"No one!"

Queen Anrietta held Louise's hand and said:

"It's just that you and the principal are involved in a secret mission. Although everyone has admitted it now, I can't give you a title because of this!"

Queen Anrietta said this, and Louise also realized that she and the principal were indeed on a special mission. Although Prince Albion was rescued by accident, of course, he did not let the letter Confidentiality, but I really shouldn't ask for the title of my own for this reason. After all, in theory, Louise lost the letter!

Thinking of this, Louise scratched her head a little embarrassedly and said:

"I'm really sorry, Princess, I forgot, I was just excited, I was excited!"

Louise said, shaking her two thick ponytails, she looked very cute, and of course Queen Enrietta would not turn her face on her hair because of this trivial matter, smiled slightly, and said:

"But don't worry, in half a year, it will be time for me to add officials and titles to everyone. At that time, I will definitely not be able to run away from you!"

After speaking, they swept away the meal specially prepared by Louise together with Ye Luna. After that, the group left Louise here to clean up. Under the leadership of Queen Enrietta, they came to The legendary royal war room.At this time, in the royal war room, the generals or staff officers of the various legions had already arrived. When they saw the queen coming, they all saluted respectfully. Of course, many people saw the existence of Yeyueshen, but no one gave this look. A person who is not yet eighteen years old salutes, although everyone knows that this person is already the highest military commander in Torristin!

"What are you still doing? The person beside me should know someone. He is the newly promoted governor of the military, both inside and outside the military, and the immediate boss of your immediate boss!"

Queen Anrietta looked at her generals curiously and said, although she did not know these generals.

After listening to Queen Enrietta's words, a few generals really planned to salute, but when they moved their mouths, they found that the generals standing in front of them didn't seem to hear them, so they shrank their heads and remained silent in the crowd!

Seeing this situation, Queen Enrietta exchanged glances with Ye Yueshen, then slapped the table next to her and said furiously:

"Didn't you hear what I said? Do you want me to say it again?"

Queen Enrietta's anger, the generals who were still hesitating just now all clasped their fists at Yeyueshen, and said in a flat tone:

"I have seen the military lords inside and outside the governor, good afternoon, lord!"


Ye Yueshen looked at the group of generals and responded indifferently. Although a few people were still indifferent, Ye Yueshen just pretended not to see it. After greeting everyone, he sat down beside Queen Enrietta and said :

"Let everyone come today, of course, not to let everyone know me. I believe you have been ordered to bring your troops to the vicinity of the capital, right?"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen glanced at the generals in front of him with his eyes, and found that there was almost no response.Most people keep empty eyes on Yeyueshen's question, neither saying that they have brought an army, nor that they have not, like a wooden man!

Seeing such a situation, Queen Enrietta was about to get angry, but Ye Luna stopped her first, then stood up with a smile, walked to the first general, stared into his eyes and said:

"Report your name and the number of the unit you belong to! Immediately!"

Ye Yueshen's voice was not loud, but he was unusually firm. His eyes stared at the man like a goshawk. When the man saw Ye Yueshen's eyes like this, his legs trembled, he swallowed a sigh of relief, and said:

"Sorrenkos, the commander of the Sorrenkos Legion, I have seen the Grand Governor!"

After speaking, he also gave Yeyue God a military salute symbolically.

Yeyueshen returned a military salute, let the man sit down, then walked to the second general, and learned the man's number in the same way. There were seven people in a row. After Yeyueshen asked the first three , when I came to the fourth person, what I got was a dead silence!

"Don't talk?"

Ye Yueshen waited for a while, seeing the man staring back at him with his eyes, but still no response, he probably knew something in his heart, stretched out his hand and said to Miss Lungobier behind him:

"Take this man's rank down!"

"you dare!"

The man yelled, his eyes were round, his face was hideous, as if he was going to eat Ye Yueshen!

"I dare!"

Ye Yueshen said indifferently, then turned around, and without waiting for the man to react, he directly pulled out his collar!

"What are you! How dare you take my military rank away, you are clearly a rebel, a provocation, and a disrespect to Toristine!"

The man roared and wanted to reach out his hand to take back his collar, but unfortunately Ye Yueshen held the collar tightly in his hand. When the man came to grab it, when he reached out, only a little metal powder remained!That is the mark left by Venus representing the military rank!

Seeing that Yeyueshen had actually crushed his collar into powder, the man couldn't help losing his mind. Instead of the excitement just now, he took two steps back in frustration, pointed at Yeyueshen, opened his mouth, but said nothing. don't come out!

"Nothing to say?"

Ye Yueshen raised his eyebrows, looked at the man coldly, stretched out his hand and spread out his palm, the metal powder flowed down from between Ye Yueshen's hands, and then slowly, slowly disappeared...

"You just said that I was disrespectful to Toristine. Now that Her Lady Queen is here, she didn't say anything. How dare you, a little lieutenant general, speak to me like this!"

Yeyueshen's words were like a cold stick, hitting the hearts of the generals present. After Yeyueshen finished speaking, Queen Enrietta stood behind Yeyueshen and said meaningfully:

"Now, the Governor is your supreme commander, and I unconditionally agree to take your life or death!"

Queen Enrietta's voice just fell, and the slack generals just stood up straight, saluted Yeyueshen, and shouted loudly:

"Follow the Commander's orders!"

"I hope you can do what you say!"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, then lowered his eyes, looked at the man who was squatting on the ground, looking at his broken military rank, stretched out his foot and kicked the man, and said with a smile:

"What's your name?"

"Report to the Governor!"

A general in front of Yeyueshen took a step forward, gave Yeyueshen a military salute, and then said loudly:

"This person is the nephew of the Duke of Quaterlier, and is now the commander of the Quaterlier Legion!"

Chapter [-] Strategic Questions

Ye Yueshen's face tightened slightly. He thought that this person must be an officer of the Hunik family, but he didn't expect it to be the nephew of Duke Quaterlier, that is, Momorangxi's cousin.

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