
The boy who turned into a demon roared loudly, and smashed the sharp blade in his hand at Ye Yueshen. At the same time, he fluttered his wings, as if planning to break through the roof and fly to the sky!

"Tips for carving insects!"

Ye Yueshen lightly stretched out his hand, caught the sharp blade that flew over, placed it on the table on the side, turned around and kicked the boy's feet heavily, then jumped up, stretched out his hands, grabbed The wings on the boy's back were folded with force, and the demon king's wings were immediately broken by Ye Yueshen. Although the boy in the air tried his best to grab the roof, Ye Yueshen still dragged him down from the air!


Shouting, the boy who was dragged by Yeyueshen stretched out his hand to grab Yeyueshen's neck, but unfortunately, just as the boy who already had sharp claws tore Yeyueshen's throat, a sense of powerlessness surged up. , The boy's eyes, seeping blood, still weakly followed the drooping head.Looking at his body, he fell powerless!

"I didn't want to kill you, but the demon king factor in your body has made you the incarnation of the demon king, I have to kill it!"

Ye Yueshen took out a towel and wiped his hands. At the same time, the boy's body moved...

Chapter [-] replaces Kasuga Shin!


With a loud bang, the corpse of the young man under Ye Yueshen's feet suddenly collapsed like a balloon punctured by a needle, and the muscles that were exposed just now disappeared quickly.

"Extremes must be reversed!"

Ye Yueshen looked at the young man who had become thin, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. It can be said that the current situation is the last thing Ye Yueshen wants to see, but there is no way. If the boy in front of him is not removed, the devil's factor will Gather together, in the end, not only is this planet difficult to keep, but the other planets that are locked in the barrier by Yeyueshen will also be finished. Once they are finished, the barrier of Yeyueshen will form a vacuum, forming a black hole, and the entire universe will be subverted. possible!

"Let me see the world as it is!"

Yeyueshen moved in his heart and walked to the window, only to see that the outside world was like a peeled orange, showing its original appearance of "golden jade and ruins inside". At the beginning, those tidy streets, now It has also become a cracked and unusable street, and the sparrows nesting on the telephone poles are just a piece of garbage hanging on the poles, and those neat houses also show the truth of their original ruins. face!

"Terrible collapse!"

Ye Yueshen shook his head and sighed, turned around, and stretched out his hand, intending to clean up the boy's body and study it.As soon as he stretched out his hand, Ye Yueshen realized that the young man in front of him was actually like a thin layer of lime statue. Wherever he touched it, it sounded like the wall of an old house, and then changed into Dust falls to the ground!


Yeyueshen stood up and looked at the lifeless boy on the ground, his heart was heavy. This phenomenon shows that Yeyueshen's powerful power has begun to have a huge impact on this planet. Because of Yeyueshen's existence, this planet The collapse phenomenon on the planet is accelerating, and once the corpse of the young man disappears, the collapse of the planet will lose the center of its generation, and it will become no sense of hierarchy, and the destruction of the planet cannot be stopped!

Ye Yueshen looked at the boy on the ground with a heavy heart, and wanted to leave here, but thinking about Louise's symptoms, Ye Yueshen still gritted his teeth, squatted down, covered the boy with a thin film, and then Through this layer of film, Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand and held the boy's wrist!

"There is still a pulse, it seems that the power of the devil has not dissipated!"

Ye Yueshen's heart was settled, he stood up, flew over the roof, and then pointed to the sky, a passage leading directly to outer space was displayed.

Immediately afterwards, Yeyueshen sealed his power in a colorless and invisible transparent box, and sent it to the outside of this world through this passage. Unless Yeyueshen left this world, otherwise, those belonging to Yeyueshen The power of , will only return to Yeyueshen when Yeyueshen encounters a major change!

"My dignified Ye Luna, I still have to climb down from the roof!"

Ye Yueshen clenched his fists and muttered in dissatisfaction, but looking at the sun in the sky that had begun to slowly climb out of the horizon, Ye Yueshen could only crouch down helplessly, climb down from the window, and then came to the boy around.

Taking the film off the boy's body, Yeyueshen took the boy's hand and put it on his chest, then recited the sealing spell in his heart, and then directed the rope evolved from the sealing spell to inject the power of the boy into his own body. body!At the same time, there are also the memories of the youth and the liking of life. There is no way, these things all came together, and Yeyueshen does not have the extra power to screen them at this time!

After completing all this, Yeyueshen is not idle, and has completely replaced his identity with Kasuga Xin before dawn. Not only the world, but even those who know Kasuga will consider him at this moment as Kasuga...

And Ye Shenyue also got new memories of Kasuga.

For example, the boy's name is Haruhishin, and then there is a cousin named Haruhishin, but that Haruhishin disappeared for no apparent reason, and Kasuga was unwilling to accept the answer and pretended that the light rain was still there.

When the memory image was browsed here, Ye Yueshen's head began to hurt, probably because the memory was too sad, and even the owner of the memory didn't want to remember it!

"Recovering my memory actually made me sweat all over. How can I find the secret of the collapse of this world?"

Ye Yueshen shook his head in a self-deprecating manner, walked out of Kasuga's new room, went to the front of the refrigerator, and took out the ice water and put it on his head.

Ye Yueshen chuckled and shook his head. He was about to go back to his room and think about what happened to this world when he heard a sudden knock on the door!

"It's here!"

After speaking, Ye Yueshen came to the door in three steps, opened the door, and said with a smile:

"It's really hard for you..."

Saying that, Ye Yueshen opened his eyes and swallowed.

"Little sister, how old are you? Do you have a boyfriend?"

"...what a nerve-wracking guy..."

The girl in front of the door rolled her eyes, stretched out her white and tender hands to Yeyueshen, pointed to her own eyes and said:

"Haruhishin, look into my eyes!"

Chapter [-] Holy Days


Ye Yueshen smiled and nodded, how could such a cute girl not do as she spoke?In other words, I have never seen such a pure girl knocking on the door of someone else's house in the morning to make people look at her!

With doubts and surprises, Ye Yueshen stared at the girl's eyes, and soon, the girl's eyes flashed a light blue look, and soon, a blurred feeling lingered in Ye Yueshen's mind!

"Mind reading?"

Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, but he didn't make a sound. He even pretended to be in a state of being read minds, and then quietly felt the mind-reading messages from the girl!

"I'm your missing cousin, but I'm not called Kasugaru but Kasuga-san. I went on a trip with my classmates yesterday, and nothing happened before or after! That's it!"

"Brother, have you eaten yet?"

The girl suddenly put her small head in front of Yeyueshen, her charming smile, long chicken feathers, and light blue hair all told Yeyueshen that she was Kasuga Shinshin's younger sister - Kasuga Sage!

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