Ye Yueshen nodded, looked at the five people, and said lightly:

"I'm targeting you! Understand?"


Everyone looked at Yeyueshen in astonishment. Although everyone could see that Yeyueshen and the Hunik family were not dealing with each other, but these words came out of Yeyueshen's mouth so calmly, and everyone was still stunned. The camp of the Nick Corps, isn't it afraid of causing turmoil immediately after Ye Luna said so?

"Please make it clear, what do you mean by this?"

The one headed by the five people asked respectfully, and the people around them all listened in a daze. What Ye Yueshen is going to say next may become the fuse of a turmoil!

"I mean, you're just annoying me! Any idea why?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the man and said calmly:

"Because you actually raised the black flag in the capital for Duke Hunik's mourning, what do you mean? Does Her Lady Queen owe you anything? You actually use such behavior to show that you are different, tell you, and immediately It's time to fight with Albion's army, and Albion's flag is also black, on the battlefield, tell me who you are!"

After Ye Yueshen finished speaking, the people around him suddenly realized that he had forgotten that Albion's flag was also black!

The quick-responding Duke of Barryair hurriedly stepped forward:

"Look, look, I'll just say it, the Grand Governor has absolutely no prejudice against you, but is just worried about the war. Tomorrow we will officially fight Albion, and you are still in black clothes and black flags. , it is indeed easy to cause chaos on the battlefield!"

When Duke Barrielu said this, the nobles who were already sweating on their heads agreed, trying their best to hide the conflict between Ye Luna and Duke Hunik, and persuaded the Hunik Legion to change it as soon as possible!

"But, don't we still have to fight the Garnesian army? Wouldn't it be better to transfer us to fight with Garnesia, and save us from changing our clothes overnight!"

Sastore, who just finished writing the letter, said with an innocent face.


With a slap on the head of Sastore, the commander of the First Army Corps, who had been calm, hurriedly corrected:

"Don't worry, the Governor, we will change our clothes now. It is our established mission to fight Albion. This change will make the whole plan out of touch. Don't worry, the Governor, we will definitely not hold back everyone!"

After that, I apologized with Satore and the rest of the Legion Commander and Night Moon God.

It was also at this time that Ye Yueshen's expression became solemn and said to everyone:

"So many unpleasant things happened just now. If I don't give you some punishment, everyone will think that I, the commander-in-chief, is a mess, and I don't respect orders. What do you think?"

When Yeyueshen said these words, everyone was speechless, and even Miss Lungobier leaned into Yeyueshen's ear and said:

"Can we not pretend like this, you are punishing others, saying it as if you are embarrassed!"

Miss Lungobier said that the commanders of the Hunik Corps were just stunned for a moment, and quickly said:

"Please rest assured, the Governor, we ask ourselves to be dismissed and remain in office, and we will make meritorious deeds!"

"it is good!"

Ye Yueshen nodded cheerfully, then patted his stomach and said:

"Everyone has wasted so long in your camp, do you have to bring out some good wine and food to entertain?"

"Please rest assured, the Governor, we will make sure everyone eats well!"

Sastrole laughed and agreed, Ye Luna didn't embarrass himself and his brother anymore, which was enough to make people happy.

Soon, Ye Luna unceremoniously ate a sumptuous dinner with the other legion nobles in the forehead barracks of the Hunik Legion. Of course, Sastore also asked himself why he was beaten. , the answer is actually quite simple:

"You idiot! Albion has been crippled by this pervert, and Garnesia is waiting for work. Which side do you think is easier to fight?"

Afterwards, Ye Luna returned to the camp, and as soon as he entered his tent, Ye Luna, who was pretending to be drunk all the way, suddenly woke up and said to Miss Lungobier:

"Hurry up and copy ten copies of the letter written by that guy named Torre and send it to Albion!"

"Uh! You're not drunk... I see you've been drinking a lot!"

Miss Lungobier replied with some surprise.

"...That's not the point, okay!"

Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from his forehead, repeated his order, and added:

"You know? This is the key to the smooth implementation of our plan!"

After speaking, Ye Luna fell back to sleep, and Miss Lungobier pitifully picked up the pen on the table, copied the scribbling text ten times, and sent someone to Albion overnight.

The next morning, when Ye Luna woke up, she saw that Miss Lungobier had already fallen asleep in front of the desk, a trace of guilt flashed in her heart, and after thinking about it, she put her cloak on Miss Lungobier. on his body, followed closely, picked her up, left the camp, and put her on the carriage.

After breakfast, Ye Yueshen summoned the generals for a training call, and then set off with fourteen legions. I don't know why, Louise didn't come with Queen Enrietta to say goodbye, Ye Yue God was very distressed for a while.

But time passed quickly. Driven by the magic of the night moon god, the journey that originally took a day and a half to complete was completed in eight hours after departure. All fourteen legions entered the extremely important strategic location of Small. At this time, the once prosperous city of Kneus was empty. Under the shadow of war, no one wanted to stay here.

Chapter [-] Capture the city and occupy the camp


With a slap on the deck railing, Prince Albion, who was on the sailboat flagship, said angrily:

"Scholars can be killed and can't be shamed, to actually write such a shameless letter, I must arrest this bastard who wrote the letter, and kill him with a thousand swords!"

Kesta, who was beside Prince Albion, hurriedly knelt to the ground and said:

"Please rest assured, Lord Prince, our spies have already detected it. Now the commander of the Fourth Army of Hunik who is fighting against us is the author of this letter. You must have time to capture him alive!"

After finishing speaking, Qista turned the ring on his hand to calm the prince's excitement, and then ordered all the ships to move forward towards Slickronius.

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