After speaking, Yeyueshen gave the order to return the troops. When the nobles heard it, they immediately smiled and were convinced by Yeyueshen.

"You really don't plan to take care of the war on the eastern front? If the King of Garnesia gets frustrated and leads the troops across the country to attack, these two legions may not be able to withstand it!"

Ye Yueshen listened, turned his head to look at Miss Lungobier, and said curiously:

"Haven't you heard a saying?"

"What slang?"

Miss Lungobier looked at Luna strangely.

"Tear down the east wall to make up the west wall!"

Ye Yueshen opened his arms and said:

"Our army has just wiped out Albion's army. It's a time when the army is strong and strong, and Sri Kulenius is still in danger. The King of Garnesia will only attack us if he is crazy!"

When Miss Lungobier heard this, she raised her head to look at the map on the wall, and after a little thought, a sudden realization appeared on her face. When she looked at Ye Luna again, she couldn't help but say with some playfulness:

"You're so cunning! There's a good show here!"

"It's not just a good show!"

Ye Yueshen held his head with his arms and said with a relaxed expression:

"And among my students, there will be a lady queen!"

When Miss Lungobier heard this, she was even more stunned. The eyes she looked at Ye Luna were no longer playful, but admirable:

"Master Principal, you are really scheming!"

Chapter [-] Mysterious Matter (End of this Volume)

Chapter [-] Mysterious Matter

In the boundless night, there is not even a single shining star in the sky above Torristine, let alone the beautiful double moon, and there is no trace of it. Under the thick clouds, it should have been lonely. On the streets of the city, a deafening sound of gun salute suddenly sounded, and at the same time as the gun salute, there were also the sound of countless fireworks blooming. On both sides of the originally lonely street, countless lights suddenly lit up, like fireflies under the night light, beautiful. , Emmanuel.

At the end of these lights, a team of several hundred people is marching, headed by an extremely luxurious carriage. The two huge gold-plated dragon ornaments on the front and rear of the carriage alone can make the richest businessman in the world. red eyes.

Under the carriage, two young girls were sitting together, looking at the crowd that had slowly gathered on both sides of the street, their faces were full of happiness, the smiles on their faces were like candied fruit that had just been dried, and the thickness could not be dissolved. Above the heads of the two, the huge luminous beads emitted a dim light, projecting on the heads of the two, setting off the two like angels in the fairyland.

The carriage of the two quickly came to the end of the avenue and stopped. The two girls in the carriage straightened their necks and looked forward. At this time, the north gate of the capital had opened, and a steady stream of troops were entering, but After these troops entered, they were arranged by the city gate officer to stand at the root of the city wall.

One of the two girls, perhaps a little eager, waved his hand, summoned a servant, and shouted:

"Why isn't the principal here yet? Come and have a look. Our fireworks are all blooming for him. Can he see it?"

The attendant was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly rode forward. This is, the girl who didn't speak just now came up to Louise and said:

"This kind of fireworks can bloom [-] meters in the air, and the principal will definitely be able to see it!"

After saying this, the impatient Louise calmed down a little, and soon she couldn't sit still again, grabbed Queen Enrietta's arm and said:

"However, the Principal still didn't show up. What if our fireworks are finished?"

Enrietta was stunned for a moment, with a smile on her face, she looked at Louise and said:

"Don't worry, I'll let the inner attendant remove all the fireworks, so don't worry!"

After speaking, Queen Enrietta instead held Louise's wrist and looked forward with the same eager eyes.

The two girls didn't wait for a long time. Soon, after the last war horse entered the city wall, the figure of Yeyueshen slowly appeared in the eyes of the two. At this time, Yeyueshen was fully armored, waist With Prince Albion's saber on his back, accepting someone else's saber is obviously a symbol of surrender.

Ye Yueshen rode his horse skillfully and quickly came to the front of Queen Enrietta's throne, turned around gently, and got off the horse. After bowing down to Queen Enrietta, she looked up at her Queen, quietly read out the eulogy that had been prepared for a long time.

After reading the long and boring eulogy, Yeyueshen stood up and brought Prince Albion over from the knights behind him. Like the letter that Yeyueshen had sent before, Her Lady Queen first berated him. Prince Albion's crime of invading his own country, and then gave Prince Albion a chance to defend himself, and finally decided to put Prince Albion back, but Albion's army was led by himself.

After the most glorious ceremony of offering prisoners, Ye Yueshen personally stepped forward and asked Queen Enrietta to put on her three medals that she had prepared for a long time, namely, the Order of Defender, the First-Class Military Merit Medal, and the Peace Guard. medal.Afterwards, Yeyueshen stood in place and asked Miss Lungobier to read the names of all the officers who had meritorious service, and then awarded honors to these subordinates by herself. The whole process was long and mechanical. Yeyueshen stood there for more than an hour. All the people who need to be commended are awarded.

The whole process was not completely over until dawn. Ye Yueshen looked at Her Lady Queen who was full of tired eyes, and quickly announced the explanation of the award ceremony, and then let everyone go back to rest, and then came to the Queen under the leadership of Louise, who was in the final state of mind. In front of the official mansion given by the adults, he officially has his own mansion.

Afterwards, Ye Luna let Miss Lungobier rest in her room, and then talked to Louise for a while. Louise, who had been forcing it for a long time, couldn't help lying on the bed and fell asleep, and she didn't need it at all. Ye Luna, who used sleep to replenish her strength, sat alone on a stool and watched the two girls resting quietly on her bed.

After watching it for a while, Yeyueshen felt bored, and in a flash, he came to the lake where the water elf lived, summoned the water elf who had become his subordinate, and asked about the origin of the ring in his hand.

After Yeyueshen asked, he realized that this thing is not the water elf's own, but was summoned from the sky back then. Yeyueshen took the opportunity to take this ring into his own, under the disappointed expression on the water elf's face. , left the lake, and then came to Tabasa's home.

At this time, Etabasa happened to be questioned by several Goliath kings in the courtyard. Ye Luna said nothing, and after scaring the dogs away, she took Tabasa to the empty palace. Announcing the abdication of King Goliath and Tabasa as the new king, and just when Luna planned to use violence to eliminate those who disobey Tabasa, the front line was so immortal that King Goliath was lost and attacked. At the news of her death, Ye Yueshen sneered that she deserved it, and watched Tabasa ascend to the throne.

Those who opposed Tabasha at the beginning no longer opposed it after they got Ye Luna's promise of forgiveness, and Ye Luna then restored Tabasha's mother to normal and participated in the following banquet with confidence.

It wasn't until dinner time that Ye Yueshen remembered that he had put the two beauties in his room and ran out, and rushed to Tabasa to say goodbye:

"Tabasha, now I'm going back, you're already a queen, take good care of your mother!"

After that, Ye Yueshen was about to leave when Tabasa suddenly grabbed Ye Yueshen's arm.

"what happened?"

Ye Luna turned around and looked at Tabasa curiously. She looked a little restrained with the crown on her head.

"Can I hug you?"

Tabasa raised her head and looked at Ye Luna, her eyes showing reluctance.

"Don't worry, we'll see you again!"

Yeyueshen smiled, stretched out his hand and stroked... Touched Tabasa's hair, the little girl was stunned for a moment, then suddenly opened her arms and hugged Yeyueshen tightly!

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