"Eileen, what are you doing?"

Lilith's voice came. Lilith, who had just finished writing on the blackboard, was about to calm down the class discipline that had just been chaotic when she saw Erin standing up.

"Meet all Darling's requirements!"

Is Erin gently leaving the EU, looking at Lilith and said.

"Um, what's the request?"

Lilith, you asked curiously, but her brows were still wrinkled. With her understanding of Ye Yueshen as a human being, what Ye Yueshen could ask for might not be much better.

"Crash phenomenon!"

Erin nodded lightly, then turned her head and looked at Ye Yueshen:

"Darling, don't you want to see the collapse phenomenon? Come, stretch out your hand!"

"Uh, now?"

Yeyueshen looked at Erin with some worry. Although Erin seemed to know Honkai very well, Yeyueshen was still worried. After all, Honkai once took away Yeyueshen's best memories in this world.


Lilith shouted loudly:

"This will make those students with insufficient magic power disappear!"

"rest assured!"

Eileen nodded lightly, then stretched out her hand very quickly, aligning her palm with Ye Yueshen's palm, the originally transparent ring in Erin's hand suddenly flashed a dark blue light, followed closely by the palm of Ye Yueshen's hand. After completely fitting the palm of Erin's hand, the ring on that finger's forehead suddenly burst out with a burst of intense blue light.

From the ring, a whirlwind blew out, driving everything around, even Lilith's hair began to flutter randomly, and the entire classroom was suddenly enveloped by a dark red mist. There was an exclamation.

"Ah! What the hell is going on here!"

Ye Yueshen covered his eyes with his left hand. The blazing light made Ye Yueshen's eyes feel sore from the very beginning. No matter how the wind around him shaved his hair, Ye Yueshen was always there. Use your own ears to observe the surrounding situation in detail.

"Could this be the terrifying collapse caused by the Demon King factor in my body?"

Yeyueshen kept asking himself in his heart, all this was too surprising, Yeyueshen had to be careful to come to the conclusion that this world is on the verge of collapse, Yeyueshen must hurry up to save it, any small judgment Mistakes will make Ye Yueshen's investigation go astray, thus delaying Ye Yueshen's precious time!


Lilith also blocked the blazing light from the ring with her hands. No matter what, Lilith always knew about the collapse, so she hurriedly said:

"Eileen, can you stop!"

"I'm sorry! I'm going to complete the whole Honkai for the Darling show!"

After speaking, Erin put her left hand in front of her, and said something in her mouth:

"Connect with the Furious Bookstore and execute the theme!"

The words should just fall, and the ring that was quietly put on Erin's hand just now suddenly flashed countless blue bands of light on Erin's ring finger. A complicated circular pattern also appeared under Erin's feet!

At the moment when the circular pattern appeared, Erin was surrounded by the violent wind that appeared out of nowhere. Following that, Erin, who was calm in the gust of wind, opened her mouth gently, not knowing what to say. something.Then, the originally violent wind became a lot gentler, and the complex circular pattern under Erin's feet disappeared at some point, and Erin's body slowly lifted up under the effect of the gust of wind, tightening her grip. Then, a lavender, very luxurious bottom cardigan appeared on Erin's body.

The strong wind was still wrapping Erin, and Erin in the storm seemed to be unaware. She stretched out her left hand and gently tapped the ground twice. A large number of ribbons of light appeared from the palm of her hand. .

Erin turned her left hand over, a flash of light flashed, and a beautifully bound cardboard book appeared in Erin's palm.

At this time, Lilith had been avoiding the strong light and strong wind, and Lilith also tried her best to open her eyes. Under the bright light, Lilith's eyes could not help but widen, and an unprecedented dull expression appeared on her face. superior!

"Raging library?"

Lilith's voice carried a huge shock:

"Eileen has entered mage form!"

As soon as Lilith's voice fell, Erin's left hand holding the magic book became restless. The same transparent ring on it also began to emit two dark blue circles around it, but the circle of light reached the magic book in Erin's hand. After that, the originally bright light was suddenly absorbed, and the classroom, which had been shrouded in strong light for a long time, suddenly returned to its original state!

"My theme is RUIN, destruction!"

Eileen looked at Ye Yueshen's eyes lightly and said:

"so you see"

Saying that, Ye Yueshen suddenly felt a numbness in his palms, followed by a feeling of restraining the bone marrow. The moment this feeling appeared, Ye Yueshen felt that the bone marrow in his body seemed to have grown countless numbers. Like a barb, it was stabbed into the flesh of Ye Yueshen!

"Uh, what's going on?"

Ye Yueshen resisted the pain and asked.The sweat on his head and the twitching of the corners of his mouth were all telling Erin about the pain that Ye Yueshen was suffering at this time!

"Your willpower is like steel!"

Erin said softly:

"I broke the magic book bondage that restricts your magic!"

While speaking, the magic book suddenly flashed out of Ye Yueshen's chest, and the iron chain bound to the magic book also seemed a little dim at this time. Ye Yueshen reached out and put the magic book in his hand, followed by , A strong sense of anesthesia hit, and when Ye Yueshen looked at the magic book in his hand, he couldn't help but find that his magic book had begun to flash one after another terrifying little lightning!

"Do you want his magic to run wild here?"

Lilith stepped down from the podium with a look of horror and came to Erin, her angry tone was very rare.

Chapter [-] Gritting and Persevering

"If you do this, this academy!"

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