Ye Yueshen thought for a while and said:

"After all, you are in the capital, and some people won't take the opportunity to make small moves. If you leave the capital, we may face the danger of civil unrest!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, Queen Enrietta no longer insisted, nodded, accepted Ye Yueshen's arrangement, and returned to the main hall. Queen Enrietta suddenly remembered something and asked Ye Yueshen:

"And what about Miss Lungobier? Is she going with her too?"

"That's natural!"

Ye Yueshen looked at Queen Anrietta with a smile on her face, and said softly:

"She'll deal with the Garnesian troops!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen reached out and gently stroked Queen Anrietta's hair, looked at her eyes seriously and said:

"Please rest assured, Madam Queen, I will not put your safety at risk. Early this morning, I asked the messenger to find Mr. Colbert. It is estimated that he will come soon. With him here, at least you don't have to worry about it here. What a mess!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen stood up and instructed Miss Lungobier next to him:

"Please go and tell the Admiral of Nine Gates, you can close the gates of the capital, any messenger, unless they have the seals of me and Her Lady Queen, otherwise, no one can leave the capital!"

As soon as Miss Lungobi heard this, she knew that Ye Luna was for confidentiality, nodded, and left with Ye Luna's order.

As soon as Miss Lungobier left her front foot, Louise returned to the palace with a tired look on her back foot.

"Why do you look so tired?"

Queen Anrietta grabbed the small hand and asked with concern.

"Hey, stop talking!"

Louise said sadly:

"You asked me to stay and clean up, but I went to call the maid to clean up. Those people said that after the principal came, what order did you give, saying that unless you allow, the maid here can't approach the Huxin Pavilion for half a step, and the result is I had a big fight with those people, and in the end I had to carry those things back from the corridor to see! I broke my arm!"

Louise said, looking at Ye Luna with small eyes aggrieved, as if waiting for Ye Luna's caress.

"Thanks a lot!"

It's not that Ye Yueshen didn't see Louise's eyes, he smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to hold Louise's sweaty hand, and said softly:

"It's all my fault, Principal. When I came to the capital last time, I was received by the Queen, who was still the Princess at the time. As a result, I found a few guys with ulterior motives in the Huxin Pavilion. It is estimated that since then, the Queen has Give the order!"

"That's right!"

Queen Anrietta nodded and said calmly:

"Since I saw those guys approaching Huxinting to listen to our conversation, I knew that I was going to get serious with those people. Sure enough, after getting serious, the people around me became extra careful!"

Ye Yueshen listened and shook his head slightly, although this is not good, but as a king with power, Queen Anrietta is already approachable!

Ye Yueshen and the two chatted for a while, and it soon became dark. Ye Yueshen and Miss Lungobier got up to say goodbye, and after rejecting Louise's request to go to the front line, they returned there. The white house rested. The next day, before the moon set, Ye Luna had brought Miss Lungobier to the military camp on the west side of the capital. The usually abandoned military camp was very lively at this time. All were gathered here by Ye Yueshen.

"I hate long-time warriors the most, don't spare the homesick!"

Miss Lungobier chanted the common saying of her hometown softly, then shook her head, and rode to the front of the barracks with Ye Luna. Can't figure out who it is!

"It's too early for the Governor to come!"

The ones who came out to greet him were Duke Barriere and Duke Quaterlier. The two were in good spirits, and they were also very respectful to Ye Luna.

"You accidentally dismissed your nephew yesterday, you have no problem with me!"

Ye Yueshen took off his helmet and looked apologetically at Duke Quaterlier. If it wasn't for his appointment, this retired general would definitely not be here!


Duke Quaterlier waved his hand generously and said:

"I heard about the bad things that kid did yesterday. You are really tolerant. If I were to be dismissed, it would not be an exaggeration to deprive that kid of his noble title on the spot, in front of Her Lady Queen. Not giving you face is really a sin that deserves death!"

With that said, Duke Quaterlier threw the whip directly at the attendant behind him, Ye Yueshen took a closer look, only to realize that it was the person who was dismissed by him for doing something stupid yesterday!After being whipped by his uncle, the young man still seemed very calm, and of course, he took the time to look at Ye Yueshen.

"What are you looking at, don't hurry up and apologize to the commander-in-chief!"

The Duke of Quaterlier roared with hatred for iron and steel, and Ye Yueshen also comforted a few words softly, and then followed the two dukes who wanted to stay in the capital and walked to the inner side of the barracks. It was also at this time that Ye Yueshen discovered A strange phenomenon.

"Why are other legions flying the flags of Her Lady Queen and Torristin, but these legions are flying black flags?"

Yeyueshen asked with his horsewhip straight to the flagpole in the distance. As a result, after Yeyueshen finished speaking, the two dukes behind him looked at Yeyueshen curiously, as if looking at aliens. The Duke of Barrielu, who has a good relationship with God, asked cautiously:

"Captain, you really don't know the reason for this?"

Chapter [-] Humiliated before the camp

"I really don't know!"

Ye Yueshen opened his eyes wide and looked at the two old men, thinking to himself, did he say something wrong?The two men reacted so strongly, it was as if I was hiding something on purpose.

Seeing Yeyueshen's pure eyes, Duke Quaterlier and Barryall exchanged glances, and whispered in Yeyueshen's ear:

"These black flags belong to the First Army to the Sixth Army of Hunik!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he was relieved, nodded, and said:

"But why do these people use black flags? I think everyone belongs to different legions, but the flags are all the flags of Her Lady Queen. Even the naval flag of the Duke of Queterlier belongs to Her Lady Queen. Among the dozen or so legions here, is there anyone more special than you?"

Ye Yueshen said, gently moved the warhorse under his crotch, and took a few steps closer to the military camp with the black flag planted.

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