Complaining is useless, Duke Quaterlier complained in his heart, but he looked at Ye Luna with a smile on his face, and said:

"Uh, the prime minister can punt a boat in his stomach! This kid is open-mouthed, he should be punished, but he should also inform the commander of the Hunik Legion, right?"

"what do y'all think?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the entourage around him calmly, and said lightly:

"What do you all think?"

Silence, in response to Yeyueshen, there is only silence, no one wants to be caught between the two major forces and suffer, so everyone is silent.

Seeing that everyone was so silent, Ye Yueshen smiled and asked Miss Lungobier beside him:

"What do you say?"

"I have to teach this brainless guy a lesson! Of course, it's better to let his master come over, and let them know that our governor is the master here!"

After Miss Lungobier finished speaking murderously, Duke Bariello, who reached out his hand, secretly took a breath, exchanged glances with Duke Quatlier beside him, and rushed forward, still dazed in front of him. The captain of the black cavalry team, who was at a loss, was a whip when he went up!

"Don't hurry up! It's too late, your head will fall!"

After speaking, the Duke of Barriere returned to silence, as if it wasn't him who got angry just now!

"Wait a minute, everyone!"

The captain of the black-clothed cavalry, who was whipped, silently endured the pain, clenched his fists, and then rushed back and ran towards his camp. At this time, the commanders of other camps also got Yeyue. When the gods came to inspect the news, they hurriedly brought their subordinates and entourage to Yeyueshen. They were all respectful towards Yeyueshen. Soon, no less than one or two hundred people gathered around Yeyueshen. They are all standing behind Night Moon God, facing the camp of the heavily guarded Hunik Legion!

Ye Yueshen and everyone didn't wait too long. Soon, the captain of the cavalry who had been whipped by Duke Barriere just now left the camp with a large number of cavalry, but this time it was ten times in front of Ye Yueshen. At the distance of Mi Yuan, they dismounted, and then a group of people stood in front of Yeyueshen, silently watching Yeyueshen!


A crisp sound came, except for Ye Yueshen.Everyone looked at the cavalry captain who led the way in amazement, only to see that this man was slapped to the ground by a man in a noble uniform behind him!Poorly lying on the ground, afraid to get up!

Soon, the noble officer ignored the cavalry captain who was lying on the ground and didn't dare to move. He stepped over his body with one foot and came to Ye Yueshen. Moon God, said in his mouth:

"Lord Sastrole von Hunik, the commander of the [-]rd Legion of Hunik, has met His Excellency the Grand Governor. Hello, His Excellency Grand Governor!"

"you're good too!"

Ye Yueshen raised the whip in his hand and laughed softly, but did not let the man get up.

"Uh, at the end of the day, I don't know that the Governor will come, and I will welcome you far away. I hope you forgive me!"

Lord Sastore looked at Luna, and said honestly, kneeling on the ground.

"anything else?"

Yeyueshen looked up at the sky. In the sky at this time, the trace of the moon appeared again. There were only ten hours left before Yeyueshen stipulated that he would leave at six o'clock in the morning!

"Also... and the subordinates are not strict, offended the governor and the two dukes, and also invited three Haihans!"

Sastore bowed his head helplessly and finished speaking. After this sentence was finished, Ye Yueshen nodded with satisfaction and said:

"Get up, my lord, I heard that you are the youngest among these army commanders, with the lowest title, but the strongest combat power?"

Sastore, who stood up, first patted the dust on his body, and then looked up at Ye Luna and said:

"The previous ones are all right, but the last one is everyone's jokes. Xiao Ke followed his uncle Duke Hunik to fight in the north and south since he was a child. He did some secretarial work, and he didn't have any actual combat experience. This is just a flattery! "

Ye Yueshen listened, nodded and said:

"So you say your writing is good?"

Ye Luna asked this, and the corner of Sastore's mouth evoked a confident smile:

"When it comes to writing and writing, Xiao Ke really doesn't need to be humble. All the articles that my uncle reported to the late emperor before his death were edited by the villain according to his uncle's wishes. Come to think of it, the adults should have read a lot!"

Ye Yueshen listened, nodded silently, and said:

"have not seen……"


Sastorey, who was prepared to be humble, almost fell to the ground, and calmed down his mind disturbed by the night moon god. Sastorey showed a reluctant smile and said:

"Then I hope that the Governor will appreciate it in the future!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he shook his hand and said:

"Don't worry about it anymore, I'll give you a chance to show yourself now!"


Sastore looked at Yeyueshen suspiciously, wondering what Yeyueshen meant?He didn't play, how could he write a report?

Ye Luna met Sastore's doubtful eyes and said lightly:

"It happens that I find that we are lacking an article to declare war on Albion. Since your writing is good, then write an essay in front of everyone, and I will send someone to Prince Albion tomorrow morning. , In this way, we are not undeclared war!"

"Haven't we declared war?"

Sastrole looked at Ye Luna curiously, and said helplessly:

"After you and Miss Lungobier blocked the Albion sailboat fleet, Her Lady Queen ordered a declaration of war against Albion!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he was not surprised, but squinted at Sastorey and said faintly:

"Do you mean to refuse?"

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