Seeing Ye Luna urging the horse to move forward, Duke Barrielu hurriedly reminded Duke Quatlier to follow Ye Luna together, and Duke Quatlier, who had recovered, came to Ye Luna's side, whispering. said:

"That's why you said you don't know!"


Yeyueshen responded lightly, and at the same time stopped the warhorse under him. Although Yeyueshen really wanted to go into the barracks to have a look, but seeing the nervousness of the two dukes, Yeyueshen still Resolutely gave up this idea, after all, these legions are theoretically the easiest places to betray!


With the permission of Night Moon God, Duke Quaterlier, who was many times more modest than his nephew, hurriedly said:

"Originally, these legions should also carry the banner of the Queen and the Royal Family, just like us, but since their lord, Duke Hunik, died, the commanders of these legions have united and made this Black, with the flag of the Hunik family, it is said that they will not hang the royal family's flag until the murderer of Duke Hunik is subdued!"

After Duke Quaterlier finished speaking, he found that the Duke of Barriere beside him looked at him helplessly, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

"So it is!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, not paying attention to the reaction of the two people around him, but urging the horses under his feet to move directly to the station of the Hunik Legion!

Soon, Yeyueshen brought a large group of people to the front of the army camp of the Hunik family, which was obviously camped separately from everyone. Before Yeyueshen sent messengers, there was a team wearing black uniforms and riding tall horses. The cavalry with the SanJiao black dragon flag in their right hand rushed to the front of Ye Luna.

These cavalrymen did not slow down when they saw Yeyueshen, but rushed directly in front of Yeyueshen. The black-clothed cavalry team stopped when the horse's head was about to hit Yeyueshen's mount.

Seeing that these cavalrymen were so presumptuous, Duke Barrielu, who was beside Luna, couldn't help shouting:

"Bold! Didn't you see who was coming?"

The one headed by the black cavalry team looked at Duke Barriere's clothes, and said with a fist:

"Small dare not, you have misunderstood the Duke! We saw the cavalry in front of our camp and came to verify the identity, but until now, I have not seen your banner displayed, so I did not come to salute. !"

After the man said that, before the Duke of Barriere had a seizure, the Duke of Quaterlier who was beside him raised his whip and pointed in the air, and shouted loudly:

"Are you all blind? Don't you see that this is the banner of the new Grand Governor?"

The leader of the black cavalry team listened, with a look of disdain in his eyes, and said slowly:

"What? This banner is the banner of the Grand Governor. I thought it was the banner of the newly established reconnaissance team! It's so ugly, no wonder we can't read it!"

Saying that, the man actually arrogantly yelled at the soldiers behind him:

"Am I right! Brothers?"

"Yes! What kind of bird banner, or the Grand Governor!"

"Who is the Grand Governor! Come out and let us see?"

"I've never heard of a Grand Governor, who can manage us? Not every legion is a softie!"

"That's right! When we fought for Torristin on the battlefield, some people knew that they were hiding among the nobles. Now that they are tied to Her Lady Queen's chariot, they dare to intimidate us? No way!"

The soldiers of the black-clothed cavalry team, as if they had been beaten with blood, said all these foul words and complaints and sarcasm in front of Yeyueshen, and they did not take Yeyueshen seriously at all!


Even Miss Lungobier, who had not spoken all the time, couldn't help roaring:

"If you dare to insult the Governor again, I will tear your mouths apart now, so that you can never shut up!"

Miss Lungobier said, her eyes widened, and she stared at this group of daring cavalry, her hands were already on her magic wand, after accepting the magic book presented by Ye Moon God, Miss Lungobier's skills Greatly improved, she believes that as long as Yeyueshen allows her, she can now turn these few cavalry soldiers who don’t know the heights of the sky into lumps of dirt that no one cares about!

"Really? Then I have to ask for advice!"

The leader of the black cavalry team looked at the magic wand in Miss Lungobier's hand, smiled slightly, clasped his fists in front of Xiong, then quietly looked at Ye Yueshen, and said:

"This lord shouldn't mind!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he smiled slightly and said:

"I didn't expect this squad leader to have me in his eyes! I thought you never saw me!"

When Ye Yueshen said this, Lao Cheng was as serious as the Duke of Barrielu couldn't help but smiled knowingly. When the leader heard this, the expression on his face became stagnant, and he looked at Ye Yueshen with some embarrassment and said:

"Where is it, the person is extraordinary, of course not the average person! I was slightly offended just now, and I hope to atone for it. We are all rural villagers, and we don't have much knowledge. I hope you can help Haihan!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he smiled slightly, sat up straight from the horse, threw the whip on his palm, and said with a smile while tossing it:

"Really? If I said the same to you just now, would you be Haihan?"

As soon as Ye Yueshen said this, the Dukes of Barriere and Queterlier were slightly stunned, and looked at Ye Yueshen with a little surprise, just now Ye Yueshen can let the other's soldiers scold so freely, Now that I say this, is it planning to take revenge?

And the person who was talking to Yeyueshen was even more regretful at this time. He had already admitted the fact that Yeyueshen was the great governor. If he was prosecuted now, he might not even deny it...

Chapter [-] is very written

"Speak! Why don't you speak?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the man in the lead and asked in a calm tone.

The calmer Yeyueshen's tone, the more worried the cavalry captain who had just uttered mad words, and the more confused and helpless he looked at Yeyueshen!

Ye Yueshen saw that this person was actually frightened by his own two or three words, smiled slightly, turned to look at Duke Quaterlier beside him, and said lightly:

"Lord Duke, you are the elder here, what should you do here?"

As soon as Yeyueshen said these words, the cavalry captain was relieved. As long as Yeyueshen didn't punish him directly, he believed that his life could be saved!

The cavalry captain breathed a sigh of relief, but Duke Quaterlier's little heart almost jumped out, what a joke!I'm just a passing bystander, why am I so unlucky to be the referee?With my boss on the one hand and the biggest legion force on the other, how can I afford to offend me!

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