After a while, Ye Yueshen put away his small pen, handed over the letter to Lord Sastore, and said:

"Look at how I modified it!"

"It's definitely right for the Governor to make a move!"

Sastore squeezed out a smile at Ye Luna, then picked up Ye Luna's revised letter and looked at it. After two glances, the smile on Sastore's face froze on his face. It wasn't because of the night. Luna's writing is too bad, and the revisions are too arbitrary, but Ye Yueshen's writing has exceeded Sastrole's imagination, making this young man unable to react at once!

"Let me see!"

The Duke of Barrielu, who was holding the torch, soon saw that Sastrole's reaction was wrong, and came to his side after lighting the torch. The old man only glanced at it, then opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the night moon god The eyes also admired a lot at once!

Seeing Duke Barriere's reaction, the Duke of Quitelier next to him rushed over to join in the fun. The oldest Duke of Quetelier just read it as soon as he read it:

"Zi Meixiao waits quietly for the rest of his life, and when Master Wang arrives, he will die!"

The modified words of Ye Yueshen were read by Duke Quaterlier for a long time, and the eyes of the people around him suddenly changed when they looked at Ye Yueshen!

"Great Governor! What a literary talent!"

Duke Barrielu was the first to react, and he gave Ye Luna a thumbs up!

"Small idea!"

Ye Luna nodded silently, and then said to Miss Lungobier next to him:

"Since everyone has no opinion, you can copy the letter written by the Lord on the paper given by Her Lady Queen!"

After speaking, Ye Luna really handed Miss Lungobier a whole sheet of golden silk paper.

Chapter [-] Entering the camp


Miss Lungobier nodded respectfully, then walked up to Lord Sastore and said softly:

"Lord, please!"

"Uh, okay!"

Lord Sastrole was stunned for a moment, but he let go of his hands holding the draft, and handed the written letter to Miss Lungobier, then turned his head and said to Ye Luna with a smile:

"I believe this letter today will make Prince Albion angry!"

"That's natural!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and nodded, and said:

"It's all your credit! Lord Sastore!"

After Ye Yueshen said this, Sastore was embarrassed, smiled slightly, nodded and said:

"Where, this is all your credit! I'm just drawing the dragon, you are the finishing touch!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he smiled and said:

"If that's the case, how about me signing this letter together?"

When Sastrole heard this, he couldn't help being stunned:

"Is this letter still signed? Never heard of it!"

"Then let them hear about it once!"

Ye Yueshen said in an unquestionable tone:

"Since the rules are set by people, they should be changed by people. In the past, because the people who wrote the letters were not sure whether they could win or not, they did not dare to sign their names, for fear that they would be caught as evidence after the defeat. But we are different this time. Miss Lungobier and I joined forces to fight the other party's main fleet to only two ships. Fourteen legions will go on board together, there will be no problem!"

Listening to Ye Yueshen's words, the people around all nodded their heads, praising Ye Yueshen and Miss Lungobier for their great combat power, and when Lord Sastore heard it, he felt that Ye Yueshen's words were very reasonable, so he I didn't insist, I just said humbly:

"In that case, how about putting your name on the front?"


Ye Yueshen directly refused:

"You took the time to write this entire article. I just changed two sentences. If my name is in the front, people will say that I was under pressure from the above, which will affect morale!"

After that, Ye Luna directly ordered Miss Lungobier to say:

"Langobier, put Lord Sastore's name on the front, do you hear that?"


Miss Lungobier nodded, raised her head and wrote Sastore's name in the middle of the last line, and then wrote the name of Luna below, and then continued to copy it.

Seeing this scene, Sastore also knew that it was irreversible, and simply said respectfully to Ye Yueshen:

"Then thank you for your great love!"

"Where is!"

Ye Yueshen was casually modest, smiled and said to Sastore:

"It's already evening. Since everyone has come to the front of the camp, shouldn't you do your best as a landlord and invite us in for a meal?"

After Ye Luna finished speaking, the two elderly people who had been tortured by the smell of the food for a long time, the Duke of Barriere and the Duke of Quaterlier, said together:

"Yeah, yeah, we're all starving. If we go back on horseback now, this old bone can't stand it. Why don't we eat at your camp? How about it?"

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