"Riko, what are you going to do?"

Aria was already walking ahead angrily, and Yagami turned her head and said softly to Riko, who had stopped in her footsteps.

"When you get to the playground, you'll find out."

Riko, who was standing still, made a "yeah" gesture to Yagami.This gesture is invisible to Aria. If she does see it, Aria will definitely continue to quarrel.

Could it be that Robin and Holmes have to keep fighting?

Yagami shook her head and dragged Aria to the playground after a while.

Although Aria is 15 years old, her little hands and body are still so small, holding her Yagami Yue feels like holding a little loli.

The soul of lolicon is resurrected.

"I mustn't understand anything about Riko! She must be a guy who eats people and doesn't spit out bones...very bad!...Uuuu...yummy..."

Aria said solemnly while eating peach mantou, "Mom hates people with flowers and hearts the most!"

In fact, you are the person who hates flowers the most, right?

Ye Shenyue secretly slandered, Kanzaki Kanae had long known that he and Kana had an affair, and the authentic wife didn't care. Isn't this daughter meddling?

It's just that now is definitely not the time to declare that he has long been a promiscuous family.

Ye Shenyue drank Coke and looked at the crowd in front.

This is an amusement park, but it is a paradise for couples, and you can see all kinds of intimate actions of couples everywhere.

"That... Aria... what do you think about love?"

Yagami put the cola on the chair and said to Aria that she had eaten seven peach buns. Yagami glanced at Aria's lower abdomen, but there was no sign of bulging.

Do the Arians have a big appetite?

It's just that what should be a big place... why is she so small?

"Love...Love...Love is something like that...I'm not interested...I'm not interested now...I won't be interested in the future!"

A peach bun had not been completely bitten off, and Aria immediately put away the bun.

"And... you are not allowed to be interested! You have to be worthy of your mother!"

Aria stared straight at Yagami.

At the same time, he picked up the Coke at hand and drank it.

"That... Aria, although you are not interested in love, but now I have to say... Now you are drinking my Coke..."

Yagami ignored Aria's last words and said while holding back a smile.

Aria is really cute, when she's nervous and relaxed, she doesn't pay attention to anything.

Before the bullet he threw, Aria didn't notice because he was too nervous, but now, he was relaxed because of his favorite Momomanju, so he took the wrong cup.

"What... what..."

Aria was stunned, her body stiffened.

"Intermittently...indirect kisses and kisses!"

The petite little girl with two ponytails immediately blushed, the kind that was very red.

"You...you...the lecherous father...the lecherous father...actually...actually...the opening must be opened!"

Double gun ready.

"Even though boys don't pay much attention to fame or something, but ah... Aria... look around..."

Aria's reaction was so cute that Yagami couldn't help teasing her a few more times, and quietly pointed around.

"Around? Hmm... no road race no road race..."

The sight is deflected, and then the target is a pair of couples. It seems that indirect kissing is not enough. These couples are kissing and kissing directly!

Direct kisses, lip-to-lip kind!

Aria's face turned red, and then she ignored Momomanju and rushed forward.

Get out of this horrible place first.

Of course, Aria did not forget to drag Yagami to escape, if he was placed in such a terrifying environment, it would be bad for Riko to see him.

"Are you sure you want to go in here?"

Standing at the door, there were terrifying screams from time to time, and Yagami asked Aria with some hesitation.

Aria's feet were already shaking.

This is where she came to after pulling him away from the couple's gathering place.

haunted house.

"It's just... it's inside... this kind of terrifying place, there shouldn't be any couples... love... love or something... the most annoying!"

Aria said with trembling feet.

Is that true?

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