"That's a sneak attack! It's okay to do it once or twice. Are all the city guards just rice buckets? There aren't many chances to catch the thief first, and Prince Albion is someone who has fought side by side with me!"

Ye Luna smiled and looked at the young nobleman. After speaking, he came to Duke Quaterlier and said:

"Duke, now I ask you to take your navy to circle the waters near Slickronius, don't fight against Albion's army, just let them know of its existence!"

After speaking, Ye Luna ordered the remaining troops to continue to be stationed in the city, and then called Miss Lungobier to his room and said:

"Langobier, now I want you to infiltrate King Goliath, make sure that King Goliath and Garnesia declare war, and then come and inform me!"

After speaking, Yeyueshen waited quietly in his room for news from Miss Lungobier for three days. No matter how the nobles outside asked, Yeyueshen would not go out, knowing that three days later. At midnight, Ye Luna waited for news from Miss Lungobier.

"It is absolutely true that King Goliath and Garnesia declared war, and in order to declare war, he also killed a minister!"

After Miss Lungobier said these words out of breath, Ye Luna, who had been sitting silently on the bed, suddenly jumped up, opened the door, rushed out, and ordered The guard immediately summoned the nobles under him.

Soon, the nobles who were woken up in the middle of the night braved the cold night and rushed to the door of Yeyueshen's room. At this time, Yeyueshen was already sitting in front of the door, closing his eyes and resting. After all the officers came, Ye Yueshen opened his eyes and said loudly:

"I ordered that all the troops must pack up their luggage in the early morning of tomorrow, and then set off, we want to take back Slick Lunius!"

After speaking, Yeyueshen waved his hand, and the room behind him suddenly burst into flames, so frightened that the nobles in front of Yeyueshen hurriedly shut their mouths and went down to issue Yeyueshen's orders.

And Ye Luna took Miss Lungobier to the underground granary. The grain in these granaries was enough for the entire Garnesian army to eat for the first half of the year, and Ye Luna took a look and sprinkled some transparent on it. Then, the entire granary became a sea of ​​fire, and then the fire spread, and the entire city seemed to be swallowed by the flames!

The army that has no way to go quickly packed up the things, and many homesick generals also took the initiative to take up the position of the forward. A city in ruins.

It took only one day for Ye Luna to bring the army back to Slickronius. At this time, Slickronius could be described as heavily guarded. The previous losses of Albion's army were not small, but not only did not decrease, but because of the captives. Too many troops have become sufficient, and the morale that was severely weakened by Ye Luna before has also been improved.

"Notify the Duke of Quaterlier and let him carry out my plan!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the city wall expressionlessly and ordered.

Miss Lungobier, who received the order, quickly took out the prepared signal flare and hit it directly in the air. Following that, Duke Quaterlier launched an attack on the city wall of Slick Lennius, and then failed unexpectedly. , and then took the remaining ships and fled towards the army of the night moon god.

"Can't let them rendezvous, we have to stop their navy and let them starve to death in the wild!"

The old man Qista roared and jumped onto the sailboat with Prince Albion. At this time, Ye Yueshen stood up on horseback, his eyes fixed on Qista's hands...

ps: There are still two chapters before this world will end, and the next one will not be so watery" ""

Chapter [-] scheming

The old man Qista saw the opportunity, stretched out his hand, flashed his ring, and a cold light appeared on the ring. The Duke of Quitelier, who was still nervously driving the ship just now, suddenly felt dizzy, and the things in front of him became very unclear. The rudder held in his hand also stopped!

"You're done!"

Ye Yueshen snorted coldly, stretched out his magic wand, and pointed it towards Qista on the city wall. A wave of light suddenly enveloped Qista's hands, and the ring glowing with cold light was suddenly enveloped by the light wave. In front of the night moon god.

Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand and took off the ring in the light wave, put it on his index finger, and then turned it gently, the cold light on the ring disappeared without a trace, and Duke Quetelier, who had almost passed out just now, also recovered. Consciousness, quickly put both hands on the rudder, bypassed the moat smoothly, and came to the side of Ye Moon God!

Ye Luna saw Duke Quaterlier returning safely, took a few steps forward, and asked:

"Lord Duke, you are a water magician, look at this ring, is it something that the water elf lost?"

Duke Queterlier took a closer look, only to see that the ring on the index finger of the Moon God was engraved with a pattern of sea orchid flowers, and there was a dark blue gem on it, no doubt it was there, nodded and said:

"That's right, this is the ring lost by the water elf. It is said that it can disturb people's minds. The dizziness of the old man just now should be the function of this thing!"

Ye Yueshen nodded after listening, stroked the ring lightly, and asked with a smile:

"I don't know if the Duke knows how to use this thing?"

When Duke Quaterlier heard this, he immediately nodded, and suddenly realized, he extended his thumb to Ye Luna, and said with admiration:

"Sure enough, he is the Grand Governor, he is smarter than us!"

Then, Duke Quaterlier explained how to use the ring, and Ye Luna understood as soon as he heard it. He flew into the air, tapped the Albion army in Slickronius city, and drew a magic trick. Within the range of use, the entire city of Slickronius fell into chaos, and Ye Luna took the opportunity to order a siege. Soon, Ye Luna's troops defeated Albion's army and captured Prince Albion.

After taking control of the entire city, Luna removed the magic from the ring, and then ordered the Duke of Queterlier to lead three legions to attack Albion across the sea, and he brought Miss Lungobier to the castle in the city to meet him. Captured Prince Albion.

"Prince, you don't have to be afraid, I won't hurt you, please tell me what's going on!"

Yeyueshen asked very softly, the prince who was bound lowered his head and recalled for a while before telling the reason for the matter. It turned out that after Yeyueshen left, the prince who was eager to make his country stronger issued a recruitment order. , As a result, Qista did not invite him, and then the prince slowly couldn't control his behavior, and he obeyed Qista. It was not until the night moon god released the magic on the ring that the prince understood what he had done. .

Ye Yueshen listened to the prince's words, nodded silently, and immediately beheaded Qista, who was captured by the lost ring, and then had him receive Prince Albion, then stood up and said to the princes and nobles present:

"Although we have defeated the Albion army, we have lost six legions and our strength has been greatly weakened. Now that we have burned the granary of Garnesia, I think the Garnesian army has no strength to attack us. Now, I think two legions are left to garrison, and the rest of the legions return to their own garrison, how about it?"

Yeyueshen almost defeated Albion's army by himself. Although some of the princes and nobles wanted to continue the attack, Yeyueshen said so, and they all kept their mouths shut and honestly agreed with Yeyue. God's thoughts.

At this moment, Miss Lungobier lost no time and said:

"Captain, there are two problems in front of us now, one is the disposal of Albion, and the other is the filling of the Hunik Legion. We can't make those places empty, can we?"

Ye Yueshen listened, thought for a while, and said:

"Albion's problem, let Her Lady Queen handle it. After all, our two countries have been friendly for generations. As for filling the vacancy..."

Ye Yueshen said here, and paused deliberately. Those nobles really leaned forward to look at Ye Yueshen. With the six legions to fill, which family is difficult to reach these places, their strength will definitely increase rapidly!

"Let me form six new regiments. As for the officers, just pick from the remaining regiments!"

Yeyueshen smiled slightly and made a decision.When everyone heard it, they were immediately disappointed, but they didn't show any dissatisfaction on their faces. They basically had no credit except for the march. They couldn't say anything about Yeyueshen's arrangement.


Ye Yueshen stood up, snapped his fingers, and said:

"I'm just acting as the commander of these legions. As for the future, it's up to you!"

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