Said, Ye Luna did not forget to look back at Miss Lungobier, and asked loudly on purpose:

"Isn't it, Miss Lungobier?"


Miss Lungobier answered bluntly. In fact, when Yeyueshen was stopped by someone, Miss Lungobier felt pretty good. Someone finally tripped up Yeyueshen, but she saw that these people were obviously making trouble out of nowhere.Miss Lungobier suddenly felt that Ye Luna was also a good person!

"Did you hear that?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the two in front of him, opened his arms, and said calmly:

"Everyone thinks so, don't distort the facts!"

After Yeyueshen said this, everyone looked at Yeyueshen with black lines on their heads, thinking that everyone thought so, obviously you should ask your secretary, and then come to a conclusion like this!

Everyone was depressed and depressed, but who made Ye Yueshen open his mouth to replace everyone's meaning, everyone only smiled bitterly, but no one came out to oppose Ye Yueshen. Naturally, the commanders of the Hunik Legion could only helplessly. Looking at Yeyueshen, in the end, under the order of his brother, Sukwesha reluctantly waved his hands at Yeyueshen, clenched his fists, turned his face away, and said:

"The villain offends the governor, the crime deserves death, please punish the governor!"

"it is good!"

Night Moon God Strike Festival, said:

"That's what I've been waiting for!"

After speaking, regardless of the surprised expressions of the people around him, he turned to look at the nobles behind him, opened his hands and said:

"How do you guys think we should deal with this disrespectful guy?"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, Miss Lungobi couldn't help muttering:

"You've already told the crime, and you asked people how to fix it. It's shameless!"

Miss Lungobier's muttering represented the opinions of the vast majority of people. Listening to Ye Yueshen's remarks, everyone who didn't want to be difficult in the middle of the two major forces bowed their heads and did not speak.

On the side of the Hunik army commanders, they finally did not hold back the hot-tempered Sukwesha. He broke free and rushed to Ye Luna and said:

"Why do you want to rectify me? I'm the commander of the Hunik Sixth Army. You are nothing but a bird commander. You can't command me at all! Our Hunik family has the qualifications to listen to the tune!"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he turned around silently, looked at Sukwesha with cold eyes, and said:

"Can you say that again!"


Not knowing what to say about Sukwesha, the commanders behind him rushed over long ago. One of them covered his mouth and said nervously to Ye Luna:

"Su Keweisha has a hot temper. It was all nonsense just now. Don't take it to heart!"

"Do you think I can ignore it?"

Ye Yueshen flicked his sleeves, looked at the commanders of the Hunik family, and said viciously:

"Go! Entering the camp, I want to see how many kings there are in Torristin, who dare to say in public that he is not listening to the tune!"

After he finished speaking, he brought a group of nobles into the camp of the Hunik Legion, and when they entered the camp, Yeyueshen saw Duke Hunik's spiritual seat placed in the middle at a glance, and looked the same, Yeyueshen He swung his horsewhip in the air and ordered the people around him:

"How can there be such an ominous thing in the camp, move it away for me!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, the nobles around you look at me and I look at you, but they don't dare to move, what a joke, move Duke Hunik's spiritual position away from the main camp of Hunik Corps, can I still do it myself? Go out alive?

"What? Nobody moved?"

Ye Yueshen looked around and shouted a few times, but no one really moved. The Duke of Quaterlier, who was behind Ye Yueshen, said to him in front of the mountain:

"Captain, I think it's better to forget it. After all, this is the camp of the Hunik Legion. We can't go too far, can we?"

When Ye Luna heard this, he turned his head to look at Duke Quaterlier curiously, and pretended to say loudly:

"What? You think I'm going too far, don't you?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Everyone agreed. The Hunik Legion did not dare to offend, but it did not mean that they dared to offend Yeyueshen. This great governor blocked an entire fleet by himself, so he had better be careful.

Chapter [-] Departure

"Since the Governor has such an opinion on us, why don't you dismiss us!"

A loud roar came from outside the tent, Ye Yueshen heard the sound and looked, only to see the six commanders of the Hunik Legion standing neatly outside the door, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, with a look of hatred on the same face!

Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, then turned around and retreated to the nobles who were in the middle. He quickly walked to the front of the six and said:

"Do you think I'm deliberately targeting you?"

"Not bad!"

The hot-tempered Sukwishar raised his head and said.

"Do you think so too?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the remaining five legion commanders with a calm tone.


The five people answered together, although not as thorny as Sukwesha, but their tone was firm, and they looked directly at Yeyueshen, and the provocation did not diminish in the slightest.

"All right!"

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