Although the building is very huge, Yeyueshen found that there was no one at the door. Thinking about it, it is true that there is no need for anyone to guard the place where the elite of magicians gather!

"Boom boom boom!"

The front of the mountain knocked on the door a few times, and Ye Yueshen heard a burst of unhurried footsteps right after him!


Yeyueshen couldn't help thinking that soon, the footsteps stopped, and the huge door in front of Yeyueshen was opened. Yeyueshen saw that it was a red-haired girl with a student hat and a tight-fitting school uniform. .

"It's coming so soon? Night Moon God?"

The girl looked at Ye Yueshen and said naturally.

"It turned out to be Lilith, I wouldn't recognize it without wearing that horrible dress!"

Ye Yueshen heard the familiar voice, only to realize that the girl in front of him was Asami Lilith, and asked curiously:

"Why did you come back so soon?"

"If mages were as inefficient as you, this world would have ceased to exist!"

Qian Jian smiled slightly, looked at Ye Yueshen playfully and said:

"Where's your magic book?"

"I'm taking it with me!"

Ye Yueshen responded in a deep voice, looking at Lilith's well-behaved appearance in her school uniform, she couldn't help but smile and said:

"I really can't see it, the rude wizards at that time were so obedient!"

"Hehe, it's the same as before, glib!"

Seeing Lilith's eyes, she smiled and said:

"come in."

"Speaking of which, this place is so remote!"

Yeyueshen took a few steps forward, entered the gate, raised his eyes and looked around, everything here was unfamiliar to Yeyueshen, and Yeyueshen's eyes became curious!

"is it?"

Asami Lilith smiled and said:

"It's a place to study anyway, and it's always good to be remote."

"Yeah, it's better than having a gun pointed at the head in a place full of houses!"

Yeyueshen said with a smile, the large window grilles all around made Yeyueshen look amazing at first, such an arrangement is basically undefended, and anyone can easily enter this academy through these windows!

" still can't forget it!"

Seeing Lilith squinting at Ye Luna, she asked curiously as she walked:

"By the way, how did you know I wouldn't shoot at that time? You know, the legendary mages don't have a reputation for tolerance!"

"Actually, I don't even know what you wizards do!"

Ye Yueshen replied in his heart.

"That's not easy. You are so beautiful and a girl with such a good figure, how could you shoot me?"

"is it?"

When Lilith heard the words, she stopped and looked at Yeyueshen, only to see Yeyueshen looking at him confidently, as if he could see everything about him!


Ye Yueshen nodded earnestly and said:

"I believe that beautiful girls are kind, just like Sheng, you are also kind, and you will definitely not shoot me!"

"Then you are wrong!"

Asami Lilith smiled and said:

"I can only say that your luck is good. If you meet me, if you meet other magicians, how can you let you talk?"

After speaking, Asami Lilith smiled lightly, covered her heart with her body sideways, then moved her steps and continued to lead Ye Yueshen forward, except for some blush on her cheeks, but nothing else.

Ye Yueshen smiled and followed Qian Jian's side, turned a corner, and Qian Jian said:

"Really, I didn't expect the above to agree, it's unheard of!"


Ye Yueshen looked at Qian Jian curiously, obviously not very clear about the structure of this world!

"Of course it's the leader of several united nations! We are the Wangli Academy, which was established by several major nations to train mages, understand?"

"Isn't that nice?"

Night Moon God's eyes flashed a different kind of brilliance:

"I just came to the right place!"

Chapter [-] Registration for Freshmen

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