At this time, Ye Luna was not in your army of the Hunik Legion, but took the remaining eight legions day and night to advance towards the territory of Garnesia.

"Captain, we have already penetrated more than [-] kilometers into the enemy's territory. If we move forward, we must be ready to attack the fortress!"

Duke Quetelier wiped the sweat on his head and said, as the commander of the navy, the old man shoulders the heavy responsibility of transporting supplies.

"It's time for you to rest!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the map and said confidently:

"The Kvassko Fort in front is an important place for the enemy to store grain. It is said that even if a legion is transported, it will take [-] days to transport the grain and materials inside. If we take this city, your transportation pressure will be reduced. small!"

"That's right!"

Duke Quaterlier wiped the sweat from his face and said:

"But the city wall of that city is [-] meters high. If our soldiers don't have the ladder and the siege tower, it is impossible for our soldiers to go up. Moreover, the scout also said that the army in that place is around one legion. The ancients said , ten times the siege, we are now eight times the enemy, and there are two legions that are just formed student soldiers, can we win?

"is it?"

Ye Yueshen smiled slightly, looked at the castle slowly emerging from the clouds in the distance, and said lightly:

"Then try it!"

Soon, Ye Luna deeply shocked the old people, including Duke Quaterlier. Ye Luna and Miss Lungobier attacked the city at the same time, waiting for the reaction. When the cavalry came along the gap in the city wall opened by Miss Lungobier, Ye Luna and Miss Lungobier, led by the trembling guards, were quietly admiring the sunrise in Garnesia!

After breakfast, Ye Luna stood on the city wall and looked east.

"It seems that the King of Garnesia will soon come with a large army!"

Yeyueshen looked at the sunrise in the east, and said lightly, after advancing more than [-] kilometers in one night, the soldiers all fell asleep, and Miss Lungobier was next to Yeyueshen.

"That's right, and it's all out!"

Miss Lungobier looked down at the ledger in her hand and said that this ledger was obtained by Miss Lungobier in the warehouse in the city, and the food figures on it, even if Miss Lungobier was well-informed, felt a little terrifying.

"How to say?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the sunrise without lowering his head, as if the direct sunlight was a kind of enjoyment to him.

"According to my estimation, the general rations of Garnesia are in the cellar under our feet. If you were the king of Garnesia, what would you do?"

"Attack with all your strength and take back the granary as soon as possible, otherwise, the hungry soldiers will pull him down from the throne faster than us, and the troops without food will be equally vulnerable!"

Ye Yueshen said silently, then turned around, hugged Miss Lungobier gently, and said:

"You've also been tired all night, take a good rest, you don't have to sleep with me today!"


Miss Lungobier struggled to break free from Luna's arms and shouted:

"Who wants to sleep with you! No! When did I sleep with you!"

With that said, the shy-faced Miss Lungobi turned around and disappeared from the spacious palace. This palace was the residence of the King of Garnesia. At this time, it had become the command post of the Night Moon God...

After Ye Yueshen watched Miss Lungobier leave, instead of walking towards the bedroom, he turned back to the west-facing balcony and paused for a while before disappearing without a trace.

Soon, the figure of the night moon god appeared in the camp of the Hunik Legion. At this time, the camp was dead silent. The soldiers who were ready to stop fell asleep in their tents. Only a few sentries were on the observation deck facing the western Watching the airspace, vigilant against the attack from the Albion sailboat fleet, but for the east, these sentinels did not care. After all, the invincible Grand Governor had already brought his army to attack Garnesia. Even if there was an attack, it would be Someone is the first to report!

In this way, Ye Yueshen quickly let a few soldiers who found him fall asleep, and then walked slowly to the outside of the central tent of the Hunik military camp. At this time, the six army commanders were still arguing inside. Do not execute the plan drawn up by Luna.

"Anyway, that guy has already brought the group of dolls to Garnesia. We simply contact Albion's army and ask them to flank the bastard. After the guy dies in the chaos, or barely wins, we will Take the opportunity to go back to Torristine and let that girl get out of here!"

The sound of Sukhwesha's voice made Ye Yueshen frown.

"But in this case, aren't we turning into rebels, and in case we are exposed... Don't forget, that guy killed Albion and a fleet by himself, can you guarantee that he will lose?"

Sastore's voice came, and the expression of Night Moon God did not change.

"But, don't forget, who killed the adoptive father, don't forget, this guy didn't plan to cooperate with us well from the beginning! Don't forget, no one can protect us and the Duke of Sri Lanka. Someday it will be revealed!"

The voice of Sukwesha came, and Ye Yueshen knew it in his heart. At random, he opened the tent and walked in.

After a while, the central tent, which was still in dispute just now, suddenly fell silent. Following that, Ye Yueshen came out. When he came out, he accidentally bumped into the candlestick at the door. caught in a sea of ​​fire...

Chapter [-] Burning the city and returning to the division

The fire spread quickly, and while the entire central tent was swallowed, the air quickly filled with a scorched smell. When the soldiers found something wrong and rushed to put out the fire, only black and charred ground remained on the ground. A dark tent, as for the people inside, it is naturally impossible to survive.

But the bad luck didn't end there. The army that had just lost six army commanders suddenly found that a black flag appeared in the sky, and it was not the flag of a friendly army.

Afterwards, the leaderless army was beaten by the Albion army who attacked from a high position. The prisoners of Ang's army, of course, were controlled by a strange force among the more scattered and fled, drawing swords against their own people...

Yeyueshen saw all of this on a distant mountain. Although Yeyueshen also sympathized with these people, judging from their identities, Yeyueshen knew that even if he rescued them from the enemy's guns It is impossible for them to support Her Lady Queen.

Soon, the arrogant Prince Albion entered Slickronius, and he also had a lot of soldiers who surrendered. The original losses were also made up, and they began to directly threaten the safety of Torristine.

However, too many prisoners also forced the prince to temporarily stay in Slickronius, where Luna had never stocked food from the very beginning. With so many prisoners, Prince Albion needed to bring more food from the country. There is no way to talk about the fleet, and it can only be turned into an army, stationed in Skrenius.

That evening, at almost the same time, Prince Albion and the King of Garnesia received the news that Ye Luna had captured the granary of Garnesia, and Ye Luna also received the news that Slickronius was captured by Albion's army. , the news that the six commanders of the Hunik Legion were all buried in the fire.

Just when everyone was worried that their back path would be threatened by Albion's army, Yeyueshen was very calm, and let the nobles under him argue endlessly. After these people were tired of arguing, Yeyueshen stood up. said:

"Actually, we have no way out for a long time, haven't we? Even if we leave here now and come back to help, the result is still the same, and we will not only attack Slickronius on the mountain, but also in In the wilderness, facing the attack of the Garnesian army, there is no food, no city walls, or even reinforcements, and this is the result of our return now!"

"But wouldn't it be easy for you to take down this city and Slicerenius by yourself?"

A young noble looked at Ye Yueshen in surprise, as if reminding Ye Yueshen not to forget his importance!

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