The two old men said so, and the surrounding nobles were naturally rude, and they asked Sastorey to invite him into the camp for dinner. Of course, if Ye Yueshen knew about this group of people, it was because they had never If you are curious about the opportunity to enter the camp of the Hunik family army, you will definitely be depressed for several days!

"Since everyone has said that, if Xiaoke doesn't show respect to the big guy, he will be at a loss!"

Sastore looked up at everyone, and said helplessly:


"it is good!"

Night Moon Divine Strike Festival said:

"I just like a cheerful person like the Lord!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Luna took the lead and prepared to enter the army camp of Sastore.

"But I still have to remind the Governor and everyone!"

Sastore raised his voice, stopped in front of the Moon God, pointed at the flag hanging on the hard ground and said:

"The criminal who killed my uncle has not been caught, and our military camp is still in mourning, so the things that can be used to entertain you are very common, please don't mind!"

"You're so hungry, what else do you care about! Just eat it!"

Duke Quaterlier said a witty word first, which made everyone laugh, and then regardless of Sastore's warning, a group of people surrounded Ye Luna and entered the military camp of the Hunik family!

"I can't see it, it's very reasonable for you to set up camp at a young age!"

Ye Yueshen entered the barracks and glanced at it, then said to Sastore in surprise:

"Look, although these substances look scattered, each pile is separated. In the event of an emergency, there will be no panic at all!"

Sastore listened, smiled smugly, pointed to the tents on both sides of the avenue and said:

"I learned this from my uncle. Uncle said that the tents on both sides of the camp road are the most vulnerable to attack and the most likely to cause chaos. Therefore, these tents are actually not used for people. In an emergency, the army is in the camp. When marching, there is a wider road, and the enemy who attacked the camp thinks that the tent on the first floor is lit, reminding the people behind, and it can delay the opponent's attack!"

Sastore explained the way for a long time, Ye Luna nodded slightly and did not agree. After all, everyone knows the difference between himself and Hunik, and he is the biggest suspect in killing Hunik. , This guy seemed to be sincere and explained to himself along the way, but he said to his uncle, obviously adding to himself!

No matter how far Lord Sastore can say, the distance from the camp entrance to the main camp is so far away, and Ye Luna and his party came to the front of the camp very quickly. The few people facing each other stood helplessly and saluted Yeyueshen.

"Please wake up, I've seen you all afternoon!"

Yeyueshen smiled, and then brought everyone into the main camp of Hunik's military camp. At this moment, a burly figure appeared in front of Yeyueshen.

"Report to the Governor, there is the spiritual seat of the foster father, please remove your armor and sword before entering!"

The man stretched out his hand to stop Ye Yueshen and said proudly.

Ye Yueshen took a closer look, only to see that this person was naked, covered with muscles, and there were several scars in the shape of a cross on his chest, the blue veins on his face jumped up, and he was too strong!

"who are you?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the man silently and asked, the whip in his hand was beating on and off the palm of his hand, as if it was implying something.

Chapter [-] Break into the camp

"My name is Sukwesha, the adopted son of Duke Hunik, you should know me!"

The strong man looked at Yeyueshen with a fierce look, and said word by word, as if he could eat Yeyueshen!

"Why do you say that?"

Yeyueshen looked into the eyes of the strong man silently. Yeyueshen really had some impression of this person's appearance, but he couldn't remember it for a while, but Yeyueshen can guarantee that he must have seen this person. As for where he saw it, Ye Yueshen couldn't say.

"It seems that you are a noble and forgetful!"

There was a little smile on the sturdy man's grim face, and this smile on his scarred face looked more like a crack before the anger was about to splatter.

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen raised his eyebrows, looked at the strong man with strange eyes, and said calmly:

"Then tell me, how did I forget so much?"

When the strong man heard this, his eyes narrowed, his thick lips folded over everything, and the corner of his mouth smirked, and said:

"The governor forgot that night, at your foster father's house, did anyone take care of the two carriages for you?"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he knew that this person was the guard stationed outside the courtyard gate at Duke Hunik's house that night, and he was also one of the guards who looked after the carriage for him.

Thinking of this, Ye Yueshen's face showed a sudden realization, nodded, and said:

"It seems to be a bit of an impression. I went with Miss Lungobier that day, two carriages, that's right!"

After Yeyueshen explained this, the people around realized that Yeyueshen had met this strong man, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, especially the Duke of Barrielu behind Yeyueshen, who hurriedly stepped forward and said to the strong man :

"It turns out that you have met the Grand Governor. Since you have seen it, why are you still rude?"

Saying that, the old duke also gestured to the commanders of the surrounding Hunik Corps with his eyes. The meaning is very clear. Why don't you guys come to stop it?

Seeing Duke Barrielu's eyes, several commanders of the Hunik Legion, look at me, I'll look at you, and finally, the first legion commander who had a good chat with Ye Luna this afternoon came over and patted Sukwesha shoulders, said:

"Don't you hurry up and salute the Governor?"

"no need!"

Ye Yueshen raised the whip in his hand and said:

"You are all mistaken, it's not a question of salute, it's obviously this guy blocking my way, right?"

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