"You...you two...really...really... too much! Too much!"

Teacher Lilith widened her eyes and looked at the scene in front of her with horror. Got a double bed!


Yeyueshen sighed softly, the kiss just now made Yeyueshen almost unable to feel the existence of air in this world. The girl in front of her smiling body has such violent energy, it is really not to be underestimated!

"The oath is over!"

Ai Lin looked at Ye Yueshen's eyes gently, and looked at it with some pity, as if she saw the sustenance of her life, that look made Ye Yueshen's eyes suddenly weak:

"Don't worry, Erin, I'll be your old-fashioned, steadfast husband!"

Ye Yueshen gently held Erin's hand on his chest and said affectionately.

"Cough cough!"

Lilith coughed and rinsed softly, took a deep breath, and calmed down the nameless fire that came out of nowhere in her body. Before, Lilith had left the room with her face covered, but she didn't know that today. Why, Lilith just watched the two of them helplessly, lying on the sheets gently, and performing in front of her a kiss of vows that was rarely seen in a hundred years.

Only then did Ye Luna notice Lilith's existence, and while I, Irene's little hand, looked at Lilith in surprise:

"Eh? Lilith? Haven't you left yet? I thought..."

"Mr. Lilith is just curious!"

Erin took the initiative to explain!

"Yes, yes, I... I'm just curious, absolutely nothing else!"

Lilith also hurriedly waved her hand, eager to prove her innocence.

"So let's do it again!"

Erin went on to say...

Looking at Teacher Lilith who left with her face covered, she scratched her head helplessly and said:

"It seems that the teacher's ability to accept is not strong, let's continue!"

Royal Bibria Academy, teacher

In the spacious classroom, Lilith is conscientiously teaching everything about Mage, and in the audience, the cute little loli are listening carefully one by one. The whole classroom has a positive learning atmosphere, but no matter how good it is. Atmosphere, there will always be discordant times, such as now.

"Darling, can you feel the beating of my heart?"

Although Erin's voice was small, it was particularly abrupt in the relatively quiet classroom.

"Uh, the beating is very steady!"

Ye Yueshen answered slightly embarrassedly, not forgetting to look at the unfamiliar students around him.

"But your heart is beating fast!"

Erin replied:

"This will reduce your lifespan, you know? In this world, the heartbeat of every creature can only last one billion times. The faster the heartbeat, the more energy it consumes, and the sooner the heart failure will come!"

"It makes sense!"

Ye Yueshen replied softly, looked around, and continued to lower his voice:

"But we've been like this since yesterday, and until now, isn't it a bit too much?"

"Uh, is it?"

Erin replied curiously, and then followed Ye Yueshen's eyes to look around. At this time, the students were not as serious as they were at the beginning. Although Lilith was still writing on the blackboard seriously on the podium, the students below all agreed. I looked back and looked at the couple who didn't know how they were together!


Ye Yueshen nodded embarrassedly, the students around him began to put aside their curious eyes, and discussed their views on this matter with the classmates around him. The quiet classroom at the beginning was silently destroyed. !

"Don't Darling like this?"

Aileen looked at Ye Yueshen lightly, and the reactions of the people around her seemed to not exist in the eyes of this dumb little loli!

"It's not that I don't like it!"

Night Moon God whispered:

"Mainly, I'm actually more interested in the collapse phenomenon!"

"I understand!"

Erin nodded lightly, then stretched out her hand, with an unusually firm look in her eyes.

Chapter [-] Theme!

"Crash phenomenon?"

Aileen stared blankly at Ye Yueshen's eyes and said softly.

"Uh, yes!"

Yeyueshen nodded. Regarding the collapse, Yeyueshen has countless reasons to be curious, whether it is to save the saint in the cracks in time and space, or to eliminate the collapse of this planet, so as to save the world, or to save the world. For the tranquility of the entire universe, it is necessary for Yeyueshen to maintain a huge curiosity about the collapse and absorption.


Erin nodded and slowly stood up from her seat.

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