Yeyueshen nodded secretly, put the planet into the barrier, and then one person stopped the time of the planet and rushed towards the planet at the same speed as light. Before, stop it all!

Seven Magicians

Chapter [-] Honkai Impact Center

In the vast universe, Ye Yueshen wiped the sweat from his head, walked into the barrier he had set up, and stared at the tightly sealed planet in front of him.

"It's almost the same as saying that you have no skin!"

Ye Yueshen looked up at the planet, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Such a planet is basically not far away from destruction. Ye Yueshen searched for a long time, but there were very few places where there was no collapse, and they all seemed to be in the sea. Like a small island, surrounded by the vast Houkai space!

Yeyueshen sighed for a while, then approached the sky above the planet and began to look for the place where the collapse was the most serious. Every part of the planet, because of the degree of collapse, showed different colors. The collapse has just occurred, and the dark black symbolizes hopelessness!

"This place is so weird!"

Ye Yueshen stopped in a lavender airspace on the planet, and the lavender color told Ye Yueshen that this place just collapsed.

"How can the color change so quickly?"

Yeyueshen was slightly startled and rushed down from the sky. The color of this airspace seemed to be infused with ink. As Yeyueshen galloped down, it changed to dark purple!

"No! I want to stop the operation of time and space!"

Yeyueshen thought to himself, his hands were already clenched in the air, he turned around to check the barrier he created, and found that nothing entered the barrier, and there was no gap. He nodded secretly, frowned, and the madly changing Honkai realm suddenly appeared in front of him. stopped changing.

"What the hell is going on? It's so fast? Could this be the source of the collapse?"

Yeyueshen's heart froze, and he suddenly flashed, and entered the center of the collapse, deep in the darkness, but after Yeyueshen passed through the clouds, Yeyueshen discovered that his feet were actually neat. Houses, clean streets, and the nesting sparrows on the pole hills!

"Strange! This place has already collapsed to the point where it cannot be saved, how can it still appear like this?"

Yeyueshen pinched his chin and thought quietly in the air, but his body continued to move closer to the center of the collapse. Perhaps, only in the eyes of the storm of time, Yeyueshen could figure out what was going on!

Soon, Yeyueshen passed through buildings and approached the source of the collapse. At this time, Yeyueshen also discovered that he did not even see anyone on the way, and the dazzling sunlight in the sky told Yeyueshen, at noon, it is time for people to commute to get off work!

With all kinds of doubts, Yeyueshen quickly used his year to find the center of the collapse. Yeyueshen, who was already familiar with the surrounding environment, nodded secretly, and in a flash, he came to the second floor of a residential house. At that time, a young boy with short hair was clumsily turning over a frying pan, as if he was cooking!

"Boy! What's your name?"

Yeyueshen clasped his hands in front of his chest, squinting at this person, and the light wave beating from him told Yeyueshen that this person was the source of this collapse!


The short-haired boy was startled, and the egg with liquid yolk that had not been fried in the pan slammed into his face!

"How stupid!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head secretly, stretched out his hand and pointed at the boy's body, a gust of wind scraped the fried egg on his face, revealing a face covered with egg yolk!

"You, who are you!"

The boy struggled to stand up from the ground, the blue checkered shirt on his body was already stained with a lot of dust, but the ground was spotless.

When Ye Yueshen heard this, a disdainful smile appeared on his face:

"It doesn't matter who I am, who are you, what is your name, and what do you do! Explain it to me within three minutes, otherwise, I will make you disappear from this world!"

Having said that, Ye Yueshen took out a knife with an edged blade from behind him and put it on the cabinet at hand:

"Or finish it yourself!"

As soon as the boy heard this, his pupils suddenly enlarged, his hands trembling and shaking, he pointed at Ye Yueshen:

"You... Who are you, why are you in my house, I have locked the doors and windows of my house, only Xiaoyu has the key! How did you get in!"

"Light rain?"

Ye Yueshen whispered this strange name, looked around the surrounding environment, and said:

"Looks like you still have family?"

"Yes... no, no... yes or no!"

The young man covered his head in resistance and kept backing away. The pan in his hand had long been thrown to the ground. It was not until his body leaned against the counter behind him that the young man's body stopped moving back. On the way, the young man was muttering. Saying to yourself:

"Yes, Xiaoyu just went out, she will come back, she will definitely come back, come back and see the eggs I fried her, I will fry eggs, and can take care of him!"

As he said that, the boy's foot suddenly stepped on the oil flowing out of the frying pan on the ground, and fell to the ground with a "dong!"

"Your current situation is very unstable. I need to seal you. As for your chaotic memory, I will identify it myself!"

Yeyueshen sighed helplessly, stepped forward, put his hands on the boy's head, and began to whisper a spell in his mouth. The sealed spells were similar. What he really needed was the inexhaustible inexhaustible source from Yeyueshen's body. The energy of the young man in front of him has no resistance to Yeyueshen, and Yeyueshen didn't exert too much force!

"Seal? What is a seal?"

The young man said in a daze, suddenly raised his head and looked at Yeyueshen, his eyes were full of tears, as if he was praying to Yeyueshen!

"The seal disappears temporarily! Don't worry, it won't hurt you!"

Yeyueshen pouted and said, Yeyueshen's seals range from [-] to [-]. He is as stupid as the young man in front of him, and Yeyueshen has never seen it before.


The young man muttered to himself, his eyes drooping, his eyes looking at his nose and his nose at his heart, as if he was waiting for Ye Yueshen to complete the seal!

"It's so cute!"

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