"Uh, not yet!"

Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, then grinned and said:

"What about you?"

"People just came back, how can they eat, and go on an outing with everyone, it's hard work!"

Kasuga Saint pretended to be stupid, closed the door, then threw his white bag on the sofa, rolled up his sleeves and walked to the kitchen on the second floor!

"Uh, I didn't clean up yesterday!"

Yeyueshen suddenly remembered something, shouted and followed, only to see that Haruhi was already busy in the kitchen, looked at Yeyueshen with a crescent-like smile and asked:

"What didn't you clean up?"

"Uh, nothing..."

Ye Yueshen looked at the ground and saw that yesterday's oil stains and the wall that had disappeared were gone, so he walked in and touched the wall that was newly damaged by the spring last night, feeling the texture on it, Ye Yueshen nodded slightly, He turned his head and looked at the busy Haruhi Saint.

"It's amazing that you can cook so beautifully!"

Ye Yueshen sighed slightly in his heart, followed by reaching out his hand from the refrigerator next to him, took out his useless ice cubes, wrapped it in a towel, and then gently applied it to Haru Risheng's forehead!

"Uh, it's so cold!"

Kasuga Sheng was slightly startled, put down the spoon in his hand, looked at Ye Yueshen curiously and said:

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"You worked so hard, wipe your sweat!"

Ye Yueshen replied calmly, but at the same time he did not turn off the fire in front of Haruhi Sage.

"So you use ice cubes to wipe your sweat!"

Kasuga Saint smiled awkwardly, thinking that he didn't know Kasuga Xin had this hobby, so he secretly remembered it in his heart.

Immediately after that, Ye Yueshen took the initiative to wipe off the sweat for Haruhishin. Of course, the little girl was not wearing thick clothes, she was sweating, and the exquisite curves appeared in Ye Yueshen's eyes!

"Lori! It's Loli again! My favorite!"

Yeyueshen muttered in his heart, his eyes kept staring at Kasuga Shinkan, and at the same time, Kasuga Sage was also under the gaze of Yeyueshen, prepared Yeyueshen's breakfast and placed it in Yeyueshen. before!

"Eat it!"

Kasuga Sheng held chopsticks and looked at Ye Yueshen curiously, with a look of surprise:

"Don't I cook delicious food?"

"Delicious, of course delicious! It looks delicious!"

Ye Yueshen nodded hurriedly, grabbed the chopsticks on the table, picked up the bowl in front of him, drank the soup in one gulp without looking at it, and then used the chopsticks to pick up the eggs for breakfast. , After eating three mouthfuls, Yeyueshen's eyes never left the Haruhi Saint in front of him during the whole process!

"You can eat without looking at it, this skill is great, write it down!"

Haruhi Sacred Heart thought to himself.

After the two of them finished eating, Yeyueshen followed Haruhi to the school. At this time, the sun had already risen, and it was stained with a little black. The blackness looked particularly dazzling in Yeyueshen's eyes, but Haruhi beside him. Sheng, as if he couldn't see it, jumped all the way to the school, introduced his new good friend to Yeyueshen, then brought lunch to Yeyueshen at noon, and greeted Yeyueshen at the school gate at night. The younger sister, more like a nanny, made Ye Yueshen teased by her classmates on the first day, saying that Kasuga Saint was his wife.

"Saint, where have you been outing with your classmates these days?"

Yeyueshen was eating dinner and asked the "sister" in front of him.

"Go, go to Zuxiu Mountain. There are a lot of people buying things in the market there! I even bought an amulet for my brother!"

Haruhi Sage hurriedly said, and then jumped in front of Yeyueshen, took out a purple-red sachet from behind him, with a piece of folded yellow paper on it, the pattern on the yellow paper was made of red pen Written runes!

"Awesome! Thank you so much!"

Ye Yueshen picked up the amulet, smiled happily, and then hung the amulet around his neck!

"It is only natural to be able to pray for the safety of my brother!"

Kasuga Sage nodded with a smile, returned to his seat with a smile on his skirt, neatly cleaned up the dishes, and then climbed to the roof with Ye Luna to watch the sunset!

"I think the sunset is very beautiful, very quiet, what do you think?"

Kasuga Sheng looked at Ye Yueshen's face and said actively.

"Yeah, the moon at night always makes people feel a bit desolate, and when I think of some things, only the sunset can make people feel that everything is so solemn. One day has passed, and tomorrow is a new day!"

Yeyueshen nodded in response, and then waited until the sunset all fell, and Yeyueshen got off the roof and went out. There were not many people on the surrounding streets, but they all greeted Yeyueshen warmly, but when Yeyueshen went out. When God wanted to start a conversation with them, these people would excuse themselves and hurried away.

Walking alone on the street for a while, Yeyueshen didn't see any changes in this world. Without his divine power, Yeyueshen couldn't easily see the real face of the collapse of this world.

When he got home, Yeyueshen looked up, and Kasuga Sage was still watching the falling sun, so he raised his head and shouted at the roof:

"Saint, I'm back!"


Kasuga Sheng hurriedly agreed, but the voice came from behind Ye Yueshen!

Chapter [-] a week later

"Why are you behind me?"

Yeyueshen looked at Haruhisheng with a surprised look. The little girl was looking at the stars on the roof just now, and now she ran behind him. Could she also teleport?

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