Lilith blushed, she managed to ease her breath, and said:

"Absolutely not! This is my duty as a teacher!"

"Then don't protest!"

Erin replied lightly:

"Stand with me, stand with the future Lord Demon King, in this way, our lives will be complete!"

"Uh, he's just a demon king candidate..."

Lilith looked at Ye Luna and said:

"And now I don't know much about the devil's way, let alone the collapse of the situation, but it's just contaminated with a little devil's factor!"

"But I have Erin!"

Yeyueshen gently swept the bangs in front of her eyes and hugged the lovely Loli. Yeyueshen's body always softened slowly involuntarily. No.

"That's right, as long as Darling is willing to marry me, I can let him know about Honkai! It's much easier than going to class for you!"

"I...struggle in class...easy..."

While muttering these words silently in her heart, Teacher Lilith suddenly wanted to turn around and leave. These two guys, sticking together so quickly, came together to deal with themselves!

"By the way! Erin, how did you know that I would definitely become the Demon King?"

Ye Yueshen looked at Erin in surprise, the little girl hooked her shoulders, it felt like a bunch of flowers were placed on her chest, giving off the smell of Lu Li, so cute!


Erin said calmly:

"After my divination, I found that I was destined to be the wife of the Demon King, and you will definitely become the Demon King. I believe, so I will make a covenant with you!"


Ye Yueshen was stunned for a moment, he had never heard that being someone else's husband means making a covenant with his future wife!

"It's a marriage contract..."

Lilith stared at Erin in a stunned manner, still not letting herself be her teacher's true identity.

Chapter [-] The Kiss of the Oath

"Yes, it's a marriage contract!"

Erin hurriedly corrected herself, and then a smile appeared on her cute face, and said:

"Will you be my husband?"

When Ye Yueshen heard this, he immediately looked at Aileen with excitement. He had not yet signed a marriage contract on this planet. Now there is a girl who studies the phenomenon of collapse in front of him, hoping to be his wife. In that case , I can not only have a cute little loli, but also learn more about the things that are not broken, whether it is for the saint or the whole world, Yeyueshen thinks that this is simply too lucky, so , for the future of the entire universe, Ye Luna decided:

"I am willing!"

Ye Yueshen said happily.


With a happy smile, Kanwuyue Irene lay on Yeyueshen's chest and whispered softly.

"So reckless!"

Lilith looked at the two people in front of her with a speechless expression. A cute girl was lying on a person who looked unreliable and felt more like a wolf by herself. Lilith always felt strange!

"Yes, you can't be so rash!"

Ai Lin, who was still lying on Yeyueshen's chest just now, suddenly raised her head, looked at Yeyueshen, and said:

"We still have a ceremony!"

"I also want to ask the school's opinion, especially the opinion of me as a teacher!"

Lilith hurriedly interrupted and said!

"Eileen is sixteen years old and doesn't need the teacher's discipline!"

Erin glanced at Lilith blankly, then turned her head and grabbed Ye Luna's hand in her own.

"Are you going to let me kiss the back of your hand?"

Ye Yueshen looked at He Ai Lin curiously, thinking that he did a lot of things like this on another planet!

"No, let you put your hand on my heart, I will put my hand on your heart, and then we will make an oath!"


Ye Yueshen nodded, then impatiently put his hand on Erin's chest and said:

"What is the oath?"

"it is this!"

Erin nodded, then leaned forward, her pink lips gently pressed against Ye Luna's lips!


Ye Yueshen made this weak sound, and then followed Erin's body, fell on the bed next to him, closed his eyes, Ye Yueshen gently felt the fragrance of a girl, where is this world with a full mouth? , This is clear and pleasant to breathe, as well as exciting soft waxy!

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