Yeyueshen looked at the magic book that looked like a little sage, and laughed softly, with such a lovely young girl, Yeyueshen always felt very relaxed.

"You're going to go to that Wang Li college soon, it's normal for people to be a little reluctant!"

The magic book grabbed Ye Yueshen's arm with a twisted look on his face.

"That's not the reason!"

Ye Yueshen smiled, took out the silver card from his body, looked at the text on it, and read:

"Royal Biblia Academy, the last Mage Academy!"

Then he turned to look at the magic book and said:

"Is there something in this place that makes you unhappy?"


The magic guide shook his head slightly, looked at Ye Yueshen with a twisted face, thought about it, and said, lying on Ye Yueshen's body:

"Actually it's me. I've been pretending to be a saint. Will you be bothered?"

"how could be?"

Ye Yueshen looked at the magic book in surprise, wondering why the little girl would say such a thing.

"However, I think this will make you always think of the Holy, and look for it every day, it seems that you are always looking for the Holy!"

The magic guide lowered his head and said, his little face began to turn red for some unknown reason, causing Ye Yueshen to think about it.

"Actually, I am exploring all aspects of this world to see why there is a collapse!"

Ye Yueshen explained in his heart, but said with a smirk on his face:

"Do you think I ignored you? Because although you look exactly like a saint, you are not a saint?"

"Uh, yes! You are so smart!"

The magic book nodded lightly, the blue hair hanging down to the ears, under the breeze, it looked extraordinarily pure!

"Then do you have another image?"

Night Moon God asked:

"Didn't you say that you are a reflection of a saint? I thought you had always been a saint!"


The magic book hurriedly shook his head and said:

"Actually, I'm not in this physical image, but at that time the saint needed to watch you [-] hours a day, but he couldn't support it, so we could only exchange the two of us. There must be someone to guard you, you are not Do you find that the Saint is always behind you? That's me!"

"I see!"

Ye Yueshen nodded with a smile on his face, and said to the magic book:

"Then let me see what you look like! It must be a little girl like a kitten!"

Chapter [-] Royal Bibria College

"That's natural!"

The magic book smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to wrap around his body, followed closely, and a multicolored light appeared all over his body. Following that, the magic book in Yeyueshen's hand also began to be restless. shaking hands!

"Please release the magic book, Master!"

The magic book laughed loudly, and Ye Yueshen let go after hearing this, and the magic book in his hand flew into the sky, and immediately merged with the entity of the magic book, followed by, in front of Ye Yueshen. Then, the light that covered the sun and the moon appeared, and then, Yeyueshen blinked, filtering out the light in front of him, and then Yeyueshen saw a scene that he would never forget!

A girl with long black hair, in this beautiful light, showed off her beautiful skin little by little. At the edges of these skins, a layer of black tulle began to appear, followed by firm leather boots. , black stockings, big bow headband, black hair also began to slowly turn white, flashing gray-green light, at the same time on the beautiful body, a strapless black gauze appeared, with gold black details attached to the bottom. See the checkered skirt, under the checkered skirt, a white petal-shaped skirt soon appeared, and a layer of black skirt also appeared under the skirt.

The whole person has completed the makeup like this, the long hair is enough to hang down to the knees, and the little girl's body looks a little more slender than the previous saint!

"I'm pretty!"

The voice of the magic book was sweet and said with a smile to Ye Yueshen.

"When, of course!"

Yeyueshen nodded very hard and agreed, he would not tell the magic book, he was able to filter out the blinding light just now.

"Then what should my name be?"

The magic book suddenly lay on Yeyueshen's body, and between the bare shoulders, Yeyueshen's breathing became much heavier.

"Uh, call it, call it empty!"

Night Moon God nodded and said.

"Empty? What does it mean?"

The magic book straightened its neck and looked at Ye Yueshen curiously. When Ye Yueshen spoke, the heavy end sound made the magic book feel strange for a while.

"Empty spirit!"

Ye Yueshen smiled and told about his impression of Kong. The little girl accepted the good name very happily. Soon, the two fell asleep together. The next morning, Ye Yueshen took Kong. On the way, soon, the two came to the legendary Royal Bibria Academy.

Looking at the tall, Gothic-style building, Ye Luna, who came for the first time, also felt a touch of sacredness. In another world, the Notre Dame de Paris built by people there also made Ye Luna come into being. experienced the same divine feeling.

The sensible Xiaokong obediently hid in the magic book after seeing this huge building. In Xiaokong's words, if Yeyueshen brought this humanoid magic book when he first came, It's sure to catch a lot of people's attention!

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