain the harm. It took them a long time to understand that it was your order, and they dared to follow me! What a cowardly guy!"

After listening to Louise's explanation, Queen Anrietta felt a burst of laughter and said:

"You said it lightly. You made a mistake and you were scolded by your father. If these people make a mistake, they will die if they leave the palace or die. Naturally, they should be very careful!"

After finishing speaking, Queen Anrietta did not forget to tell Louise about Miss Lungobier's just-canonization as a duchess. Upon hearing this, Louise immediately grabbed Miss Lungobier's hand and said with a smile. :

"Look, what I said, everyone who follows the principal has a good future, and now you are a duchess!"

As he spoke, the more ruthless he seemed to remember something, and he hurriedly said to Queen Enrietta:

"I went to Albion with the Principal to take an adventure. You didn't give me a title when you came back. Why haven't you heard anything?"

After listening to Louise's complaint, Queen Enrietta realized that she really did not give Louise an answer, and said with some embarrassment:

"This appointment is temporary. Yours will not be available until you graduate, or the next time you are promoted to the title collectively. After all, your family is already a duke and two dukes. If there are more, some people will have it. opinion!"

When Louise heard this, she roared in annoyance:

"Who! Who has an opinion? Our family has worked so hard to defend the royal family, who has an opinion so shamelessly?"

Chapter [-] Li Wei

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