"then who are you?"

Yeyueshen asked the man standing upright, this person's respect is higher than others, and Yeyueshen feels that he will be the object of his future military operations.

When the man heard Ye Yueshen's question, he stiffened and replied loudly:

"The subordinate is not talented, and the current commander of the First Army of Hunik, Raoudes Hunik!"

Ye Yueshen's little heart couldn't take it anymore, and said:

"No, the one who respects me so much is actually the commander of the Hunik Corps or the commander of the First Corps. What do you think, both of them should change their positions, right?"

Ye Yueshen was shocked in his heart, but did not show it on his face, nodded, motioned the man to sit down, and then said to the desolate Quetelier army commander on the ground:

"Since you are the commander of the Quetelier Legion, are you the only naval legion?"

After hearing what Ye Yueshen said, the legion commander hurriedly stood up, patted the dust on his body, and said nervously:

"Yes, we are the Marine Corps!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, a black line flashed across his face. This guy didn't realize that he was giving him a chance to apologize to himself?

"Well, there is no need for the navy to participate in this mission. You can go back. I will now appoint your uncle, Duke Quaterlier, as the commander of the army. You should demote one level to see the aftermath!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, he ignored this person and asked Miss Lungobier to send him away, then returned to Queen Enrietta's side and said to the rest:

"Everyone has seen that I'm not very affectionate, so you'd better cooperate with me actively, instead of trying to show off me, okay?"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen asked these officers to introduce themselves one by one, and then remembered their names and appearances in their hearts.

After a while, Miss Lungobier returned to the war room, and Ye Luna saw her coming and motioned her to read out her battle plan.

In the bursts of exclamations, Miss Lungobier quickly finished the plan that Ye Luna and herself had made together. Ye Luna looked at the shocked expressions of the legion commanders below, and was silent for three minutes, letting him They digested it, then walked to the front of the map, pointed at the map with a magic wand and said:

"Everyone is clear about the deployment. In short, what we have to deal with this time is not only the Albion army that attacked us, but also the Garnesian army who borrowed it from Albion. Therefore, I decided to let Hu Nick's [-]st to [-]th corps are responsible for dealing with Albion's army whose main fleet has been severely damaged, and the remaining six corps... um, five corps and two newly formed Magic Academy student corps, a total of seven corps are responsible for Against Garnesia!"

After Yeyueshen finished speaking, the man who had not been respectful to Yeyueshen quickly stood up, raised his hand and said:

"Captain, we have no problem with letting us deal with Albion, but our rear has to deal with Garnesia at the same time, isn't it a bit risky?"

As soon as the voice of the commander of the First Army of Hunik fell, Queen Anrietta, who had been prepared, answered:

"No problem! Your Excellency Principal... um, the Grand Governor and Duke Lungbill joined forces to defeat Albion's sailboat fleet. You will definitely be able to complete this task, and the Grand Governor will follow you, so, Do not worry!"

"If that's the case, then there's nothing wrong with the humble post!"

Commander Hunik nodded, sat down, glanced back slightly, his movements were so small, if it wasn't for Ye Yueshen who was a god, he wouldn't have noticed it!

Sure enough, when the Hunik army commander retracted his gaze, a legion commander behind him couldn't wait to raise his hand.

"Ask any questions!"

Ye Yueshen nodded with a smile, his eyes slid over the face of the Hunik Corps commander who just sat down. This guy who looks loyal is really not an ordinary person!

"What the subordinate wants to ask is, why do we have to launch two offensive campaigns at the same time in such a small area as Smoknews? In this way, once, what the subordinate is saying is that once the situation is unfavorable, isn't our main force defeated by the two countries? With the army in the middle, isn't the empty interior of our Torristin vulnerable to attack?"

After the man finished speaking, the following legion commanders all started to talk about it. After all, everyone is a subject of Torristin, and they are still very worried about the risk of war in their own country!

"Not once!"

Night Moon God said:

"We will resolve the battle within three days, and once we start a war with these two countries, there are only two countries left to guard against, a total of four passes, we leave six legions to defend four passes, and then Two reserve teams, the two most powerful Barriere legions guarding the capital, there is absolutely no problem!"

After Ye Yueshen said this, Miss Lungobier and Queen Anrietta who were next to them nodded in agreement, but the legion commander who asked the question obviously did not intend to give up so easily, and gave Ye Yueshen an apologetic look, and then continued to ask road:

"I'm very excited, you have confidence in this industry, and I also believe in your commanding talent, but if our enemy does not take the initiative to attack, if we spend a long time in Smoknus, it will be very harmful to the country and the people. It's a huge burden!"

After the man finished speaking, Miss Lungobier and Queen Anrietta were stunned. Neither of them thought about this issue. If the enemy could not avoid the battle, it would be really difficult to deal with it!

"Do not worry!"

Ye Yueshen thought for a while, then smiled at the man and said:

"You think a lot, but I can guarantee that the enemy will attack us. Of course, if they do not retreat, we will skip the decisive battle and attack the hinterland of Albion!"

Having said that, Yeyueshen did not wait for these legion commanders to make redundant comments, and said confidently:

"I believe you have all heard of my feat in Albion. I can bring a motley army to wipe out the civil strife in Albion. I believe that with the invincible Hunik [-]st to [-]th Corps , will be able to sweep Albion in the fastest time, and put it under the jurisdiction of our great Torristine Kingdom!"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen threw the magic wand on the map and asked loudly:

"have you understood?"

Chapter [-] Patrol Camp

"I understand!"

Yeyueshen smashed the map with a magic wand, and the legion commander below was so bored that of course he knew what it meant. At this time, he asked Yeyueshen a boring question, and Yeyueshen deprived him of his noble title on the spot. It's all possible!

"Understood, go back and prepare, gather the troops at six o'clock tomorrow morning, and arrive at Smoknius tomorrow evening according to the already drawn up order of marching, no mistake!"

Ye Yueshen gave the order with his head held high, and then left the war room with Queen Anrietta and Miss Lungobier. Of course, before leaving, he handed out a copy of the plan. At this time, the plan was There is no need for secrecy anymore!

"Do I need to follow?"

Queen Anrietta asked while looking at Ye Luna as she walked.

"You're better off in the capital!"

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