Sastore looked at Yeyueshen suspiciously, wondering what Yeyueshen meant?He didn't play, how could he write a report?

Ye Luna met Sastore's doubtful eyes and said lightly:

"It happens that I find that we are lacking an article to declare war on Albion. Since your writing is good, then write an essay in front of everyone, and I will send someone to Prince Albion tomorrow morning. , In this way, we are not undeclared war!"

"Haven't we declared war?"

Sastrole looked at Ye Luna curiously, and said helplessly:

"After you and Miss Lungobier blocked the Albion sailboat fleet, Her Lady Queen ordered a declaration of war against Albion!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he was not surprised, but squinted at Sastorey and said faintly:

"Do you mean to refuse?"

Chapter three hundred and ninth wonderful strokes and flowers

"Don't dare! The little ones don't dare! Please make it clear that the little ones will finish it as soon as possible!"

Sastore was so frightened that he hurriedly agreed. In front of so many people, he didn't dare to violate Ye Yueshen's words in the slightest. After the meeting, the eldest brother had reminded himself that he must not anger Ye Yueshen, otherwise If so, the Hunik Legion will definitely be abolished by Luna under the pretext!

Sastoree, who understood this, did not dare to anger Ye Yueshen, and Ye Yueshen didn't bother to talk to him, and said directly:

"It's fine if you agree. In this letter, we must write about our momentum, our prestige, and our enemy's cowardice. In short, it means that our army will win and the enemy will lose. It's that simple! "

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, Sastore looked around and found that his brothers still hadn't come out of the camp. He knew that he could not confront Ye Yueshen head-on, nodded and said to Ye Yueshen:

"I know, Xiaoxiao, I'm going to prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and use the best paper to write this letter!"

"no need!"

After Ye Yueshen listened, he interrupted Sastrole directly and said:

"You don't have to do it in one go, and you don't have to go back to get things. I have brought the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, so you can write in front of everyone!"

After speaking, Ye Luna nodded lightly and said to Miss Lungobier:

"Bring the pen, ink, paper and inkstone given by the princess to our Lord Sastrole!"


Miss Lungobier, whose head was full of black lines, looked at Ye Luna again speechlessly. When she came, this guy had explained anything about the pen, ink, paper and inkstone!Where am I going to steal now?


As if she didn't know the plight of Miss Lungobier at all, Ye Luna pointed to the carriage he brought and said:

"Isn't that the pen, ink, paper and inkstone that I asked you to specially install? Go!"

"If it weren't for you, it would be a shame!"

Miss Lungobier responded viciously in her heart, got up and dismounted, and then slowly walked to the carriage brought by Ye Luna, and then lifted the curtain and saw a dark box appeared inside at some point!

At this time, the voice of Yeyueshen also arrived as scheduled:

"See that black box? Bring it here!"

"Why didn't I know this thing existed?"

Miss Lungobier murmured in a low voice, then brought the box over, placed it in front of Ye Luna, and asked in a low voice:

"Hey! Is there any pen, ink, paper and inkstone in here? If not, you will be embarrassed!"

Ye Yueshen ignored Miss Lungobier's question, pointed at the box, and ordered:


"Open it! It's not me who is embarrassed anyway!"

Miss Lungobier thought to herself, stretched out her hand, opened the hidden button of the box, and then pushed up hard, the cover of the dark box was lifted, and immediately, Miss Lungobier's mouth opened in surprise. Open, it can almost hold three eggs!


Ye Luna smiled at Lord Sastore, then before Miss Lungobier could react, he reached out and grabbed a handful in the empty box, and then grabbed an inkstone and a pen, of course, one after another. Also took out a few sheets of white paper and an ink stick!

"Uh, okay!"

Lord Sastore agreed, took a few steps forward, took the item from the hand of the Night Moon God respectfully, then looked around, suddenly smiled and said:

"Captain, look, this place is surrounded by land, and there is no table or anything. What do you want me to write?"

"It's okay! I brought it!"

Ye Luna smiled slightly, then pointed at Miss Lungobier, and said:

"Go put the box back, and bring the stool and table over here!"


She was deeply shocked by Yeyueshen's methods. Miss Lungobier had no worries, she raised her legs and walked forward, and quickly moved Yeyueshen's so-called stools and tables. Still holding the idea of ​​going back and discussing with his brothers, Sastore also understood that Ye Luna is not so easy to fool, so he sat down in the open space in front of the camp very readily, picked up the pen and started writing the letter.

Lord Sastore, who claimed to be very literary, wrote quickly, and soon filled the five sheets of paper given by Yeyueshen and sent them to Yeyueshen!

"Let me see!"

Yeyueshen stretched out his hand to take the paper. He did not dismount his horse from beginning to end and watched it quietly. At this time, the sky was approaching dusk. Except for these nobles gathered in the open space, the surrounding military camps began to burn fire and cook. The incense of planting rice quickly spread to everyone's nose, but seeing Ye Yueshen's indifferent appearance, even Duke Bariairu could only foolishly accompany Ye Yueshen, not daring to say anything.

Yeyueshen didn't use much time either. Although it was getting late, Yeyueshen didn't need the light. Start the modification directly, and it seems that the speed of modification is very good!

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