"Did you find something?"

Kasuga Sheng stared blankly at Ye Yueshen, his tone became a little stiff.

Chapter [-] Thoughts in the Heart


Yeyueshen nodded and looked into the eyes of Sage Kasuga seriously:

"I found that the world I am in is collapsing, isn't it?"

"how come?"

Kasuga Sheng was startled, took a few steps towards Ye Yueshen, and said eagerly:

"Honkai God, this world is fine, the same as before?"

St. did not admit.

Ye Yueshen lowered his eyes, looking very lost.

Kasuga Sheng's expression became a little painful, but he walked in front of Yeyueshen, stretched out his hand and gently pressed Yeyueshen's forehead, his eyes suddenly radiated a blurred brilliance, while Yeyueshen's eyes looked uncontrollably at peace. Haruhi-san's eyes also began to blur!

"I'm your sister, Kasuga Saint. This world has not changed or collapsed. You will forget that you are a candidate for the Demon King and return to a peaceful life."

That's right, Xiaosheng came here to pretend to be Kasuga Shinshin's unfortunately missing sister because he found out that Yagami Yue was a candidate for the Demon King.

She just didn't expect that Ye Shenyue had vaguely discovered the phenomenon of collapse, which made it very difficult for her.

Under normal circumstances, the organization asked her to monitor Ye Shenyue just to use his power, so it was a good thing for his power to wake up.

However, she was obsessed with this calm and warm day, and did not want to lose this, so she chose to hypnotize Yashenyue here.

It was only the first time that Kasuga Sage's hypnosis was cracked by Ye Shenyue, and the second time was the same, but Ye Yueshen didn't want to create the appearance of being controlled again. He tried hard to control the bursting energy in his body and stretched out Taking action, he knocked off Sage Haruhi's fingers on his forehead, lowered his head and said:

"Don't lie to me anymore, this world has collapsed, right! Your hypnotism has no effect on me!"

"Uh, how is that possible?"

Kasuga Sheng looked at Ye Yueshen in horror, his eyes were full of incredible:

"How is that possible? You are living like before these days, and I don't see what you found? Could it be?"

"Yes! I'm testing you!"

Yeyueshen nodded and did not use the word deception, because Yeyueshen felt that deception was purposeful, and Yeyueshen just wanted to see what this girl wanted to do, but found that she was kind and cute. , without any malice!That's why Ye Shenyue is difficult to handle.

"Try me? Why? You should be very excited to find out that I'm not your real cousin!"

Kasuga-san looked at Yeyueshen strangely, and the information the organization gave her told her that this young man should be very dependent on his sister!

"That's how it started!"

Night Moon God said:

"But since you started cooking for me, I've felt so comfortable, so warm, and I really like being with you!"

Ye Yueshen nodded with a smile, his eyes were full of gratitude, and Ye Yueshen really enjoyed the care these days.

"Okay, looks like I'm doing a good job!"

Kasuga Sheng smiled, put his hands together on his chest, and said:

"As expected of the big brother I like, you have already found it. Yes, I am here to monitor you. I found a big wave of collapse, and then rushed over and found that you are actually a terrible candidate for the devil. It just didn't show your own power, which made me think that you probably haven't awakened, so you prepared to lurch beside you on your own initiative. And your sister Kasuga rain, who went out to play, was involved in the power of the collapse. I finally disappeared, and I borrowed this identity to approach you. It's just that my life is holy and I don't want to change my name, so I asked you to call me the holy spring. But I didn't expect that I thought I could lie to you longer. , but it was dismantled so quickly." Xiaosheng came out completely.

"Okay, then explain to me what's going on in this world! I'm very interested in what's going on here!"

Seeing Xiaosheng explaining the reason, Ye Shenyue took a deep breath and said that she came to this world for this very thing.And I was going to start with Xiaosheng, but I didn't expect it took a week to get to this point.

"Sure enough, having a cute girl around to take care of you will indeed delay a lot of things!"

Ye Yueshen thought silently.

"You caused it all, it's that simple!"

Kasuga Sheng stroked his hair, looked at Ye Yueshen seriously and said.

Chapter [-] Reappearance of the collapse

"I caused it?"

Yeyueshen looked at Haruhi with a look of injustice, how bitter the expression on his face was:

"How could it be caused by me? I don't know anything!"

"Yeah, it's because you don't know anything, so all this is caused by you!"

Kasuga-san nodded and said:

"Because of your existence, the sparsely distributed demon king elements began to gather in your heart, and because you are an otaku and always have a cat at home, our investigative agency can't find you such a character with a demon king factor in time, When the demon king factor in you reaches a certain level and begins to affect the world around you, we will find out that it is too late!"

As Haruhi Sage spoke, he shrugged helplessly with a look of pity on his face.

"You? Are you still organized?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the cute girl in front of her curiously. She looked like she was about twelve or thirteen years old. How could she be organized?Is it the same as Louise?Are you a student?

"Of course!"

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