"Riko...come here first, halftime."

Yagami, who was just standing aside as if watching a fight between children, stretched out her hand and stopped Riko from continuing.

Aria is his daughter.

This is something that Riko will never be able to match.

Chapter 010 Sherlock Holmes vs Robin

Does he really have to do this?

Holding Aria, who had fallen down from the gunshot wound and blow, from Riko, and leaning Aria with her back against the wall, Yagami started pulling Aria's ribbon.

This is a girl's school uniform used to tie the chest to avoid walking ~ light and beautiful...

It's just that he has a water demon, and Jing Shui once said that it is better not to be small.

This is the most proud declaration of a very special little girl.

Aria should not be regarded as... not at all.

Just unbuttoning Aria's school uniform little by little, Yagami couldn't help being excited.

As a lolicon, isn't the most exciting time to fade away the little loli now?

Although Aria's body is very cute and her skin is delicate and white, but now is not the time to appreciate it, Yagami hurriedly took out a needle from her pocket. The syringe was filled with adrenaline, a potion that stimulated people's excitement all at once. .

Although Aria is wearing a bulletproof school uniform, she was defeated by Riko at close range just now, and she was hit by bullets. In addition, Riko also used her super power to create a double sword and slashed her, so that led to Aria. Ria's coma.

Guangdu can heal wounds, but the real awakening depends on Aria herself.

The injury has been cured, and now she is about to wake up.

Aria, who just closed her eyes, looked very cute, just like Sleeping Beauty, without the usual roughness and arrogance.

Yashenyue's hand was placed on the girl's clean side face and swayed. Aria is indeed a good loli, and her skin is very delicate. Yashenyue's hand slowly moved down and touched gently. The corners of the girl's mouth.

Aria didn't use lipstick, but the irresistible luster on her lips still attracted Yagami.

It's okay to kiss.

Aria hadn't woken up yet anyway.

After making up her mind secretly, Yagami held Aria and slowly brought her mouth up.

It wasn't the first kiss anyway, but for some reason, Ye Shenyue was excited.

There is a feeling of taboo that scratches the heart and lungs.

However, God seemed to want to correct him from the evil path. At this moment, the eyes that were still tightly closed first trembled slightly, and then gradually opened.

Then fully open.

A magnified face.

The face was still so familiar.

The daughter's face turned red.

Ye Shenyue also suddenly stiffened.It was a bit embarrassing to be caught stealing a relative.

"You must have wanted to kiss me just now... right... You must have wanted to kiss me..."

"You lecherous father! Pervert, scum!"

Aria blushed and struggled, struggling, and then she saw her chest.

The ribbon was undone and the button was unbuttoned.

"You really are a pervert... Do you want to humiliate me too? Why do you like to watch such poor breasts so much, just because they are poor? Just because you don't have any? You guy..."

"Sexy... perverted... scum..."

Aria has become incoherent.

Is it stimulated or the effect of the medicine just now is too sufficient.


Ye Shenyue held down the petite twin tails and kissed her directly without giving her a chance to resist.

"This... at this time, you still want to do this kind of thing..."

Aria's struggle was suddenly controlled by the touch of lips touching her lips.

Even though she said that, Aria's body softened a little.

"Be quiet a bit... Now Riko is still there, and now that you have returned to normal, as long as we cooperate with each other, there is still a good chance of defeating Riko."

Ye Shenyue has always only used this trick when it comes to making noises with girls, but this trick is really unsatisfactory.

"Riko? Riko!"

As soon as she heard the name, Aria immediately became motivated.

Finally willing to calm down and conspire with Ye Shenyue...

Riko was still standing by the railing alone, and when she heard footsteps behind her, she turned around with a chuckle.

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