Lilith looked at Ye Luna in horror, the magic book in her hand was struggling painfully under the siege of small lightning, and there was a possibility of losing its restraint at any time!

"Yes, it will be surrounded by the collapse phenomenon!"

Aileen looked at Ye Yueshen lightly, as if she didn't care about it.

"Crash phenomenon?"

Yeyueshen firmly held the magic book in his hand, and the magic book flashing with purple lightning repeatedly showed signs of being about to collapse, and Yeyueshen wanted to try his best to control it, but helplessly, the power in his hand was leaking more and more. , From the book of Yeyueshen, and the handbook of Astilu in hand, at this time, it has long been impossible to limit the power of the demon king of Yeyueshen. Those terrifying powers of demon kings began to leak out without any accident!

As the power of the demon king in Yeyueshen's body leaked, everything around began to show different reactions. In the corridors and classrooms, those frightened eyes disappeared one by one in front of Yeyueshen, and on the ceiling, On the ground, on the tables and chairs, those shallow wallpapers and papers are like broken leaves that have been sharpened for a long time. They are broken when touched, and one by one shows a state of rapid exhaustion!

Like the spread of the epidemic, these originally fragile buildings, under the raging power of the demon king, broke out at a terrifying speed of exhaustion, and those students who were originally lacking in magic power disappeared without a trace. Like the holy one!

"All matter is transforming into particles, and so on!"

Lilith looked at the changes around her, clenched her fists, hoped that she would calm down, turned around hard, and said to Erin:

"It's too dangerous to go on like this! Erin!"

"That's right!"

Erin, dressed in the clothes of a magician, thought about it and said:

"But this is my theme - destruction, the closest existence! No matter how far you deviate from the human track, you have to study the theme, and that's called a mage! Isn't it? Teacher?"

After Lilith listened, she was dumbfounded for a while, and then said:

"That said, but, you can't destroy the academy!"

"But I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

Erin said silently, and at the same time, on the other side of the academy, Kazama Lei Min was looking at him from the window!The sun at dusk was originally iron red, but now it glows purple, and at the same time, people see a huge black hole in the sky.

A look of horror inevitably appeared on Lei Min's face, but Serena's voice came from behind:

"Lei Min, what the hell is going on?"

"Crash phenomenon occurred!"

Fengjian Lei Min turned around, pointed to the window and said:

"Look outside!"

Serena was already, and immediately moved to the window, looked up, only to see the sky at dusk, and a black sun appeared!

"Black Sun!"

Serena's mouth was so wide that it could almost hold an egg!

Just when the survivors were curious about these terrifying phenomena, in the classroom, Yeyueshen struggled to stand up straight. Looking at Erin's calm expression, Yeyueshen could only shake his head and sigh:

"Is this the essence of a mage?"


Erin continued to speak to Ye Luna in her extremely calm tone:

"My theme is the collapse phenomenon. Now, the collapse phenomenon is happening in front of me, and it can be observed from the beginning. I naturally want to get the final result after the collapse phenomenon occurs!"

"Okay! It seems that I don't have to suppress these powers!"

Ye Yueshen's tone also became firm, and the hand that was still trying to hold the magic book just now, hoping to control the power, suddenly loosened:

"Lilith, don't ask, I also want to study the collapse phenomenon and find a way to eliminate it. It's useless to object now. It's better to observe carefully. Maybe these terrible collapses can be fundamentally solved!"

"But! But you have the element of a demon king in you!"

Lilith looked at Ye Yueshen with a terrified face, put her hands on her lips with excitement, and looked at everything in front of her in horror!

"I'll take it!"

Ye Yueshen responded indifferently. As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Yueshen suddenly felt as if someone had slashed his chest with an axe. There was severe pain in his chest, and after that, Ye Yueshen had to use his hands. Supporting the ground, we are helplessly waiting for the result of the power runaway!


Time did not allow Yeyueshen to react. Just when Yeyueshen wanted to stand up, two terrifying black lights suddenly shot out from Yeyueshen's back. Immediately, Yeyueshen struggled in pain, followed by He bowed his head sullenly, and after the black light on his back spewed out, behind it came the dark flakes, these terrifying flakes wrapped together, slowly, in the night. Behind the Moon God, a huge black wing-shaped thing formed!

"Is this the lurking Demon King factor?"

Ye Yueshen tried his best to twist his head Queen, only to see these flakes, spinning frantically in the air, forming wings!

Ye Yueshen closed his eyes in pain, but at this moment, the wings behind him flickered twice, and he held Ye Yueshen's body in the air at once!

"Night Moon God!"

Lilith excitedly shouted the name of Night Moon God!In the past few days, Lilith, who had already held a prejudice, discovered that the man in front of her was actually so strong!

"The power of the Demon King candidate, I didn't expect it to be so powerful!"

Eileen looked at Ye Yueshen's back and said with a little panic:

"Darling, are you alright!"

"Uh, I... I'm fine!"

Ye Yueshen gritted his teeth and responded.At this time, Yeyueshen kept thinking in his heart that he wanted to hold on by himself, not only to control the power of the demon king in his body, but more importantly, Yeyueshen knew that once he really couldn't hold on anymore , the power that you put in the enchantment will return. In that case, even if you are saved, the current planet will definitely be destroyed by your own violent power. These poor people will all become the universe. dust?

"If it goes on like this, the whole academy, no, if it goes wrong, the whole world will be involved!"

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