Yagami picked up Aria, and Aria, who was afraid of thunder, was helpless.

The height of the iron tower in the playground is not very high, but jumping from it without any defense will definitely kill it.

When Yagami came to the top floor of the tower with Aria with her weak legs, she saw only one figure.

Relying on the railing, his eyes fell on all sides.

Looking at the scenery.

Blonde hair, double ponytail, lovely figure.


This is Riko-chan who gave the ticket to Yagami before and was completely torn up by Aria in anger!

"Haha... The way Aria was afraid of thunder just now... I saw it completely~ What a child... To be so afraid of thunder... Is this also Sherlock Holmes?"

Hearing the sound, Riko turned around, still holding onto the railing with one hand and said with a smile.


Aria had already jumped out of Yagami's arms when she reached the top of the tower. According to her, she couldn't be embarrassed in front of Butei killer.

Only now, it seems that the Butei killer has seen her embarrassing appearance.

Aria looked at the girl who was smiling softly in front of her, her eyes widened. Could it be that... Riko is the Butei killer?

"That's right... it's Riko... Aria, you're finally here!"

"It's actually you... You're the butcher's murderer whose mother is going to be sentenced, right! It doesn't matter if it's you... I'm going to arrest you!"

Aria suddenly became brave, and while speaking, he picked up the pistol and fired more than a dozen shots when the words completely fell.

The woman's words are unbelievable.

Yagami walked aside to watch the battle between Riko and Aria.

"Then... let's see... Sherlock Holmes!"

Aria was shooting from a long distance and couldn't hit Riko at all, and Riko was wearing bulletproof suits and bullets that didn't work at all.


Aria paused in surprise, in fact, because the long-range shooting was useless and the bullets were not wasted.

"Riko's name is Riko Peak Robin IV, yes, it's Robin IV, at home everyone only calls Riko IV IV, Lord IV! Even the servants are like this, it's really... It's too much! It's obvious that Riko has the nice name of Riko that her mother took! Is it just DNA? Is it just a number?"

Riko looked a little hysterical, but rushed to Aria's side in an instant.

"But as long as you beat Sherlock Holmes, who was once tied with your great-grandfather, then Riko is Riko! Come on, Aria, as long as you beat me, I'll help your mother testify against her framed Butei killer. offense!"

Like Aria, Riko hid the pistol on her thigh, but with a flick of her hands, she immediately took out both pistols and fired directly at Aria.

Double guns at close range are useless even in bulletproof suits, and there will still be pain.

Aria was hit in the stomach.

The body immediately rolled to the ground.

"it hurts!"

Aria screamed but stood up strong, "Riko, don't forget your promise... as long as you defeat you... as long as you defeat you..."

Aria shot at Riko again, and the bullets flew out one after another, while Riko was dodging quickly, her speed was very fast, and it was like dancing among the bullets.

The skirt is very wide and looks very beautiful.

However, when the last bullet flashed past, Riko could no longer move.

Because at this time, Aria had already drawn out a pair of knives and aimed it at her slender and beautiful neck.

"So that's how it turns out... It turns out that 647 shot bullets on purpose, then calculated the direction I would dodge, and finally took out two knives to ambush here. It's really a good strategy..."

Riko-chan didn't move.

"Even if it's seen through, it's fine... Hmph, Riko is the one who won now. As promised, you're going to testify for mom in court... What..."

Aria wanted to continue talking, but at this moment she was slashed in the hand.The gun in his hand fell to the ground.

"As long as you win, Riko will of course agree to you, but now... Riko hasn't lost yet~~ Riko is actually very similar to Aria, with a cute appearance, a legendary background, two guns and two swords. It's just Riko... ...Riko's sword is not a real guy~~" The long golden hair fluttered, and Riko just controlled the long hair to simulate a long sword and slashed Aria.

"Super... super power!"

Unwilling, Aria looked at Riko's long hair that seemed to have vitality.

"Yeah... it's just that this power is not from Riko, but obtained by Riko... I got it from Iyu~~" Riko held the pistol again, pointed at Aria's stomach, and shot hard. .


Two beeps, one is being hit, and the other is falling to the ground.

Aria lost, lost.

Double grab, double knife, double ponytail.

Riko and Aria are amazingly similar.

But one thing will never be the same.

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