"Of course I'm behind you!"

Kasuga Sheng looked at Yeyue Shen with a surprised expression:

"I've been following you, how boring is it to be alone on the roof?"

"But... me just now?"

Ye Yueshen looked up at the roof, but it turned out to be empty!

"It was just a hallucination!"

Kasuga Sheng smiled, took out the key from behind, and opened the door.

"It's getting dark, let's watch TV!"

Saying that, he took Ye Yueshen's hand and entered the house.Soon he came to his room.

"Why is there something wrong with your room but not mine?"

Ye Yueshen said curiously in front of the door, this room is so big, it looks more like the master bedroom!

"Because I'm a younger sister, I need a big bed to rest!"

Kasuga Sheng smiled, the hairpin on her head swayed with her shaking head, it looked so cute!

"Okay, let's go in then!"

Ye Yueshen nodded, followed Haruhi Sage to her room, and reached out to the wall beside the door, intending to turn on the lights in the room, but he found something like a piece of paper!

"what is this?"

Ye Yueshen turned around curiously and turned on the lights in the room, only to see a white drawing paper hanging on the wall, on which was a picture drawn with crayons, simply, a house, a tree The big tree, and the crimson sun, next to the signature of Kasuga-san!

"Of course it's my work!"

Kasuga Sheng was lying on the bed holding the remote control, turned on the TV, and then watched the cartoon with Yeyueshen. Yeyueshen didn't feel sleepy when he watched it. When he was about to sleep, he glanced at the wall. The painting, he fell asleep in the arms of Kasuga Sage. All night, Kasuga Sage held Ye Yueshen's head like this, motionless, as if his hands would not be numb at all.

On the second day, when Ye Yueshen woke up, because of his sleeping position, he was actually stiff.

"I'll beat you!"

Sage Kasuga brought the food in front of Yeyueshen, took the initiative to walk behind Yeyueshen, and slammed Yeyueshen's stiff shoulder with his pink fist a few times. Yeyueshen's neck was almost hit The little girl beats it off!

"Why are you so energetic?"

Ye Yueshen clutched his neck, which had eased a lot, and looked at Haruhi Sage in surprise. This little sister is full of advantages, but she always uses too much force, which makes people feel a little unusual!

In fact, he said it deliberately, to know that he has been pampering her, wanting to see what she is going to do to pretend to be Kasuga's new cousin.

It's just that Sheng himself doesn't confess, so Ye Shenyue just needs to induce her to speak.

"It's your physique that's too weak!"

But Haruhi Sage spoke in the tone of a cousin, she hugged Ye Yueshen's neck and smiled, the two sweet dimples on her face made people really want to pinch it.

The expression is normal and can't be seen out of the ordinary. If he hadn't known that Xiao Sheng was a fake Kasuga Xin's cousin, he would have been deceived by her.

"Okay, count me as poor!"

Yeyueshen smiled without arguing, finished the breakfast in front of him, and went to school with Kasuga, but Kasuga and Yeyueshen were not in the same school, they separated at the school gate. Luna will be delivered to Ye Yueshen in advance, and in the evening, this cute little girl will excitedly greet Ye Yueshen after school at the school gate, and then the two will go home together, play together, and watch TV together.

Occasionally, Yeyueshen will also ask Chunri Sacred Point questions about this world, but the little girl is either going to talk to him, or she just excuses herself for something and leaves Yeyueshen. Before this time, Yeyueshen will leave. Room, go to the street to see the world, but after losing his divine power, Ye Yueshen rarely has the opportunity to observe the changes in this world.

However, Yeyueshen discovered a strange phenomenon, that is, the sage would always appear from places he couldn't see, and even left in front of Yeyueshen just now. When Yeyueshen called, he would always appear from behind. !

A whole week has passed, and Yeyueshen has even become accustomed to the life here. When he feels that he is with Sheng, a kind of homely affection makes Yeyueshen feel very warm, but when Yeyueshen comes to school like before, But I found that everyone began to call themselves Yeyueshen, not the previous Kasuga!

"It seems that my body has replaced the power of the entire Kasuga new body, and it has been recognized by the world. Naturally, this strange Kasuga saint can't see the problem!"

Yeyueshen thought to himself, when he finished his lunch at noon, Yeyueshen excused himself from the school. At this time, there was no one on the street. Yeyueshen was curious for a while and walked to a crossroad, but found this The place didn't even bother to change the traffic lights, so he was curious to touch those pillars!


Ye Yueshen exclaimed and retracted his hands. Just when Ye Yueshen stretched out his hand to reach the traffic light, the pillar turned into pieces and fell to the ground with a bang, but no dust was splashed!

"It seems that the world has collapsed more than I thought!"

Ye Yueshen doesn't need to think about it, he knows that since this world is the source of the collapse of other worlds, he is inherently unstable. God knows when it will be destroyed, etc. If destroyed, wouldn't the little saint also have problems?Thinking of this, the anxious Yeyueshen hurried to Kasuga-san's school, and when she got to her class, she found that it was empty!

"Holy! Where are you?"

Yeyueshen shouted loudly in the corridor. At this time, Yeyueshen is no longer like acting with this mysterious sister. He is here to save the world, not to live the life of ordinary people!

"Brother? Why are you here?"

Sheng's voice appeared from behind Yeyueshen as usual, Yeyueshen turned his head and found that Sheng was wearing a cute sailor-style school uniform, looking very cute!

"I miss you!"

Yeyueshen looked at Sheng tenderly and said, such a beautiful loli appeared in front of Yeyueshen, and the anxious sweat on Yeyueshen's head disappeared without a trace!

"You must have something to ask me, otherwise, you will not skip class!"

Haruhi Sage said seriously, then he took Yeyueshen's hand and came to a rooftop...

"Is this place okay to lean on?"

Yeyueshen patted the wall behind him and asked, what happened to the electric pole just now made Yeyueshen's heart feel wirelessly worried, and the place has collapsed to a certain extent!

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