Will there be any couples in here?

Ye Shenyue smiled secretly, Aria is really simple, doesn't he know that apart from the movie theater, the most popular place for boys to take their girlfriends is the haunted house?

Because of all kinds of terrifying ghosts, the girlfriend got into their arms in a fright, and then touched a few times in the dark.

This is a veritable date spot!

Aria, you are wrong, so wrong!

Chapter 009 The Butcher Killer Riko

"Boom... boom..."

In the haunted house, the sound of thunder was imitated in order to be realistic. This is the sound of thunder that accompanies from the beginning to the end.

Stopped some girls who were afraid of thunder.

"Aria... are you really okay?"

Yagami asked with concern, but he knew that Aria had the property of being afraid of thunder.

In a place like this where thunder is everywhere, it's Aria's nemesis!

"No...of course...of course no problem..."

Aria's voice was visibly breathless and choppy.

"When you say something like this, can you let go of my lap first?"

Ye Shenyue just wanted to cover her forehead. On the one hand, the ponytail loli was stubborn, but this action still exposed her own attributes.

Just two steps in, Aria immediately hugged his leg like a kitten and refused to move again.

This is because of the fear of thunder!


Aria didn't let go.If she really let go, I really don't know what to do, thunder or something... It's really terrible.

Even in Europe, she never picked thundery weather for her missions.

"But you're holding my leg now, and I can't move... No 06 is like this, I'm holding your hand, and I promise not to let go."

Yagami stubbornly pulled out Aria, who was hugging his leg.

Aria was hugged so tightly that the leg that was being hugged couldn't move at all.

Pressing Aria's small shoulders, Yagami finally spoke with the majesty of her father.

"You promise? You promise absolutely...never let go..."

Aria still wanted to continue to hug her thighs with both hands, but Yagami had completely controlled her, and her hands were completely out of reach.

"Well...if there is nothing special..."

Ye Shenyue finally put Aria down, and just held her head with one hand, so that she could not continue to run over and hug her thighs.

"Run... hurry up!"

At this moment, the couples who had entered earlier and the couples behind Ye Shenyue all ran in the direction of the entrance where they entered at the beginning.

From time to time, a few people fell, but everyone was still strong enough to run out.

"what's going on?"

Although not very willing, Aria, who was still holding Yagami's hand, frowned slightly.The blood seemed to be boiling.


The thunder continued to sound, and Aria, who had finally become normal, almost fell to the ground again.

The image of S-rank Butei has been destroyed again.

"This haunted house has already been bombed by me. If you want to rescue more hostages, the but detectives in the haunted house please go to the tower, otherwise I will press the bomb control button immediately!"

At this moment, such a terrible voice came from the radio.

"Butcher's Killer!"

Aria suddenly stood up, and the thunder continued, but it seemed that the effect was no longer obvious.

Sure enough, mother is more important than thunder.

Aria is a good daughter.

Yagami looked at Aria who finally stood up bravely with satisfaction.

"It's very possible... Let's go to the tower first!"

Yagami Yue nodded and wanted to leave after pulling Aria, but she couldn't pull it.

"The legs...the legs are weak..."

With a blushing face and shame, Kanzaki-san felt ashamed like never before.


Take back the words you just praised her.

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